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Remote Viewing Roulette Numbers

Started by nowun, Jun 03, 09:37 PM 2015

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Try sensing the approximate location of the dolly afterthe spin. In such a case i dont think ot matters if its rng or not, but in part i believe you can influence results too. Needs lots of work to be viable.
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Quote from: RayManZ on Jun 27, 08:58 AM 2018
I'm using neighbours with my bets. I noticed alot of time a was just 1 or 2 numbers off on the wheel. So i started of with 3 numbers on each side. A 7 number bet.

Now i'm at 1 number on each side. So a 3 number bet. I keep improving.

I never used to roulette table to place my bet. I always studied the wheel. So maybe that is why neighbours may work far better for me then finals.

I still play online session daily with a 75 unit bankroll. I bet a number for max. 5 times. So i can predict 5 numbers in total before i lose the 75 units. As soon as i'm in profit i quit. Most of the time i only play a couple of spins. Today i hit on the first spin.

Are you saying that you bet 3 numbers (that is 3 consecutive numbers) strictly as per their wheel positions? In other words, for you, the table layout is not relevant?


Quote from: ati on Jun 28, 06:09 AM 2018
I haven't tried that yet. I don't want to give up on seeing the numbers yet, as I have just started. I prefer the visualization technique, because it is working for many people, it is a great sensation to see numbers, and seeing is believing :) I cannot expect to win too much after only 2 and a half months. I usually spend minutes focusing before I place a bet, so every session takes a long time.
Anyway, my single number practice results are quite mixed. I have had zero hits in the last 70 spins, but I'm still up overall. I bet one number for 4-5 spins, I quit the session on a win or at a 35 units loss. I couldn't prove anyone that my results are not random until I get a lot better.

I haven't been playing with zener cards lately. I spend my time with roulette now. Also, I have less free time while the football world cup is going on. I played one session this morning and scored 7/25. Could have been better, but I missed 12 in a row. My overall hit rate currently stands at 5.28/25.

That's great, good to see you practising visualisation. Keep up the faith, you can do it. I know it gets difficult sometimes, it can seem that the whole world is against this new understanding of reality, but we precogers are 100% correct, and we have evidence.

Everyone laughed at those who believed the earth of round. I say let them deny and laugh at us, reality is on our side.

When I DO NOT practice my method I get chance probability.

When I practice the method I've learnt I get ABOVE chance. It is no longer a dream for me. It's my reality.

The only way I can provide evidence I am not bullshiting anyone on this forum is through MPR game and I have demonstrated that, on 3 separate accounts.

I am not the first to do this and I definitely will not be the last. Anyone can learn and do this, there is nothing special about me.

I am saying all this to say please do not give up the faith and be patient. I know how it feels to practice this for hours, days, weeks and months and wonder if it is all a waste of time and have doubts if you are making progress. But believe me, you are making progress.

Visualise positivity.
Positive thinking. 

I believe telekinesis and precognition have a lot of similarities, both have been claimed to be impossible by the flat eathers (science zombies). Here are some inspirational guys to check out regarding telekinesis (you can see how their skills have improved) .

link:s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCAka2iKlAAqWzUbEEnrXlVg/videos (one of trebor seven's students)

There is also a guy called Edd Edwards, ( link:s://:.youtube.com/user/MrEddEdwards/videos ) he is amazing. Some skeptics (science zombies) would say he is crazy. But the scientists studying him and his patients know his powers are real.

I know you like to read. Have you read 'how did you know' by kenny thompson aka spin-geek? or 
ESP Induction through forms of self-hypnosis by Richard Alan Miller ?

This is the famous video of kenny demonstrating this skill. Even though he didn't get it right 100% of the time, he is still managed to beat the odds, and that is the goal.


Quote from: RayManZ on Jun 27, 08:58 AM 2018I'm using neighbours with my bets.
Now that I have just finished a session, I realized why neighbor bets could actually make sense. It's possible that during visualization, we see the actual numbers that are going to appear on the screen. For example, during my focus I kept seeing 26, then it suddenly changed to 32, then back to 26. If you look at the European wheel, 26 and 32 are almost next to each other, there is only the zero between them, so I always see them together on the screen. I felt 26 was stronger and didn't bet on 32, but 32 came the next spin so I lost. I noticed this with other numbers as well.
My problem is that during focus I usually see 4-5 different numbers, continuously changing and morphing and it won't settle on any of them. So I choose one that looks the strongest, and I often choose the one that will not hit. Or my chosen number will be a neighbor.
This session was good, I had 2 hits in 47 spins, winning 25 units.

Quote from: precogmiles on Jun 28, 05:31 PM 2018I know you like to read. Have you read 'how did you know' by kenny thompson aka spin-geek? or
ESP Induction through forms of self-hypnosis by Richard Alan Miller ?
Yes, I read Kenny's book, and sometimes I check his posts on various facebook pages. I haven't read the other one.
No doubt, Kenny has great powers, there is even a video of him moving casino chips from like a meter distance, but he's a weirdo. And he's a big believer in Ramtha. I read the "Beginner's guide to create reality" book, and while there are a few good chapters in it, the rest of it is total bullshit in my opinion. I don't believe at all that this so called Ramtha reincarnated in to J. Z. Knight's body, she is just a clever business woman who made up this story, and started speaking with a fake accent. On one of her CD's I listened to, she condemns women who want to have a nice youngish body, while she have obviously had a number of plastic surgeries.


Quote from: ati on Jun 28, 06:46 PM 2018Yes, I read Kenny's book, and sometimes I check his posts on various facebook pages. I haven't read the other one.
No doubt, Kenny has great powers, there is even a video of him moving casino chips from like a meter distance, but he's a weirdo. And he's a big believer in Ramtha. I read the "Beginner's guide to create reality" book, and while there are a few good chapters in it, the rest of it is total bullshit in my opinion. I don't believe at all that this so called Ramtha reincarnated in to J. Z. Knight's body, she is just a clever business woman who made up this story, and started speaking with a fake accent. On one of her CD's I listened to, she condemns women who want to have a nice youngish body, while she have obviously had a number of plastic surgeries.

lol, yes the ramtha school is strange.


I will take up this track, because I think it's the only way to win constantly for me. Years of trials and error and nothing work constantly. Vaddi, Turbo and a few others may have the grail but their mouths are sealed so no point in looking for something that is terrible hard to find. It may take weeks or years but I think everyone can have success with remote viewing. Some pick it up faster, some later. But you gotta have patience and keep calm.

I summarized of what I read in this thread:

1. Meditation.( This can be hard to put in longer times to do it, but a must to do it regulary.)

2. Think of number 0-9 and play the finals. Maybe more specific bet on numbers 13,17,22,31 if they show up in your mind.

3. Take a cold shower before playing.(Good advice I think.)

4. Let your hair and beard grow.( Don't know if I will do this. Certainly not a beard.)

5. Open the "third eye".

6. Avoid fluoride. (Can be a bit difficult. Will have to think about it).

7. Vegeterian. (I don't think so, at least not in near future).

8. Patience. Test before real play.

9. Don't play long sessions. Results will just be worse. Maximum 20 minutes, maybe shorter. Then you done for the day.

10. Use apps to improve your remote viewing.

11. No alcohol when playing.

These are some of the things I have more or less take to take notice of. Maybe there are some others good tips to know. But then I will just add them.


Quote from: boyd30 on Jul 16, 02:23 PM 2018
These are some of the things I have more or less take to take notice of. Maybe there are some others good tips to know. But then I will just add them.

You´ve forgotten #12:
print them and throw the rules away.
There is always a game

Wally Gator

Quote from: winkel on Jul 16, 02:37 PM 2018
You´ve forgotten #12:
print them and throw the rules away.

A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~ Mark Twain


boyd30, don't take everything you read as fact, it's important to do your own research. Hair and beard has nothing to do with psychic powers, you can even shave your head.
While it's probably better to avoid alcohol, Ramtha students often drink wine while they are playing and focusing, and many of them can predict future numbers with very high accuracy. I personally stopped drinking.
I'm not sure about meat consumption and avoiding fluoride. Some people think it's important, some never mention these.
There are dozens of different ways to achieve the same or similar results. It can be yoga meditation, qi gong, the Ramtha way, the Monroe way, the Silva method, Avatar Energy Mastery. etc.

To get somewhere with this way of playing, it requires a very serious dedication, and can take a long time to see results. I've been meditating for a couple months now, nearly every day, usually both in the morning and in the evening. I can only do this, because I don't have family not even a girlfriend, so I can do anything I want with my free time. I also practice roulette, but I don't really see any results. Yeah, sometimes I win in the first few spins, then I lose the next 15-20 or more spins and I go deeply into the red. Overall I probably lose more than I win.
Now this is just my example, but it has been said that for some people it can take years to get somewhere.
Also, a session length should not be measured in minutes. Sometimes I try to focus for 15-20 minutes before I do the first spin. Iain said on the roulette warriors channel, that the most important thing is to know what the next number will be. You should not have doubts, or think that it may come, it may not. This is the key to every psychic powers, you shouldn't believe you can do it, you must know that you can do it.
This is the hardest part for me, because I'm never 100% sure that the number I see, will come next. And the more I fail, the more I doubt myself.
At the same time, ever since I managed to flash a light bulb with my own energy, I can almost always do it after meditation, because I know for a hundred percent that I can do it.


Quote from: ati on Jul 17, 02:28 AM 2018
At the same time, ever since I managed to flash a light bulb with my own energy, I can almost always do it after meditation, because I know for a hundred percent that I can do it.

Nice, that's very impressive.

Just to give you guys an update. over the past few weeks I have become convinced beyond any shadow of a doubt this phenomena is real.

I now know there are more people who can consistently get scores that are way above chance.

Just like everything else in life it requires dedication and perseverance.


I happen to believe this phenomena is real. I've experienced on many occasions of having a "hunch", but with a very high hit rate. It does get influenced by the marquee though I must admit, but still.
Don't be so naive.


Quote from: precogmiles on Jul 18, 02:38 PM 2018Nice, that's very impressive.
Thanks, although I'm very far from what Trebor can do. I somehow charge up the fluorescent bulb while holding it still, then when I touch the tube it lights up a bit for a split second. Maybe I could do better, but I never practiced energy control.

If only I would see some improvement in my precognition skills....Just finished another losing session. 30 spins, -73 units.  :-\


Quote from: ati on Jul 18, 04:22 PM 2018
Thanks, although I'm very far from what Trebor can do. I somehow charge up the fluorescent bulb while holding it still, then when I touch the tube it lights up a bit for a split second. Maybe I could do better, but I never practiced energy control.

If only I would see some improvement in my precognition skills....Just finished another losing session. 30 spins, -73 units.  :-\

Maybe you need a better strategy? Play a maximum amount of spins. With a maximum bankroll. Stop when in profit.

Keep a journal. Write down what you see so you can later analyse it. Its like learning a new language. You need to learn what you're seeing.


Quote from: boyd30 on Jul 16, 02:23 PM 2018
I will take up this track, because I think it's the only way to win constantly for me. Years of trials and error and nothing work constantly. Vaddi, Turbo and a few others may have the grail but their mouths are sealed so no point in looking for something that is terrible hard to find. It may take weeks or years but I think everyone can have success with remote viewing. Some pick it up faster, some later. But you gotta have patience and keep calm.

I summarized of what I read in this thread:

1. Meditation.( This can be hard to put in longer times to do it, but a must to do it regulary.)

2. Think of number 0-9 and play the finals. Maybe more specific bet on numbers 13,17,22,31 if they show up in your mind.

3. Take a cold shower before playing.(Good advice I think.)

4. Let your hair and beard grow.( Don't know if I will do this. Certainly not a beard.)

5. Open the "third eye".

6. Avoid fluoride. (Can be a bit difficult. Will have to think about it).

7. Vegeterian. (I don't think so, at least not in near future).

8. Patience. Test before real play.

9. Don't play long sessions. Results will just be worse. Maximum 20 minutes, maybe shorter. Then you done for the day.

10. Use apps to improve your remote viewing.

11. No alcohol when playing.

These are some of the things I have more or less take to take notice of. Maybe there are some others good tips to know. But then I will just add them.

Good list, I’ve striked through all the points I think are not important.

12. Keep practicing


Quote from: junscissorhands on Jul 18, 02:44 PM 2018
I happen to believe this phenomena is real. I've experienced on many occasions of having a "hunch", but with a very high hit rate. It does get influenced by the marquee though I must admit, but still.

There was a show a couple years ago that tried to identify how elite athletes within a sport stay in "the zone" longer than their peers on other teams. The zone being defined as their top statistical streaks within their entire high-level careers.

Why Joe Montana or Michael Jordan or Tom Brady (who each participated in the show) could stay at outlier levels of performance versus their peers, and even better than their own statistical high level averages, in the highest pressure moments when the norm is actually the opposite (falling performance as pressure intensifies). 

In the interviews with them, they each had a hard time describing "how" they were able to get into that unstoppable rhythm, and how they chased the entry triggers endlessly within games, but the few parameters they DID each identify were closely related to a lot of the suggestions in this thread actually (mental clarity slowing the game down, allowing them to "see" more of what was about to happen before it did, etc).

They may have unwittingly been able to tap into a bit of precognition without even realizing it. 
