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Roulette-focused => Main Roulette Board => Topic started by: 6th-sense on Feb 23, 10:52 AM 2013

Title: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 23, 10:52 AM 2013

123 doz and 123 sector flat bet

ok here is my take and tweak for the 123 system that seems to be forgotton on here......

it is surprising how many times it appears not just on the sectors but the dozens as well!

on its own its not really up to much but incorporate another guide as when and what to bet

and lesser numbers ie from 3 numbers to 5 then it seems to hold its own flat betting,,,,,


top row is sector results which we call   SEC
bottom row is doz results which is called DOZ

when we track both rows at same time and when both rows are simultaniously going to
make the pattern 123 in any form ie TO MAKE 3RD RESULT THE MISSING ONE.... WE BET ONLY NUMBERS

here is an example of real play ...now i,ll show the numbers above what have come out and tracking results below
no   29 10  6  6 26 21 19 21 8 21 27 24 29 0  23 28 6 10 14
sec   3  2    1  1 3  1    1  1   2  1   1  2   3  1  2   3  1  2   3

doz  3   1    1  1 3  2    2  2   1  2   3  2   3  0  2   3  1  1   2
                 l          l    l            l    l        l  w w   w  w  l   

                         7 LOSSES = 33 UNITS     4 WINS =  127 UNITS    plus  94 UNITS




BELOW ..zero is in cross section 1-1

sector numbers are

1=   0,2,4,6,13,15,17,19,21,25,27,32,34
2=   1,5,8,10,11,16,20,23,24,30,33,36
3=   3,7,9,12,14,18,22,26,28,29,31,35     

dozen and sector combination numbers

doz  sector  target numbers

1     1      0,2,4,6             
1     2      1,5,8,10,11
1     3      3,7,9,12

doz  sector  target numbers

2     1      13,15,17,19,21
2     2      16,20,23,24
2     3      3,7,9,12

doz  sector  target numbers

3     1      25,27,32,34
3     2      30,33,36
3     3      26,28,29,31,35

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: ilukan on Feb 23, 11:03 AM 2013
Very interesting....but could give us example of tracking and playing live on the table.
Tried to do it on my wheel,but it seems am always late,or didn't get the technique
to grasp it correctly.Give us example in sample of numbers how you do it on the table,
or rather how your spreadsheet would look like.
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: TwoCatSam on Feb 23, 11:22 AM 2013

Let me give you an example of how I understand it and you tell me if I'm right, please!

Sector:  3 2

Dozen:  2 3

What we need is a 1-1 as that would complete both.  Correct?

So I bet for 0,2,4.6?

So easy to bot!!


Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 23, 11:28 AM 2013
yep sam thats just an easy example ,

ignatus 123 tracker makes short work for the sectors and dozens are there to see

other examples are sectors 1 and 2 are out so we are betting for sector 3 the missing one
                      and dozens 3 and 2 are out so we are betting for dozen 1

cross reference theses 2 on number chart it gives sector 3 numbers in doz 1 to bet on

which are in this case 3,7,9,12

and i see you still have a copy of in word on your desktop of my original the bet  :)
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: TwoCatSam on Feb 23, 12:54 PM 2013
Are you speaking of the software called "Whelmov3"?
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: soggett on Feb 23, 12:56 PM 2013
quick test
80 spins
8W / 26 L
total end +146 units flatbetting, impresive, very impresive
max was +192
not bad at all  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: TwoCatSam on Feb 23, 01:00 PM 2013

Are you using ignatus's software?  If so, would you post it for me?

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: soggett on Feb 23, 01:20 PM 2013
Quote from: TwoCatSam on Feb 23, 01:00 PM 2013

Are you using ignatus's software?  If so, would you post it for me?

no Sam, I dont know which of his does this
I made my own, here you go
it just tracks the dozens and the sectors
doesn't tell you what to bet though, you have to know that yourself (I'm not that skilled in excell, sorry)
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: TwoCatSam on Feb 23, 01:26 PM 2013

If this pans out, I will have Stef and Nice bot it for me!  Thanks for the software.  Looking up the numbers is no biggie.  Especially with my "Clicker for My Eyes Only". 

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: soggett on Feb 23, 01:32 PM 2013
Quote from: TwoCatSam on Feb 23, 01:26 PM 2013

If this pans out, I will have Stef and Nice bot it for me!  Thanks for the software.  Looking up the numbers is no biggie.  Especially with my "Clicker for My Eyes Only". 


no problem, always glad to help, especially you ;)

I have a session of about 50 spins with no W's, total -67 but I don't have more numbers for that session, too bad, 2 W's and I'm in plus
I'll do a couple sessions where I have more spins and see how it goes

started with testing:
first 20 spins and +106 units  :thumbsup:
ended test
100 spins
10W / 41 L
total +134 units
highest was +160
and all that flatbetting, very nice job 6th-sense  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: soggett on Feb 23, 01:49 PM 2013
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 23, 10:52 AM 2013
123 doz and 123 sector flat bet

ok here is my take and tweak for the 123 system that seems to be forgotton on here......

it is surprising how many times it appears not just on the sectors but the dozens as well!

on its own its not really up to much but incorporate another guide as when and what to bet

and lesser numbers ie from 3 numbers to 5 then it seems to hold its own flat betting,,,,,


top row is sector results which we call   SEC
bottom row is doz results which is called DOZ

when we track both rows at same time and when both rows are simultaniously going to
make the pattern 123 in any form ie TO MAKE 3RD RESULT THE MISSING ONE.... WE BET ONLY NUMBERS

here is an example of real play ...now i,ll show the numbers above what have come out and tracking results below
no   29 10  6  6 26 21 19 21 8 21 27 24 29 0  23 28 6 10 14
sec   3  2    1  1 3  1    1  1   2  1   1  2   3  1  2   3  1  2   3

doz  3   1    1  1 3  2    2  2   1  2   3  2   3  0  2   3  1  1   2
                 l          l    l            l    l        l  w w   w  w  l   

                         7 LOSSES = 33 UNITS     4 WINS =  127 UNITS    plus  94 UNITS




BELOW ..zero is in cross section 1-1

sector numbers are

1=   0,2,4,6,13,15,17,19,21,25,27,32,34
2=   1,5,8,10,11,16,20,23,24,30,33,36
3=   3,7,9,12,14,18,22,26,28,29,31,35     

dozen and sector combination numbers

doz  sector  target numbers

1     1      0,2,4,6             
1     2      1,5,8,10,11
1     3      3,7,9,12

doz  sector  target numbers

2     1      13,15,17,19,21
2     2      16,20,23,24
2     3      3,7,9,12  - one thing, is this here wrong? shouldn't here be numbers from second dozen?

doz  sector  target numbers

3     1      25,27,32,34
3     2      30,33,36
3     3      26,28,29,31,35
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 23, 01:56 PM 2013
yep it is wrong thanks for pointing it out it should be 14,18 22, my fault it took 4 attempts to copy ,paste out of word text that i wrote it in and i had a lot of trouble adjusting it through out the day on the preview button
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 23, 02:01 PM 2013
plus it won,t let me edit the original.......but not to worry i,m sure all who have looked at the 123 tracker will have noticed too...i,m getting old letting it slip by...but thanks
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: soggett on Feb 23, 02:07 PM 2013
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 23, 01:56 PM 2013
yep it is wrong thanks for pointing it out it should be 14,18 22, my fault it took 4 attempts to copy ,paste out of word text that i wrote it in and i had a lot of trouble adjusting it through out the day on the preview button

no problem, i have trouble with copy paste too
I have to redo my tests now

ok, re-did my 80 spin test
6 W / 29 L
ended +73
highest was +116 units

re-did the 100 spin test
10W / 42 L
ended +132
highest was +156
very nice results so far
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: TwoCatSam on Feb 23, 02:25 PM 2013
doz  sector  target numbers

1     1      0,2,4,6             
1     2      1,5,8,10,11
1     3      3,7,9,12

doz  sector  target numbers

2     1      13,15,17,19,21
2     2      16,20,23,24
2     3      14,18,22  <----------Is this correct?

doz  sector  target numbers

3     1      25,27,32,34
3     2      30,33,36
3     3      26,28,29,31,35
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 23, 02:37 PM 2013
unbelievable no the 26 should not be there again....i,ll do it by hand now sorry,,,

doz    sec
1        1    = 0,2,4,6
1        2    =1,5,8,10,11
1        3    =3,7,9,12
doz    sec
2        1    =13,15,17,19,21
2        2    =16,20,23,24
2        3    =14,18,22
doz    sec
3        1    =25,27,32,34
3        2    =30,33,36
3        3    =26,28,29,31,35

again thanks sam......i,ve got numbers coming out of my ears

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 23, 03:45 PM 2013
sogget thanks for the tracker it works as it should do and sam i,m losing it it don,t know where i thought 26 was but yes that line was right.....also up to now this bet wins more than it loses FLATBETTING maybe not in one session but out of 10 sessions..results are positive so far for myself on real live dealers and not rng....
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: Mare on Feb 23, 04:32 PM 2013
Flat Dablin ...
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: Mare on Feb 23, 05:28 PM 2013
Dablin again ...

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: Mare on Feb 23, 06:01 PM 2013
Once again ...
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 24, 02:03 AM 2013
mare they are quite nice results for a flat bet .....the 2 first pics are virtually the same amount of spins and both are winners and the 3rd goes beyond that and if at same amount of spins would be a plus....i wonder if you carried on playing the spins if it would have rose back up again ? going into the next cycle....or session ?  the 2 first games easily cover the loss of the 3rd flat betting...matches some of my results...

i think the thing to understand with  the wheel is that it  goes through cycles and even though its pretty random its a random contained to boundaries...

most of the time, odds, doz, col work out the same after a 100 spin session in the norm so if theses 2 bets working together try to encapture the changes it should go up and down with the merry go round that is the fluctuating state of the wheel..

i wonder what would happen if i tried to use the columns as an extra trigger to narrow the numbers down even further?

it would be like a safe dial turning all cogs at the same time time for it just to click into place....

even so for a flat bet i think its the best out so far on the web....
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: KoolKat on Feb 24, 03:24 AM 2013
6th-sense, Thank you for your system. Just have a couple of questions, If we lose on the first bet do we re-track or keeping playing that bet? What happen if we get:
Doz 3 Sec 3 then
Doz 2 Sec 3 then
Doz 3 sec 2 Then
Doz 2 Sec 2 do I bet
Doz 1 Sec 1?

Regards Koolkat
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 24, 04:39 AM 2013
Quote from: KoolKat on Feb 24, 03:24 AM 2013
6th-sense, Thank you for your system. Just have a couple of questions, If we lose on the first bet do we re-track or keeping playing that bet? What happen if we get:
Doz 3 Sec 3 then
Doz 2 Sec 3 then
Doz 3 sec 2 Then
Doz 2 Sec 2 ---Doz 1 Sec 1 would be bet here as doz2+3 are out and sec3+2 are also
Doz 1 Sec 1?    out so its time to bet on the change  for next spin doz1 sec1 we only               
once and don,t chase the bet..just wait for next triggers...
Regards Koolkat
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: DuffMiver on Feb 24, 05:51 AM 2013
Short test this morning and up 84u.

Is there someone who is an expert on Excel that can produce a nice tracker with the numbers to bet?

There had to be a way to improve the 123 move.

Nice one  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: Mare on Feb 24, 07:27 AM 2013
One big drawdown for flatbet ...
Smartlive diler
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: rayhd63 on Feb 24, 07:31 AM 2013
Quotedoz    sec
1        1    = 0,2,4,6
1        2    =1,5,8,10,11
1        3    =3,7,9,12
doz    sec
2        1    =13,15,17,19,21
2        2    =16,20,23,24
2        3    =14,18,22
doz    sec
3        1    =25,27,32,34
3        2    =30,33,36
3        3    =26,28,29,31,35

I want to make a tracker and what I need to know is,

if dz2 and sec1 hits then we would bet numbers 13,15,17,19,21 ?
or  dz3 and sec2 hit then we bet numbers 30,33,36 ?

so if 32 hits we bet 30,33,36 ?
or if 9 hits we bet 3,7,9,12

Thanks for clearing this to me.....

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 24, 07:54 AM 2013
rayhd63 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?action=profile;u=3842)  it takes two doz sector changes to make a trigger

example of results and when to bet
doz      sec     
3          2
2          3  next bet is for doz 1 sec 1 ie 0,2,4,6
3          2  we lost....but as we have 2 changes above we bet again for doz                 1 sec 1
1          3  we lost again...again 2 changes above giving a target of doz 2 sec 1
2          1  we win....again 2 changes above we bet for target doz 3 sec 2
3          1  we lose....but as only doz is ready for change not sector we wait for a
                new trigger........

mare I've over 35 sessions and never have i seen a loss like that???

anyone else?
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: biagle on Feb 24, 08:31 AM 2013
hi, can you check this please? i want to know if im playing rigth
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 24, 08:41 AM 2013
Quote from: biagle on Feb 24, 08:31 AM 2013
hi, can you check this please? i want to know if I'm playing rigth

yep except there was another loss, you missed zero it would be counted as doz 1
in the dozens side  :)
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: DuffMiver on Feb 24, 08:55 AM 2013
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 24, 07:54 AM 2013
rayhd63 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?action=profile;u=3842)  it takes two doz sector changes to make a trigger

example of results and when to bet
doz      sec     
3          2
2          3  next bet is for doz 1 sec 1 ie 0,2,4,6
3          2  we lost....but as we have 2 changes above we bet again for doz                 1 sec 1
1          3  we lost again...again 2 changes above giving a target of doz 2 sec 1
2          1  we win....again 2 changes above we bet for target doz 3 sec 2
3          1  we lose....but as only doz is ready for change not sector we wait for a
                new trigger........

mare I've over 35 sessions and never have i seen a loss like that???

anyone else?

I just want to clarify if we had...
Doz 3 3 1 1
Sec 2 3 2 1
It's a no bet but...
Doz 3 3 1 1 2
Sec 2 3 2 1 2
is a 3Doz + 3Sec bet

My point is we only wait for 3,2 & bet 1 Sec or Doz in a Row and NOT to bet when 3,2,2 (NO bet on 1 unless its 3,2,2,3 then Bet 1)

Is this right?

Hope that makes sense?
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 24, 09:00 AM 2013
DuffMiver (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?action=profile;u=4642)   yep thats right when both doz and sec are going to change
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: DuffMiver on Feb 24, 09:01 AM 2013
Quote from: Mare on Feb 24, 07:27 AM 2013
One big drawdown for flatbet ...
Smartlive diler

And difference with progression is no better?
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: DuffMiver on Feb 24, 09:06 AM 2013
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 24, 09:00 AM 2013
DuffMiver (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?action=profile;u=4642)   yep that's right when both doz and sec are going to change

Thanks  :thumbsup:

Hope Ray picks this up before making the Tracker
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: Normy2000 on Feb 24, 09:07 AM 2013
A quick tracker for you guys,

I'm not sure for the number to bet,

i took this as good number:

doz    sec
1        1    = 0,2,4,6
1        2    =1,5,8,10,11
1        3    =3,7,9,12
doz    sec
2        1    =13,15,17,19,21
2        2    =16,20,23,24
2        3    =14,18,22
doz    sec
3        1    =25,27,32,34
3        2    =30,33,36
3        3    =26,28,29,31,35

Let me know if wrong.

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: DuffMiver on Feb 24, 09:20 AM 2013
Quote from: Normy2000 on Feb 24, 09:07 AM 2013
A quick tracker for you guys,

I'm not sure for the number to bet,

i took this as good number:

doz    sec
1        1    = 0,2,4,6
1        2    =1,5,8,10,11
1        3    =3,7,9,12
doz    sec
2        1    =13,15,17,19,21
2        2    =16,20,23,24
2        3    =14,18,22
doz    sec
3        1    =25,27,32,34
3        2    =30,33,36
3        3    =26,28,29,31,35

Let me know if wrong.


For me it's wrong
Enter 3,19 it says bet on 16-20-23-24 but should be 30,33,36
Enter 3,19,23 it says bet on 16-20-23-24 but should be a NO bet

Can you clarify what I'm saying is correct 6th-Sense?
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 24, 09:31 AM 2013
the tracker is wrong.....and its betting every spin and the wrong numbers to boot....

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: TwoCatSam on Feb 24, 09:46 AM 2013

Let me take a whack at this:

Your dozen and your sector must each need a "completer" before there is a bet.  What is a "completer"?  That completes a 1-2-3 sequence in any order:  1-2-3; 2-1-3, 2-3-1, 1-3-2 and so on.  There must be a and b before you look for c, in other words.


Dozen    Sector
2               3
3               2..........In this case the completer would be 1 for the dozen and 1 for the sector.  1-1.  The numbers to bet for 1-1 are 0,2,4 and 6.

Another example:

1              3
2              2...............Here you need a 3 for the dozens and a 1 for the sectors.  Look at the chart for 3-1 and you find 25, 27,32,34.

So the "completer" need not be the same number; it simply must complete a version of the 1-2-3 run.

Hope this is clear and sure hope it is right.

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 24, 09:52 AM 2013
sam absolutley right.....your english must be better than
mine....and probably a better explanation than me also
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: Normy2000 on Feb 24, 09:53 AM 2013
This tracker was only to enter numbers easily and highligt the number to bet.
It does not follow the system, you decide when to bet.

I can fix the numbers if you write a clear list...
... or if it's useless without following the system, just erase my 2 post.

br, Normy

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 24, 09:57 AM 2013
Normy2000 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?action=profile;u=646) even though its wrong i appreciate the effort
and time you took to do it...my apologise if i seem rude i,m doing 3 things
at once...
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: Normy2000 on Feb 24, 10:03 AM 2013
np at all dear 6th.

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: DuffMiver on Feb 24, 12:28 PM 2013
Quote from: 6th-sense on Feb 24, 02:03 AM 2013
mare they are quite nice results for a flat bet .....the 2 first pics are virtually the same amount of spins and both are winners and the 3rd goes beyond that and if at same amount of spins would be a plus....i wonder if you carried on playing the spins if it would have rose back up again ? going into the next cycle....or session ?  the 2 first games easily cover the loss of the 3rd flat betting...matches some of my results...

i think the thing to understand with  the wheel is that it  goes through cycles and even though its pretty random its a random contained to boundaries...

most of the time, odds, doz, col work out the same after a 100 spin session in the norm so if theses 2 bets working together try to encapture the changes it should go up and down with the merry go round that is the fluctuating state of the wheel..

i wonder what would happen if i tried to use the columns as an extra trigger to narrow the numbers down even further?

it would be like a safe dial turning all cogs at the same time time for it just to click into place....

even so for a flat bet i think its the best out so far on the web....

Have you tried to add columns yet? if so what's it looking like. I'll have a go later if I get chance
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 24, 01:08 PM 2013
no not yet but will do in the week i think.....
it was just a spur of the moment idea as i was typing
it just came to me and rather than flitting about here and there
i,ll do it at a steady pace.......

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: TwoCatSam on Feb 24, 02:44 PM 2013

I was an English major in college until I found out fixing refrigerators paid far better than being a teacher.

Thanks for the compliment.

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: rayhd63 on Feb 24, 06:43 PM 2013
Hey Guys,

I think I finally made it. Have a look.
While testing , I have seen 43 losses in a row !!!

Here are the progression gurus asked what to do ?!?

Let me know if the betting sequence is right.

Have fun

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: rayhd63 on Feb 24, 06:48 PM 2013
Ups.... Was so excited, I forgot to upload the sheet  :lol:

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: probasah on Feb 24, 09:01 PM 2013
Hi 6th sense and good evening All,

I made a tracker for the system, and although it has some potential the negative trend shows up after 10k spins.
It loses less than most of the bets here, so maybe we can tweak the bet.

Unfortunatley it doesn`t pass 10k Spins.

You can test it yourself. Just enter in the green column any spins you want.

You can modify any of the formulas in the tracker as you want, all my trackers are free for all.

I think you will find the tracker to match the method, 6th.

If you want to test different ideas, let me know.

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: TwoCatSam on Feb 24, 09:12 PM 2013

I can't keep track of the trackers.  We need a tracker tracker!

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 25, 02:25 AM 2013
at first glance i think the tracker is wrong...it seems to be betting when it shouldn,t be i,ll have a proper look after breakfast...tracker itself looks impressive though like the style...
another quick look and zero is counted as a no bet?

it counts as doz1 sec 1   

rayhd63 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?action=profile;u=3842) update for yours too
   spin 68=loss  spin 69 =loss  spin 118=win  spin 119=loss  spin230=loss
   spin 231=loss  spin 262=loss    spin 341=loss spin 388=loss

like your tracker too...still its not much of an over all loss flat betting

still looks good

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: Mare on Feb 25, 04:31 AM 2013
Quote from: Mare on Feb 24, 07:27 AM 2013
One big drawdown for flatbet ...
Smartlive diler
These is live number session from SmartLive. (JPG and Text Document)
This system is based on randomness, so be careful.
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 25, 11:16 AM 2013
probasah (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?action=profile;u=4599) sorry your tracker is right i was reading it wrong only the zero bet is wrong...thanks for your time..how do i start it from scratch to put my own numbers in? i don't want the rng side of it..
would it be possible?...maybe 2 trackers one a blank one for me and one that,ll let 10 losses go then bet for the next 10 triggers to win then restart if won on any of them 10 bets?....would that also be possible?  I'm just looking down the losses and think maybe this could be a good tweak??

or maybe not 10 losses i,ll work out the average if you think you could do it?
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 25, 05:17 PM 2013
Quote from: Mare on Feb 25, 04:31 AM 2013
These is live number session from SmartLive. (JPG and Text Document)
This system is based on randomness, so be careful.

just gone through this with the new tracker and yep it was a large draw down
..thanks for the time posting it and putting the numbers in text..over 200 down on
it.......the new tracker by probasah has shed new light on something for me ...i don,t know if its becouse of this bad session but there also seems another way to flat bet
....it ended up +164 units on this session.....it could be something or nothing but
i,m just going to spend tommorrow evening going over some results...just to make sure....that was a really bad session and you missed out a loss or 2 on the zero as it counted as doz 1 sec 1..
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 26, 02:38 PM 2013
probasah (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?action=profile;u=4599)     that tracker you put on was only for 4417 spins.....i,m at 2000 spins at moment and up 1382 units flat betting doing 500 spin sessions...only one session ended up at plus54 and was the hardest...i.m going to do all the rest of the spins and if you have the 10 000 this bet lost on in excell form in the tracker you made  i would appreciate it...or just 10 000 spins in a tracker which you could keep a copy of and it,ll verify if it keeps winning..
mare that session you posted ended up in plus 165 which if i gave out the system would also be verified.....2000 spins isn,t a lot but i could lose a few now but somehow i don,t think it will..

onwards and upwards
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: probasah on Feb 26, 02:55 PM 2013
Hey 6th,
How are you?

The reason its only 4667 spins is because of the file size. The maximum size of a file uploaded on this forum is 5 MB

The solution for you is simple, just take a random row, and copy paste it down

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 26, 02:57 PM 2013
you mean one at a time?
yikes that,ll take me forever
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 26, 02:59 PM 2013
how about upload 2 seperate trackers...on nikmsi old trackers you could press f9 for new set of results....so i,ve been testing against rng numbers yikes again...could you upload a blank tracker with 1000 spin cells?
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: probasah on Feb 26, 03:11 PM 2013
Hey 6th

No need for that
Just do the steps:
1.Open the excel file
2.Left click on a raw (say 17)
3. Right click ... Copy
4. Go at the end of the numbers
5. Select last raw left click
6. Keep pressing "Shift", Page down until you select alot of rows at the end
7. Paste (formulas will be updated)
8. Enter how many numbers you want

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 26, 03:33 PM 2013
probasah (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?action=profile;u=4599) thank you very much.....i appreciate the reply

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: TwoCatSam on Feb 26, 03:54 PM 2013

Thanks for the humongous font.  I don't even need me specs.

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 26, 04:06 PM 2013
sam lol its becouse i copy and pasted his name so it carried on in type...
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: TwoCatSam on Feb 26, 04:08 PM 2013

I should thank probasah
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: peauke on Feb 28, 04:36 AM 2013

Could you explain how the other way of flat betting works  :smile: (see your reply 51)
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: soggett on Feb 28, 07:39 AM 2013
Quote from: peauke on Feb 28, 04:36 AM 2013

Could you explain how the other way of flat betting works  :smile: (see your reply 51)

I'm interested too
Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 28, 11:35 AM 2013
at this moment I'm still testing...i cannot post this system at moment,..
i have only explained it and shown someone who i can trust how to play it..

now i have told this person it will win more than it loses against the odds
you are betting against, over a 500 spin target ..about 8 hours...you can be
drawn down before you recover...this draw down is yet to be tested to determine
bankroll needed.
all my test have shown a constant winning bet by having more wins than losses
against the odds you are playing against...
now this person has just imformed he has a drawdown and stopped at spin 280
with a drawdown of -600...500 spins wasn,t reached as he didn,t have enough time
to play rest of game....now a strict rule is to play through until 500 spin if needed
as was explained to him...i am up 1800 units at 2500 spins..
impossible it may seem but there is a logical reason why this is so..

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: 6th-sense on Feb 28, 02:40 PM 2013
just went through his tracker and he was actually 443 down....

Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: mogul397 on Mar 17, 04:07 PM 2013

I just found this thread and have read through it. I have seen a bunch of detailed
posts about the details of the system, but have not seen a general post describing it.
I think I understand it, but what I do not understand is WHEN you change a bet
group.  After how many losses?

My understanding is that when you are missing both a dozen and columb, you bet
the numbers that overlap from the missing dozen and columb. That simple.

My question is simply, once on an overlap, how long to you play it? And then
you just start to find the next one?

It is looking like this works? eh?


Title: Re: FLAT BET 2
Post by: mogul397 on Mar 17, 04:36 PM 2013
Here is pg 145 from the system tester book.
Maybe someone can go through it and indicate setup

