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Common interest => Newcomer's space => Topic started by: valnurat on Aug 03, 09:25 AM 2015

Title: Hi from me.
Post by: valnurat on Aug 03, 09:25 AM 2015
I know the basic on how to play roulette, but I would like to know what kind of a system that gives a good profit. I have been looking on CPR system and I have been trying Low Med High. I have made a bot for both systems. I lost money on them, but I didn't had all the starting chips (money) to cover if I lose. So I can't  blame the systems for me losing the money. The CPR looks very nice, but I read on this forum that you should skip the attackmode and insted of using a ABC sections you should ABCD sections and some use another set of numbers too, so they have ABCD as Game 1 and EFGH as Game 2. I haven't tried the ABCD EFGH, yet. But is there other systems that is good?

I will make a bot for this.

Best regards

Sorry for posting 2 times on this forum. Maybe moderator can delete this post
link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=15779.0 (link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=15779.0)
Title: Re: Hi from me.
Post by: Chrisbis on Aug 03, 04:36 PM 2015
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Remind us all of the CPR system?
Title: Re: Hi from me.
Post by: valnurat on Aug 03, 05:45 PM 2015
Thank you.

What do you mean?
Title: Re: Hi from me.
Post by: Chrisbis on Aug 03, 07:25 PM 2015
Its ok......I found it
Consistent Profit Roulette

Here (well, a starting place, as there are many mentions of it throughout the various forums)
link:://:.vlsroulette.com/index.php?topic=3396.msg21345#msg21345 (link:://:.vlsroulette.com/index.php?topic=3396.msg21345#msg21345)
Title: Re: Hi from me.
Post by: valnurat on Aug 04, 04:53 AM 2015
Thank you for the post.

I see that people are using the ABCD (9 numbers) instead of ABC (12 numbers)
Do you know why?
Title: Re: Hi from me.
Post by: GLC on Aug 04, 02:58 PM 2015
Quote from: valnurat on Aug 04, 04:53 AM 2015
Thank you for the post.

I see that people are using the ABCD (9 numbers) instead of ABC (12 numbers)
Do you know why?

I don't think anybody plays this system either way.  Too many people lost money on it and gave up.  It's like all other systems.  If you like the way it plays, you must test it and learn to win with it.  Nobody can tell you how to do that.  There must be some conscious decisions that aren't mechanical in order for you to even have a chance to win with this.  All mechanical systems lose in the long or short run depending on how lucky you are. 
Some members claim to have winning systems but because of the conscious decisions they make, they can't tell others exactly how to win.  Nor can it be programmed accurately.

If you like CPR, you must test it until you understand every principle involved and you must be able to tweak it to suit your playing preference and bank roll.  Self discipline and money management are two key factors in being able to win with CPR or any other system for that matter.

This is probably not the answer you're looking for, but if you do what I suggest, I don't think you'll ever risk your hard earned money on it. 

From that perspective, I'm doing you a big favor.

My opinion only.  Play at your own risk and buyer beware.

Title: Re: Hi from me.
Post by: valnurat on Aug 04, 03:41 PM 2015
Quote from: GLC
All mechanical systems lose in the long or short run depending on how lucky you are.

I guess you are right, but why is the forum alive if it is true?

Quote from: GLCFrom that perspective, I'm doing you a big favor.

My opinion only.  Play at your own risk and buyer beware.


Thank you
Title: Re: Hi from me.
Post by: Chrisbis on Aug 04, 05:04 PM 2015
From Valnuat....."I guess you are right, but why is the forum alive if it is true?"

.......eternal hope! lol

And the expectation that just one day, someone will come up with a killer system.

FYI...I play a version of the ABCD system....everyday.
I go forwards most days and make money....then occasionally backwards and lose a little of my winnings.
Discipline is the watch word here....and all pro players will tell you......you have to stay disciplined.

My few rules now.......
don't chase with ever increasing bets or daft progressions.
if you think a section of the wheel is going to hit, and it doesn't say after 4/5 spins/bets......try another bet.
Rigidity is how and when this game beats you.
Stay flexible
Take plenty of breaks, and don't get to deep into a game.
I quite often, play for my first win, and if equal or ahead of my start balance, I will close, log-off and start all over again.
Works like a charm  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Hi from me.
Post by: GLC on Aug 04, 08:39 PM 2015
There you go.  Straight from the horses mouth, so to speak.

That's exactly what I wrote using different words.

Go and do likewise!

Title: Re: Hi from me.
Post by: valnurat on Aug 05, 04:04 AM 2015
I tried the system with ABC. Startet out with 600 chips it ended up in 900, but suddently it miss my betting section for 15 times and then I didn't have more chips to continue, but I should have more for in the 16 spin I would have won.

My bet was: 1,1,2,4,8,13,19,29 and the winning bet, if I had the chips, 43

But I will try to let my bot record the outcome for the ABC.

Why do you use ABCD - is that better than ABC?
Title: Re: Hi from me.
Post by: valnurat on Aug 06, 05:11 AM 2015
Here is what I recorded yesterday.

DATO: 05-08-2015 STARTTIME: 21:01:49

1   Red   B
18   Red   C
11   Black   B
26   Black   C
31   Black   C
34   Red   A
32   Red   A
27   Red   A
22   Black   C
29   Black   C
CoastMode Started
CoastBet: B 1
2   Black   A
CoastBet: B 1
7   Red   C
CoastBet: B 2
2   Black   A
CoastBet: B 4
7   Red   C
CoastBet: B 8
24   Black   B
CoastMode ended
AttackMode started
AttackBet: B 1
35   Black   C
AttackMode ended
12   Red   C
7   Red   C
24   Black   B
17   Black   A
33   Black   B
29   Black   C
25   Red   A
20   Black   B
12   Red   C
36   Red   B
18   Red   C
25   Red   A
19   Red   A
31   Black   C
20   Black   B
35   Black   C
21   Red   A
31   Black   C
24   Black   B
21   Red   A
9   Red   C
16   Red   B
3   Red   C
35   Black   C
26   Black   C
22   Black   C
26   Black   C
CoastMode Started
CoastBet: A 1
30   Red   B
CoastBet: A 1
36   Red   B
CoastBet: A 2
4   Black   A
CoastMode ended
AttackMode started
AttackBet: A 1
36   Red   B
AttackMode ended
5   Red   B
21   Red   A
22   Black   C
32   Red   A
29   Black   C
15   Black   A
23   Red   B
19   Red   A
1   Red   B
23   Red   B
7   Red   C
6   Black   A
36   Red   B
20   Black   B
14   Red   C
26   Black   C
30   Red   B
9   Red   C
26   Black   C
CoastMode Started
CoastBet: A 1
35   Black   C
CoastBet: A 1
19   Red   A
CoastMode ended
AttackMode started
AttackBet: A 1
9   Red   C
AttackMode ended
DATO: 05-08-2015 ENDTIME: 22:03:15
DATO: 05-08-2015 STARTTIME: 22:13:03
12   Red   C
7   Red   C
16   Red   B
30   Red   B
31   Black   C
19   Red   A
2   Black   A
21   Red   A
0   Red   0
17   Black   A
3   Red   C
CoastMode Started
CoastBet: B 1
6   Black   A
CoastBet: B 1
18   Red   C
CoastBet: B 2
0   Red   0
CoastBet: B 4
22   Black   C
CoastBet: B 8
3   Red   C
CoastBet: B 13
9   Red   C
CoastBet: B 19
31   Black   C
CoastBet: B 29
26   Black   C
CoastBet: B 43
31   Black   C
CoastBet: B 65
21   Red   A
CoastBet: B 97
16   Red   B
CoastMode ended
AttackMode started
AttackBet: B 1
14   Red   C
AttackMode ended
10   Black   B
23   Red   B
6   Black   A
7   Red   C
11   Black   B
14   Red   C
24   Black   B
8   Black   B
6   Black   A
14   Red   C
3   Red   C
10   Black   B
29   Black   C
19   Red   A
1   Red   B
25   Red   A
12   Red   C
20   Black   B
19   Red   A
15   Black   A
11   Black   B
7   Red   C
23   Red   B
12   Red   C
18   Red   C
15   Black   A
36   Red   B
2   Black   A
23   Red   B
14   Red   C
19   Red   A
28   Black   C
3   Red   C
4   Black   A
26   Black   C
32   Red   A
CoastMode Started
CoastBet: B 1
34   Red   A
CoastBet: B 1
35   Black   C
CoastBet: B 2
12   Red   C
CoastBet: B 4
10   Black   B
CoastMode ended
AttackMode started
AttackBet: B 1
26   Black   C
AttackMode ended
DATO: 05-08-2015 ENDTIME: 23:14:06
Title: Re: Hi from me.
Post by: valnurat on Aug 10, 10:41 AM 2015
Just want add another test:

DATO: 09-08-2015 STARTTIME: 22:43:47
1   Red   B
4   Black   A
1   Red   B
14   Red   C
13   Black   A
26   Black   C
6   Black   A
33   Black   B
13   Black   A
25   Red   A
35   Black   C
13   Black   A
25   Red   A
21   Red   A
13   Black   A
CoastMode Started
CoastBet: B 1
12   Red   C
CoastBet: B 1
12   Red   C
CoastBet: B 2
19   Red   A
CoastBet: B 4
0   Red   0
CoastBet: B 8
27   Red   A
CoastBet: B 13
3   Red   C
CoastBet: B 19
18   Red   C
CoastBet: B 29
11   Black   B
CoastMode ended
AttackMode started
AttackBet: B 1
19   Red   A
AttackMode ended
5   Red   B
19   Red   A
10   Black   B
13   Black   A
35   Black   C
16   Red   B
4   Black   A
8   Black   B
15   Black   A
13   Black   A
7   Red   C
5   Red   B
23   Red   B
28   Black   C
8   Black   B
15   Black   A
10   Black   B
11   Black   B
6   Black   A
2   Black   A
12   Red   C
15   Black   A
28   Black   C
0   Black   0
36   Red   B
19   Red   A
21   Red   A
18   Red   C
21   Red   A
30   Red   B
19   Red   A
20   Black   B
15   Black   A
15   Black   A
24   Black   B
CoastMode Started
CoastBet: C 1
3   Red   C
CoastMode ended
AttackMode started
AttackBet: C 1
32   Red   A
AttackMode ended
23   Red   B
25   Red   A
1   Red   B
24   Black   B
17   Black   A
12   Red   C
DATO: 09-08-2015 ENDTIME: 23:43:53