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rng roulette 0,05c

Started by petespin, Apr 11, 08:51 AM 2015

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hi i wonder if at those roulettes , start from 0,01c-0,05c, can be used a safe marty system , and make an hour profit , lets say 5-10e , there was a guy in another forum who claims he did exactly this, he uses a bot if i remeber well .


When i first tried roulette i did marty on club world casino. Tried every marty system. Got burned bad. I did odd even i did switching all around etc etc

If u do marty on rng u will see 30 blacks in a row

I dont care whag anybody says, rng is not the same as real wheel

Thousands of real wheel spins will have minor differences to random.org

Rng is a scam
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



rh u re right ,  but it s not about rng , rng doing its job , software behind him do that ,keep us  away from wining , at a moment i thought there is a combination which cant be beaten by the software, not red-black ofcourse or just dozens,columns,anything could combine possible all the table .


random.org proove us that randomness is the killer, not the sopftware of online casino. Online casino don't need to cheat us with software. RNG (based on randomness) is so killing machine that casino doesn't need further cheating software.
Just try some hundrends or thousands of outcomes to the random.org (which has no reason to create cheating outcomes) and you will seee so many killing outcomes, that  some of them you won't have seen at online casinos!!!!
hard progressions like marty are completely dissaster. The only worth trying is long and soft progressions, based on the fact that on the long run  strange outcomes become less.
eg. you will see many times 20 blacks within 21 spins. You  never  see 200 blacks within 210 spins


huskerdu, probably u came from heaven and everything seemed to be nice for u , i assume u have never about MCSAP[ multiple controller system activity programs] which monitors player s moves and stake amounts! oppositte u blame randomness , in contradiction what u claim , i dont even believe live roulette is a completely random game!


Quote from: huskerdu on Jun 07, 04:54 AM 2015
The only worth trying is long and soft progressions, based on the fact that on the long run  strange outcomes become less.
eg. you will see many times 20 blacks within 21 spins. You  never  see 200 blacks within 210 spins

This is very true, Huskerdu.  There is a weakness with long and soft progressions also.  If your loss to win ratio gets too great, you find yourself deep enough in the hole that it takes forever to recover with a long and soft progression.  Very often, before you can get fully recovered and your long and soft progression has started getting harder because your bet sizes have finally gotten larger, you run into another really bad loss to win ratio again and it drives you even deeper into the hole.  I've seen it too many times.  I guess no matter what, the only sure antidote to total destruction is a firm "stop loss".  The larger the stop loss, the less likely we'll reach it, but it's always possible and we must have a plan in case the improbable possible happens.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Stop loss at session bankroll   at 25 % and not replaying  of winnings.

That`s only part of my winnning program. There is  much more how to become and remain a winner. It is not  just there to be picked up for free. You gotta work for it.

Share ? with whom? The system " phishers".


Well if it's not "free", then what does it "cost"? If that cost is work, then it should be possible to explain it.

But on another note, when I see marty discussions and things about 30 red in a row on RNG, I don't
ever understand why anyone has themselves locked onto playing just one color or what have you?

Any concept of seeing 30 red in a row should be used as something to your advantage, at the very
least. What's the problem. If you know/expect something then capitalize on it.

Play your marty in another random fashion that doesn't allow such simplistic counter measures.
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


I was playing airball roulette a few nights ago and saw the most amazing thing.

The ball had slowed considerably and was about to drop into no 6 pocket ( which I had covered, I was playing 6 numbers at a time) when the ball popped up out of the no 6 pocket and fell into 27.

But the ball did not bounce off a fret or even touch the pocket. It changed direction in midair. It literally stopped above the pocket and bounced into the previous pocket defying all of Newtons laws of motion. I was only 20 bucks down so I cashed out and left.
The biggest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance ; it is the illusion of knowledge.
Daniel J Boorstin.


HI Badger
was it one of those wheels supplied by cammegh that Ausguy talks of
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Can anyone imagine a Low roller martingaling Black against 30 Reds? Just with  5 cents base bet. . Beam me up.



thats the reason start this thread, first using virtual bets your marty can go above the sky!


Very rough calculations at the 30 th   BLACK the marty would  be  $ 9.5 million to recover 5 cents.Isn`t  a marty great.ROFLMAO


It ain`t fun chasing losses with a marty.  Enjoy.
