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Double Dozen, European Wheel, not the mat

Started by RouletteGhost, Sep 15, 07:46 PM 2015

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Testing a 24 number bet based on wheel layout

the numbers are in clumps of 4 on the wheel separated by 2 numbers that are not being bet

the bet selection:
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35

Can bet this the way you would bet any 2 dozens at once, whatever strategy or progression (if any) that you fancy most

high hit rate

I believe betting based on the wheel can have a better effect

good results so far
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



the naysayers will come and say it will fail long term

and I know this

it is fantastic for hit and run
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



been testing a bit

went through past live spins and played a session online

longest losing streak ive seen is 3

static betting that is significantly better than static betting 2 mat dozens

static bet dozen 1 and 3 and your losing streak will be more than 3
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Hi Matey,

Have you tested this? If yes what were the stats my friend?




Hey RG,

I was running some Wiesbaden numbers through excel so I thought I would put this selection through while I was there.  I realise that you mentioned hit & run so this probably does not apply but still worth knowing.

This figures were run as if it were a continuous session:

Tisch 2, 1/8/15 - 20/9/15, 9488 spins

RG's 24 - Max run: 26  Max sleep: 7
Morton's 22 - Max run: 17  Max sleep: 9
Numbers 1-24 - Max run: 23  Max sleep: 9

Tisch 3, 1/8/15 - 20/9/15, 14993 spins

RG's 24 - Max run: 19  Max sleep: 9
Morton's 22 - Max run: 12  Max sleep: 9
Numbers 1-24 - Max run: 26  Max sleep: 9

This isn't testing any kind of system, just looking for runs & sleeping alongside some other figures I was running.  I should probably go back & find out how many instances I can find of sleeping over a certain length.



Looks like same stats as just betting 1st and 2nd doz 1 thru 24

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



I wouldn't rule it out just yet mate.  I thought that I would check the number of occurrences & there is a massive variance that suggests the sample size is not big enough.

Here are the number of times that the selection sleeps for 5 or more spins:

Tisch 2 - 9488 spins
RG: 38
Morton: 64
1-24: 27

Tisch 3 - 14993 spins
RG: 48
Morton: 98
1-24: 58

Obviously there was no kind of trigger condtion but it looks like larger samples are needed.  Maybe just to establish that it is random.

I need to streamline the file because I can hear my old laptop coughing asthmatically at me.  It is something that I need to do anyway for the figures I was running so I will run your selection through it when I get around to finishing it.


Hey leesnoose

I see you've been busy. Very cool stuff

I wishi had the time to do what youve done here
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



In the interests of being complete, here is the above information using a larger sample:

Again, these figures were run as if it were a continuous session:

Tisch 2, 1/7/15 - 30/9/15, 17426 spins

RG's 24 - Max run: 26  Max sleep: 9
Morton's 22 - Max run: 17  Max sleep: 9
Numbers 1-24 - Max run: 23  Max sleep: 9
Numbers 1-18 - Max run: 14  Max sleep: 14
18 adjacent Numbers - Max run: 14  Max sleep: 13

Tisch 3, 1/7/15 - 30/9/15, 27315 spins

RG's 24 - Max run: 19  Max sleep: 9
Morton's 22 - Max run: 17  Max sleep: 9
Numbers 1-24 - Max run: 26  Max sleep: 9
Numbers 1-18 - Max run: 15  Max sleep: 12
18 adjacent Numbers - Max run: 13  Max sleep: 14

Tisch 5, 1/7/15 - 30/9/15, 27140 spins

RG's 24 - Max run: 19  Max sleep: 10
Morton's 22 - Max run: 18  Max sleep: 10
Numbers 1-24 - Max run: 24  Max sleep: 7
Numbers 1-18 - Max run: 15  Max sleep: 14
18 adjacent Numbers - Max run: 15  Max sleep: 15

Here are the number of times that the selection sleeps for 5 or more spins:

Tisch 2 - 17426 spins
RG: 66
Morton: 123
1-24: 60
1-18 (sleep over 9): 20
18 adj. (sleep over 9): 27

Tisch 3 - 27315 spins
RG: 91
Morton: 182
1-24: 97
1-18 (sleep over 9): 37
18 adj. (sleep over 9): 35

Tisch 5 - 27140 spins
RG: 90
Morton: 182
1-24: 91
1-18 (sleep over 9): 29
18 adj. (sleep over 9): 27

This info may not be of use but I am running down the list of newbie things to do (ie: blowing your first bank; analysing data as if no-one had done it before; playing with real money too soon...............at least I skipped the short, upsetting phase of using the basic martingale).


So my 24 number bet selection is the same as the others just about

Good stuff

You put a lot of time into that

Can you do this with american spins to? If so try my american quads ;)
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Shouldn't be a problem.  The fiddly bit was making the template, changes to the selection are easy enough now.

I'm quite intrigued by the look of your american quads, can you recommend a site where I can get records of spins using an american wheel?


Okay, here are figures using the selection from your american quads.  Again, these figures were run as if it were a continuous session & with no triggering criteria.

I have included the figures for numbers 1-26 for comparison.  Also I may have included too much information.

15000 spins of an american wheel

RG's AQ - Max run: 22  Max sleep: 6
Numbers 1-26 - Max run: 23  Max sleep: 9

Occurrences of sleeps over a certain length:

>2: 321
>3: 106
>4: 20
>5: 5
>6: 0

Numbers 1-26
>2: 342
>3: 111
>4: 32
>5: 7
>6: 1
>7: 1
>8: 1

Could do with another, larger sample really but these numbers look pretty positive to me.
