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Started by Priyanka, Sep 15, 08:28 PM 2015

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I admire anyone who can speak a second language. I dont know the stats but I bet native Uk speakers are at the bottom  of the league for knowing a second languare.
The French will be top of the league for pretending they dont know a second language.
Take the Eurovision song contest.
Guess who was the only country to not give their results out in English ???


I believe I don't understand quite well how exactly multiple games should be played together.
Normally I would think that ok, let's play the arithmetic progression on 9 number sets for colors as one game, and do the same on hi/lo as another game. Then you wrote this:
Quotebetting on all 3 ECs don't help on variance. [...] Playing all of them together is nothing but playing three individual games together leading to negative expectation.
So it's obviously not the right way of combining games together, but isn't this example on colors and dozens are also two individual games? link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=15938.msg138657#msg138657

How about this? I play 9 number sets to catch an AP on R and B. Within the same 9 numbers, I know that either red or black has to appear at least 5 times (no zero), so I'd bet on a color that has already appeared 4 times. Would this be a better way of playing multiple games?

Or this example is what you really mean by playing two games? If so, then my question is, is it possible to keep track of 4-5 games without a software?


Quote from: ati on Oct 25, 07:27 PM 2015
as another game. Then you wrote this:So it's obviously not the right way of combining games together, but isn't this example on colors and dozens are also two individual games? link:://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=15938.msg138657#msg138657
Spot on ati. So how can we make a relation. What if instead of colours and dozens, you have lows and highs and dozens. Are we able to derive any relation?

Quote from: ati on Oct 25, 07:27 PM 2015
How about this? I play 9 number sets to catch an AP on R and B. Within the same 9 numbers, I know that either red or black has to appear at least 5 times (no zero), so I'd bet on a color that has already appeared 4 times. Would this be a better way of playing multiple games?
Unfortunately this is not viable. Try playing a couple of games and you will realise. Eventhough I have explained AP in a simple form, if you have observed carefully, you will notice that it is nothing but playing dominant in case of ECs.. If the selection for AP is not dominant, then you would ideally get a dead-lock.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: Priyanka on Oct 26, 06:44 AM 2015
Eventhough I have explained AP in a simple form

I am not sure I understand what AP excatly means? It is abreviation for what?


Actually it is VdW theorem.  But since people have picked up the arithmetic progression used in the theorem and have started calling it AP I am using the same term.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: Priyanka on Oct 15, 06:09 AM 2015
Now when it comes to the topic of stitching together bets, it is also important to understand which combinations are profitable and which ones are not. The combinations which might seemingly give better odds at first sight may not be the ones that will be profitable and vice versa. Taking a simple example.

Red and Odd. If we need to stitch together these two, will you place one bet on red and one on odd or one bet on red and 8 bets on the black odd numbers? Any creative ideas and view points?

I think 1 bet on red and 8 bets on black odd numbers is better.

Bet on just red and odd: 10 numbers win 2, 16 numbers win 0, 10 numbers lose 2 Total sum=0

Bet on red and the black odd numbers: 18 numbers win 0, 10 numbers lose 2, 8 numbers win 2.5 Total sum=0.5


This was probably the catch, because the second way does look better at first, but in reality they should be the same.
10 wins of 2 plus 10 losses of 2:      2*10+2*(-10)=0
8 wins of 2.5 plus 10 losses of 2:      2.5*8+2*(-10)=0


Ati - You are right and perfect. Now the follow up question that one should ask is we can clearly see there are imperfections here. Is there a potential for us to modify the bet sizes across these positions instead of 1 unit bet uniform to create an edge? I will let you ponder on that.

Now enough of Parrandos and Vdw. Lets look at the third concept which is essentially making the sessions short enough to capture the variations. How on the earth do we do that?

As usual let us take a simple example. Going back to the dozens.

If you see the attached picture, let say you are tracking for 1 repeat of a dozen to happen. Quite often you will find that you will have to track all 3 dozens before a repeat can happen.

Now look at the same thing for 2 repeats of dozen to happen. You will find that you are starting to track lesser number of unique dozen for the second repeat can happen. The bigger the number of repeats you are tracking you will find that the number of unique dozens that you will track on an average will reduce. Translate this to a betting position that offers more options like double street, street or numbers. What do you see? Does this ring any bells?

This is just one way of making your sessions short enough to capture variations. However, I hope this gives a fantastic view of how you can make your playing sessions shorter and take advantage of variance.

Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Hectic days in my life so what is wrong with me here ?




First 1 repeats

--------1 dozen repeated. Session finished

--------1 dozen repeated. Session finished

-------3 dozens before a dozen repeated. session finished.

Now 2 repeats.
1 - There is a possibility that this dozen will repeat twice as it has already repeated once.
3 - Now there is a possibility that this dozen also will repeat twice as it has already repeated once.
1 - 2 unique dozens that we had to track before 2 repeat happened in a dozen.

So the markings are not for dozens with repeat, the markings are for unique dozens that we have to track and bet before we get our tracked bet succeed.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.



Another shift in perspective, that way I didnt understand it straight away :)

Btw is this principle used in one of your videos in the past? If I remember right I think it was called ABC or something like that.




Pri can you confirm my example here on dozens is correct? I took numbers from random.org


And this would be example on lines. But like I see higher numbers for 3rd repeats here  :question:


Quote from: Drazen on Nov 10, 08:31 AM 2015
Pri can you confirm my example here on dozens is correct? I took numbers from random.org
Sorry, it took me sometime. Was occupied with family.
It looks perfect.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: Drazen on Nov 10, 08:35 AM 2015
And this would be example on lines. But like I see higher numbers for 3rd repeats here  :question:
You are right, however hte first one is not 6 lines it is 5 lines. Rest you are right you are seeing higher number of 3rd repeats. So what do you infer? How about 4th repeat? Is there an optimal number that you can think about, which can help you elongate the session? Is this somehow related to the number of positions (3 in case of dozens, 6 in lines) that you are tracking? What is the relation? Can the relation be utilized to your advantage? After all the ultimate aim is to make the playing session short. How are you able to achieve it?
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.
