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Started by GLC, Oct 03, 08:59 PM 2010

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Looks very interesting.

I will look at it in more detail tomorrow.  I have retire for the night because I am still a working stiff and it's getting late here.

Cheers, and keep up the good work

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Oct 07, 01:06 AM 2010

Looks very interesting.

I will look at it in more detail tomorrow.  I have retire for the night because I am still a working stiff and it's getting late here.

Cheers, and keep up the good work


One thing I did not put in the PDF document, is what to do if using my idea on Roulette and a zero comes up.

If you get a zero then as far as the progression it never happened, of course a zero will effect your balance.

Look at this example we are at level 2 and we are in M1 mode betting the triggers:


We had a zero on the third bet so we put our bet back up again and win, now based of the rules we will need to decide if we drop down one our we have a new session high, if we drop because we had two trigger bets win out of 3 then we will not change modes.

Hope this makes sense.




Hi All,

Attached to this post you will find a Roulette session I played as per the rules I posted in a PDF.

I ended the session at +13.5

One rule change I think I will make is that whenever I reach a new high, reset back to level 1, no need to complete the group of three bets.

And the progression only starts on on a loss, for example we start the session with 4 wins a a row like so WWWW but on the fifth bet we get a loss L, now we start our group of three.

I play a session and post it so that you can all see what I'm talking about.




Hi All,

As promised in my last post I have played a session as described.

Remember M1 = Bet with the Trigger, M2 = Bet Opposite to the Trigger.

I only start a new block of 3 bets after my first loss at level 1.

As soon as I get a new session high highlighted in green I drop back down to level one.

I played this session just with a stop-loss of 30 units, I did not use the MM rules, but normally I would.

One more thing when I post these are real sessions played not test/play sessions.

I have also attached master scorecards that I use for Baccarat and Roulette

If you have any questions please just ask.




Quote from: malcop on Oct 07, 12:57 AM 2010

That's funny you thinking about betting in three's look at the attached document, I thought about a similar idea a couple of weeks ago, first with TB4L+OTB4L and then with the four triggers I posted.

I like the triggers based on the last three hands/spins and if it was won by TB4L or OTB4L then betting for the same to happen next hand, I'm sure someone else must have thought of them before.

Have a look and let me know what you think.




Looks like an orderly way to present a playing strategy.  Your trigger mode is a little hard to understand, but by looking at everything you've posted, it becomes clear.

This isn't too different from the 5 series.  A little more aggressive so a little less of a grind.

Although, with patience you can grind up a lot of hamburger.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!



If you want any help with the triggers ect. just ask.

Their is no reason why we could not play in groups of 5, it would be a little bit slower but a profit is a profit.

I will play a session using groups of 5 later, if I can get it to produce around +10 units within 80 spins it will be worth it.




Quote from: GLC on Oct 07, 12:45 AM 2010

I really like your bet selection method.  I have been testing it and have had excellent results with it.'

So much that I have created a variation on F_LAT_INO's Random VS Random system.

I use 3 lines of bets just like he does.

1st line is the penultimate.

2nd line is 'same as the last'.

3rd line is your bet selection method instead of 'opposite the last'.

I have a couple of other tweaks.  If I lose 3 times in a row betting the penultimate, I switch to betting "opposite the penultimate" until I lose 3 times in a row then I switch back to betting the penultimate.  I continue switching everytime I lose 3 in a row.

Also, if I lose 3 times in a row betting the last, I switch to betting "opposite the last" until I lose 3 times in a row when I switch back, etc...

I always bet your bet selection line exactly as you presented it because it adjusts automatically for streaks or chops:

RRR next bet R
RRB next bet B
RBB next bet R
RBR next bet B
BBB next bet B
BRR next bet B
BBR next bet R
BRB next bet R

I bet 1 unit on all three lines until I lose 5 more times than I win at which time I go to 2 units until I lose 5 times more than I win, etc...  Just like breadwinner's system.

When I say lose 5 more times than win, that means lose at least 2 of the 3 lines so that we have a negative result on that bet for 5 more times than we win 2 of the 3 lines which gives us a positive result.  If we lose all three lines, that counts as 3 losses.  And, if we win all 3 lines that counts as 3 wins.

(To be honest, I have been doing so well that I have tested a couple of sessions flatbetting 1 unit on all 3 lines and have been doing surprisingly well.)

I use the tweaks so I don't get caught losing units on a deadly streak of doublets on the penultimate or a series of chops on "the last".

So far it has been working so well that I rarely have to go beyond the 3rd level in the progression.  I know that will change soon enough, but maybe not too soon.

It's complicated, but with just a little practice you can make the calculations and bets easily.  Of course always bet differentially unless you're playing on a nonzero table.

Please look at it and let me know what you think.



PS:  I like the idea of using the breadwinner on BJ.  Never thought of that, but winning is the name of the game whether with roulette or BJ or even baccarat and craps.
This triple line system can be used on any of them except BJ.

After further testing, this isn't much different than other multiple line systems.

It does do pretty well betting the same unit amount on each of the 3 lines and increasing or decreasing as a group instead of individually.

I think I will examine your 3 bet system next.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Hi All,

As promised in my last post I said I was going to use groups of 5 instead of 3.

I ended the session at +20 units.

I thought using blocks 5 would make the play a grind, but that was not the case.

I think I like this way more than using groups of 3.

Notice at spin 51 I had a high of +17 and then by spin 62 it had gone down to +4.5

Normally I would never have allowed that I would have used the MM rules I posted to put the breaks on.

I believe once you are ahead try as hard as you can to stay ahead.

So as a recap all I have done is extend the from 3 to 5 groups of bets before I decide what action to take as per the rules of this method.

I have played and posted three sessions using the triggers with this method.

Sessions ended +13.5, +20.5, +20 = +54





I take it you are using your tb4l or otb4l for bet triggers.

Excellent results.

Seems very safe.

I especially like your MM rules.

Look at Bayes' post under bet selection.

I might try it with your betting grid and see how it performs.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Oct 07, 05:27 PM 2010

I take it you are using your tb4l or otb4l for bet triggers.

Excellent results.

Seems very safe.

I especially like your MM rules.

Look at Bayes' post under bet selection.

I might try it with your betting grid and see how it performs.


Yes I using the same four triggers

M1 Triggers
BBB bet B
BBR bet R
BRB bet R
BRR bet B

M2 Triggers
BBB bet R
BBR bet B
BRB bet B
BRR bet R

The M2 Triggers are just the opposite of the normal M1 Triggers, so all you have to remember is what your normal triggers should be.





Hey Guys,

Go to link:://baccaratforums.com/t6608/ and read Eirescott's BP system.  I think you'll find it very interesting.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Oct 07, 10:00 PM 2010
Hey Guys,

Go to link:://baccaratforums.com/t6608/ and read Eirescott's BP system.  I think you'll find it very interesting.



I just had a quick look at Eirescott's BP system yes he is using the last three like I am for my triggers but he is using it very differently to me.

I based my triggers on if the last hand/spin was a win for TB4L or OTB4L then bet the same again.

BBB TB4L won and we are going to bet B that TB4L wins again
BRB TB4L won and we are going to bet R that TB4L wins again
BRR OTB4L won and we are going to bet B that OTB4L wins again
BBR OTB4L won and we are going to bet R that OTB4L wins again

So yes we are using the same patterns from the last three results, but in totally different ways.




Hi All,

Here is another session played using groups of fives, it was a tough session that ended +12.5

I will now start to use my MM rules, I would have ended the session at spin 61 with +5.1 at that point I knew I had a winning session, I played on and risked losing it all, I ended +12.5 but that was pure luck.

I think groups of 5 work but for me it just takes to long to switch modes, so I would rather use groups of three.

One more thing I'm thinking of is this, once you get to +5 keep a track of your balance, if you hit any figure 3 times exit the session.

For example you get to +5 and as the game goes on your balance goes up and down, you notice that you hit twice now you are waiting for it to hit for the third time and it does so you exit the session.

My last session spin 41 was such a case +6.5 hit three times so I could have exited the session.




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