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Droidman's 'Track 4' for reading crossings and studying KTF.

Started by wiggy, Feb 09, 07:47 AM 2016

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I thought it would be interesting to go back and have another look at this software what with the recent discussions on G.U.T. and also Nottophammer introducing his KTF strategy. This bit of kit by 'droidman' is pretty basic and yet it's very easy to see what's happening regarding crossings and looking at unhit numbers, hot numbers etc...

Here is the link to the software if you don't have it.


Veteran member 'TwoCatSam' made some very informative and entertaining YouTube tutorials on how to use this software in relation to G.U.T. for anyone interested. Just type in twocatsam into youtube and they are at the bottom of the pile.

I am going to explore one or two ideas in this thread and see how it pans out. I like Notto's KTF strategy and I am wondering if it can be improved by what Winkel described as 'gamblers intelligence'....don't shoot me!  :xd:

"You can lead a human to intelligence, but you can't make him think''


A couple of days ago, I was watching one of Sam's first tutorials where he explained how 'Track4' worked.
My curiosity got the better of me when he said that the 1> 2> 3> only ever go up in value. They never go down.
The screenshot below shows how the 1> and 2> raise in increments of 1.

1> 2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3.


My first bit of work is going to revolve around this because you can use the two of these indices to guide you in your betting decisions.

"You can lead a human to intelligence, but you can't make him think''


You will notice these 1> and 2> indices can be very stable and go on long runs without budging. Other times, they go on little sharp bursts where they are increasing by 1 every other spin for a short while. This is just the nature of how things work a lot of the time. Now like I say, by using the two of these indices, it can help in our decisions.

In the screenshot above...the 3 in the 1> repeated 5 times from spins 17-21 and the 2 in the 2> repeated 5 times also from spins 17-21. So that means no number which already had a hit appeared again otherwise the 1> would have raised. Also no number from the 2> appeared otherwise that would have raised. So that only leaves the numbers with no hits that could appear in those 5 spins if I am looking for the two indices to stay the same and you can see that's what happened.

Now gradually, the numbers that have one hit will overtake the numbers that have no hit and I think this is where you need to be careful because then the odds become in favour of the 1> raising. My early thoughts are that playing the 1> and 2> indices looking for the movements or non-movements would be better confined to playing in short cycles.

"You can lead a human to intelligence, but you can't make him think''


Now here is one of the examples of the short bursts in the 1>

It goes 8,9,10 on spins 31,32,33....so if you noticed this happening and wanted to bet for the 1> to keep rising, you would play all the numbers with one hit.

"You can lead a human to intelligence, but you can't make him think''



I agree Nextyear.  :thumbsup:

Maybe a good idea is to run through some cycles of the first 37 spins and see what happens with the 1> and 2>

01. 0   0
02. 0   0
03. 0   0
04. 0   0
05. 0   0
06. 0   0
07. 0   0
08. 0   0
09. 1   0
10. 2   0
11. 2   0
12. 2   0
13. 2   0
14. 2   0
15. 3   0
16. 3   1
17. 3   1
18. 3   1
19. 3   1
20. 3   1
21. 3   1
22. 4   1
23. 4   1
24. 5   1
25. 5   1
26. 5   1
27. 5   1
28. 5   1
29. 5   1
30. 6   1
31. 6   1
32. 6   1
33. 7   1
34. 7   1
35. 8   1
36. 9   1
37. 10  1

So here the 1> had went on a short burst on spins 35,36,37 increasing to 8,9,10. Does this happen often???

9 numbers came up twice and one came up three times leaving the 2> sitting at 1.

Compiling a few of these 37 spin cycles like above may shed some light on things.

"You can lead a human to intelligence, but you can't make him think''


Quote from: wiggy on Feb 09, 08:51 AM 2016
Now here is one of the examples of the short bursts in the 1>

To make less confusion, repeaters 1+, 2+, should be written >1 and >2 and not as in your example 1>.


Next cycle....

01. 0   0
02. 0   0
03. 0   0
04. 0   0
05. 0   0
06. 0   0
07. 1   0
08. 1   0
09. 1   1
10. 1   1
11. 1   1
12. 1   1
13. 2   1
14. 2   1
15. 2   1
16. 3   1
17. 3   1
18. 4   1
19. 4   1
20. 4   2
21. 5   2
22. 5   3
23. 5   3
24. 6   3
25. 6   3
26. 6   3
27. 7   3
28. 7   3
29. 7   3
30. 7   3
31. 7   3
32. 7   3
33. 7   4
34. 7   4
35. 8   4
36. 8   4
37. 9   4

So the numbers with one hit towards the end of the first cycle usually equal around 14 *13.8 to be precise  ;)*
Playing for these on the last few spins of the cycle if the 1> is in a rising mood could be a good way to catch a near 2/1 payout.
"You can lead a human to intelligence, but you can't make him think''


Quote from: nextyear on Feb 09, 12:21 PM 2016
To make less confusion, repeaters 1+, 2+, should be written >1 and >2 and not as in your example 1>.

You are right Nextyear, I was just using it to go along with the software.
"You can lead a human to intelligence, but you can't make him think''


Ok, as the opening post mentions both GUT & KTF I’m going to give details on an amendment I’ve been testing/playing on KTF, which is doing well. I speak with nottophammer regularly via email, and private messaging, and this is something I’ve ran past him, probably best not to post it on the original KTF thread and keep this separate.

I wasn’t sure whether to post or not, and it’s going to raise a few eyebrows, also, I can only play it because I’ve had 2 trackers/clickers made from Normy, one which tracks and allows me to bet the non hit numbers, and the other vice versa, ok, here is the bit that will raise a few eyebrows...it’s betting all 37 numbers at the same time, told you!!! I don’t bet until you have a scenario of 10 spins with 10 unique numbers, you then start with 1 unit on the 27 un-hit, and 1unit on the 10 hit, yes, you lose 1 unit, and you could virtual bet this, however, it’s easier just to bet all when using the trackers/clickers. You then use the same progression for each +1 on a loss, -1 on a win. I think this would be effectively differential betting between the non hits and hits, therefore, there are circumstances, where if you want, you aren’t betting either the non hits, or, hits, although you need to work out the amounts to bet, which isn’t particularly difficult, however, time is very limited between spins playing online, as I’ve already mentioned, it’s easier for me to bet all because of the trackers, it’s also quite funny when you see the online dealers faces, when you are placing 37 chips on the table in a matter of seconds, although, will probably get my accounts closed!! For example spin 12 may have 1 unit on the 25 non hits, and 3 units on the 12 hits, if a non hit hits, you would then bet 1 unit on the 24 non hits, and 4 units on the 13 hits, adjusting accordingly depending on the next spin outcome.

You are all probably asking why not just bet the non hits (KTF), or the hits...I’m not sure, this seems to be more stable, although, I could be talking nonsense. Also if you have scenario where you have had say, only 1 repeat in 20 spins, you tend to find the next few spins will be the hits starting to repeat with the high chip value, if this is the case after a few wins, although, not reached your target, or slightly less that you starting BR, you may want to end that game and start over, you may in fact get slightly ahead, or, even hit your target. This comes down to having an understanding of the trot, and 15 non hits/repeats occurring in spins 11-40. I play for 30+ units then start over.

Any questions, or, if you think this should have its own thread, please let me know, I’m also big & ugly enough to take any criticism which comes my way :)

