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Started by RouletteGhost, May 31, 06:14 PM 2016

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Well, I say f*ck this crap. BAN all public manifestations of relligion! Criminalize any public religious acts or talks religious related. All of them! You can have any relligion you want - inside your home only. And that's more then enough.

In the end, all this people have lack of faith. If they truelly believed their all powerfull deities, they should know it's all "god's work" and really have no need of "spreading the word" into others and talk about it all the time, or pray, or whatever turns you on religiously speaking - whatever god they have chosen. But they don't trust it, they have in reality no faith at all and try to influence the outcomes in any way they can- as if an all powerfull god would change opinion for what stupid mortals think the world should be anyway...

We still live in a free world, and of course, you can have a religion if you want to. But you can compare believing in a god or whatever you want AND having a relligion on top of it as one beying the richest man in the world, and still going to play roullette, trying to earn some more money out of it...

My 2 cents.
"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming


Quote from: vladir on May 31, 08:42 PM 2016
Well, I say f*ck this crap. BAN all public manifestations of relligion! Criminalize any public religious acts or talks religious related. All of them! You can have any relligion you want - inside your home only. And that's more then enough.

OK that would be cool

and the liberal left imposes this but gives "them" a free pass
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: vladir on May 31, 08:42 PM 2016Well, I say f*ck this crap. BAN all public manifestations of relligion! Criminalize any public religious acts or talks religious related. All of them! You can have any relligion you want - inside your home only. And that's more then enough.

All systems lose in the end, you can't polish a turd.


the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: Kattila on May 31, 07:13 PM 2016
Europe is really in big trouble, most people are blind and ignorant
they don t see that *they* really will take over the Europe in the next 2 or 3 generations.
Europeans make 1 or 2 kids , the others make 4 +++, now isn t clear what happens ?
They received orders to to that ...take over Europe but not with war (guns,etc..) just
make lot of kids then in the next generations this kids will be already citizens with full
right , vote...
Europe is finished because *someone* want so , and its not about religion ,they use it only
like a facade , but the peons really belive what they do ..brain washed people....
Btw...*someone*= elite , and they also are only peons for *others *

Most of the world is in big trouble and most people are slaves to the system, until everyone wakes up (probably won't happen until too late) nothing will change.

We are all controlled by a few, just most don't even realise it.
All systems lose in the end, you can't polish a turd.


the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



the violence i have seen tonight

the muslim children saying they dont speak to fellow german children because they disgust them

watching interviews of them stating their goal to take over

i am sick to my stomach and i dont know why i subjected myself to it

no words for what i saw on youtube tonight

most definitely not propaganda its happening all over that continent

i will tell you one thing, american police won't play that game
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins


The General

If you go to a safe zone, then you don't have to hear the truth because it's blocked/filtered for you.
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Quote from: The General on May 31, 09:57 PM 2016
If you go to a safe zone, then you don't have to hear the truth because it's blocked/filtered for you.

Nanny state comes to mind.
All systems lose in the end, you can't polish a turd.


Quote from: The General on May 31, 09:57 PM 2016
If you go to a safe zone, then you don't have to hear the truth because it's blocked/filtered for you.

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Nobody is born with a religion. We get brainwashed with that crap. But if we're older we should know that nobody splits the ocean in two or turn water into wine. Must been strong weed they smoked back in the day. Lol

About those Muslims. ..go back where you came from. There's gonna happen something huge herre...but probably to late.
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: denzie on May 31, 11:01 PM 2016
Nobody is born with a religion. We get brainwashed with that crap. But if we're older we should know that nobody splits the ocean in two or turn water into wine. Must been strong weed they smoked back in the day. Lol

About those Muslims. ..go back where you came from. There's gonna happen something huge herre...but probably to late.


And the US wont take warning. They will be here soon

Not here on the forum though. Allah doesn't let them gamble
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: vladir on May 31, 08:42 PM 2016Well, I say f*ck this crap. BAN all public manifestations of relligion! Criminalize any public religious acts or talks religious related. All of them! You can have any relligion you want - inside your home only. And that's more then enough.
Sounds very familiar. ....anyone who doesnt comply...we can put them in an orange jump suit...parade them on tv then behead them...live.

We can get Ant and Dec with Devina Mcall to host the show

Im sure Simon Cowel already owns the format


Quote from: RouletteGhost on May 31, 11:02 PM 2016

And the US wont take warning. They will be here soon

I thought Trump was going to ban them if he gets in. Or has he toned down the rhetoric on that? I don't see how it would be enforceable anyway.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Its very sad

You help because you want to help

Then after several years when they are in large numbers thats when things get ugly

Really has to stop

Its not all of course. But enough of them
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

