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UK members stay or leave Europe

Started by nottophammer, Apr 18, 05:18 PM 2016

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The vote will end in stay, why, too much money to give up.
Look who’s running the monkey house, the elite of the country. We’ve seen Mr Cameron multi-millionaire trying to look clever by buying a second hand car for wifee, yeah pull the other one.
Farmers saying can’t survive giving up there subsidies, don’t they use east Europeans for crop picking, who work for less than minimum wage, what does the framer pay the gang master?
We’re being told by staying  the children will be better educated, be able to get a well-paid job, buy a house, with 1.7 million out of work and .7 million 16-24 year-olds looking for employment, currently we’re told there’s 2.2 million immigrants working here.
So by staying, how will your children be better educated, when more migrants will be allowed, buy a house when the young struggle now to buy a house.
I can’t see my own doctor now for 2 weeks, yes I can have an emergency appointment, so if our village gets bigger are they going to build a larger doctors, increase schools, etc.,
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Hi Nottophammer,
You are correct in what you say apart from the result will be to leave.  People are just waking up to the consequences of mass immigration and seeing the stories unfold recently in the English Channel are showing people how close to home it is.   People are also realising that it is mainly self interest and twisted arm people who are advising stay.   Also all the dodgy advisors from previous run ins  eg: Euro currency/ERM are at it again.  I would not trust any of them to even tell me the time of day.  No one (either side) know what will happen.  Trade could tank or it could boom.  Nobody can predict this so it is just totally ridiculous to make forecasts.  Same with jobs, house prices, interest rates, inflation etc. etc.  The UK Treasury was so bad at forecasting that they took it out of their hands and gave it to an independent body. (OBR)
There has been an awful lot of selective quotes made.    Remain are even telling us how much worse of we all will be in 14 yes 14 years time!!!!   I am voting leave.  The EU is a dictatorship and will only get worse.  It has already paved the way for another 5 financially poor countries to join.  Rich members are going to have to support them.  We are already supporting some members.  Enough is enough.


Hi Bleep
Yes hope we get to leave.
Be good get some of the old industries back up and earning. Don’t believe for one minute trade sanctions will be imposed, if Europe does there’s other nations. Surely it’s about whom needs who the most and this country has that word Great, didn’t need to be part of Europe back then.
How will we be worse off if the money we put in the EU stayed here, still subsidise the farmers.   Have more money to encourage investment from abroad, didn’t we give agreements to Nissan, ask the Germans for the mini back.
Yes, how can they say in 4 or 10 years we’d still be in a recession?  they don’t get anything right, look at the present governments immigration figures all wrong.
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I think the real problem is that we're having a vote on a potentially life changing scenario and most of us are not fully aware of all of the facts and/or consequences of either staying in or leaving.
I'm leaning towards voting to leave, but being honest, it's from an almost totally ignorant stand point.
I sat down last week to watch a debate on tv, with 3 parties - leave, stay and undecided.
Far from being an informative and educational debate, it had descended into a shambles after about 10 minutes, with both the leave and stay parties, seemingly intent on slagging off the other one, or coming out with random scaremongering facts.
Staggering really when a referendum of such a magnitude is handed over to a largely ignorant voting public. Almost everyone I speak to isn't sure about how to vote because of the same reason.
I just want some objective information.
in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


Im voting to stay. why? Because Its been what I am used to since I was 10.

I have a good job, my own house, been married 30 years next tuesday and have 2 kids 30 and 23 and a granddaughter

Life is good. I have expendable income and cant complain.

So it a choice between what I know and something I have absolutely no idea about.

Its a massive risk to change to something that has never been tried or tested.

All I remember about being 10 is power cuts and miners strikes.


Hi ewarwoowar,
There is not any definite information of any worth because no one knows what will happen in the future regarding trade, jobs, house prices, inflation etc. etc.   No one knows if more or less immigrants will come.  What will happen with housing, jobs, NHS, school places etc. etc. Anyone who says that this will happen or that will happen are lying.

I would concentrate on knowns.    The EU is a dictatorship.  It is paving the way for another 5 countries to join.   It has proved that it is incapable of handling a crisis.  The EU share of world trade has dropped by 50% over the past 20 years.  The EU countries sell much more to the UK than we do to them.  They want to form a EU Armed forces.   It has shown that it does not want to reform by Cameron`s attempt to do so.  It is the supreme court authority and we have to abide by its rules and decisions.  The human rights act is a disaster.  We cannot deport anyone.  Immigrants are sucking hundreds of millions of £`s out of UK money by way of legal aid and translation services.  We are contributing around £200 million pounds a week to EU after rebates. The Euro currency has failed,  EU unemployment is about 20 million.
    There`s just a few knowns to chew over.
If you want some more let me know 


Turner, congratulations on your anniversary next Tuesday!
I'm sure that the power cuts and the struggle with the unions had nothing to do with the fact that we weren't in the EU though.
I don't think of myself as European as I'm sure most of us don't. I think of myself as British.
I'm certain that for most people advocating leaving, immigration is a major reason.
It seems crazy that there's so many immigrants working freely - and no doubt sending money out of the country to their families - when we have employment at the level we do.
People advocating staying in talk as if we'd be totally ostracised from the rest of Europe - as if there'd be no trade or as if they wouldn't want to trade with us. I'm not sure that's the case.
When I was a kid, we seemed to have produce from all over the world, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa etc. We don't seem to see this stuff any more and I'm certain that if some trading doors did slam shut, then others would open.
in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


Quote from: Turner on Jun 02, 04:11 PM 2016Its a massive risk to change to something that has never been tried or tested.
We did okay when we were not in the EU, so why should it be any different.
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Leaving the EU would not necessarily end the migration. There is always the example of Switzerland a Norway. They want to be part of the EU market, so they must allow free movement, so they are full of immigrants.
Sure, going against the EU sounds good, and I'd probably vote out, but I doubt too many things would change. Europe will never be like it was 30-40 years ago.


Hi Turner,
I know that it is not just about immigration but do we really want to live in a Muslim country which is what will probably happen.  The referendum is not just about remain or leave it could dictate the make up of the government and policy for years to come.  In my eyes the EU will only get worse and even more controlling if we vote remain.  They may force us into Euro currency.  We are already funding poorer member states and more are set to join.  The EU already sets about 70% of our laws and more rules and regulations on businesses.   You may be OK now so want no change.  You obviously have not been affected up to now by immigration but you will run into it sometime in the future.  I am fine also but am thinking of other people who have been affected by this.  Put your own situation to one side and think of the longer term.   The UK currently has a national debt of 1500 billion and rising.  Do we really want to be paying a net £200 million per week to the EU and even more to bail out other EU countries. That is 10 billion pounds a year that we can spend on our own projects.  Do you give your money to someone else and let them spend it on what they like (unless it is your partner)  People like you are burying their heads in the sand.  All the chickens will come home to roost eventually.     


It must certainly give us the freedom to control our own borders though? Thereby limiting immigration. Why shouldn't we unashamedly say who can come in and who cant? Like a lot of other countries do by the way.
in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


Is the immigration as bad as i see it?

Muslim no go zones?
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Rich, there are no go zones in all countries all over the world. We are no different in that respect.
in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


Muslims are just part of the migration problem. The other problem is that the country is losing its identity. There are many areas and neighborhoods that can be now mistaken for other continents. You get on a bus in the morning and realize that not a single person having a conversation in English. There is a primary school in Croydon for example where students speak 69 different languages. I heard some teachers in the radio complaining that they are no longer able to teach properly because half of the young children barely understands English.
I'm not the best person to have an opinion on these matters since I'm not British, but I did spend some time there, and I read the news every days, so I have some idea on what is going on.
