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Started by RouletteGhost, May 31, 06:14 PM 2016

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Quote from: blueman on Jun 24, 05:20 PM 2016Why did God flood the world? He got angry??

When God flood world?  I no believe it, just story scare stupid people.


Quote from: Scarface on Jun 24, 11:22 AM 2016
The Quran and the Bible is VERY similar.  The Bible OKs murder, war, slavery, abuse, and rape in certain passages.  So yes, both "holy books" are evil from both religions.

I see what you're saying though.  Basically, Muslims follow what their Holy Book says, while Christians and Jews do not...thank goodness for that.

The old testament is similar, starting with the conquests of Moses and Joshua. Voices told Joshua and gang to sack whole cities, kill the men, keep the women and cattle.  Mohammed is like, what a great idea. I hear voices in my head too!  In your face! 

The difference seems to be the scope of territory Moses/Joshua thought was given to them by the voices in their head, versus the scope given Mohammed by the voices in his head.  The latter is about world wide domination via regularly scheduled expansion at the point of a sword, and every other means short of the sword.

Moses/Joshua and descendants seemed to have accepted some limits to domination by the sword...some sense of borders...albeit far and wide.

  It was latter Jewish liturgists that expressed wishful thinking about a world-dominating "messiah" figure...ruling the world from Jerusalem.  But in that case, it was up to the messiah to expand the scope world-wide, by sword if he wished.  Islam has it's own messiah figure, called the "mahdi", whom they expect to jump into action if the scope of Islamic warfare is sufficiently large, and sufficiently threatened.

Later, but before Mohammed got all these great ideas, a  group of old men with pointy hats included Jewish literature ("old testament") with Christian literature to make-up something called Judeo-Christianity.  As the pope noted recently, it has history around the idea of conquest.  However, the methods by which certain Christians seek to dominate the entire globe fall short of the sword, and that, if any blood is to be shed in the process, it is up to the messiah upon his return. 

So there you have it. The Christian and Islamic scope of expansion are the same: world-wide. The method each of these groups are willing to use are different.  Christianity uses psychological warfare, while Islam uses both psychological warfare, and hot war (the sword).   The Jewish scope was limited to a large swath of land, initiated with the sword (guerrilla warfare), with the idea that a messiah would eventually come and expand it world-wide in his own way, with his own methods. 

These people all deserve each other. 

Btw, does anybody remember when Donald Trump held his young son out the Trump Tower saying god told him to drop his son without a parachute?  And to think Americans will allow this madman to run for highest office! 

Wait...hold on...i got my fact checking mixed up. 

Not Donald Trump.  It was Abraham that heard voices in his head telling him to bind and knife his son to death to test his faith.  This is the revered father of all three "Abrahamic religions".  Oh what faith!


It's OK to slam migrants but what about the Americans who constantly in fade countries all over world and kill millions of innocent civilians. As their president said "ok, so we killed some folks"! What a shitty political system, a system that prides itself on War and killing to secure resources.

Americans on this forum should not comment at all!

By the way, I hate religion, war and the world"!

T 😉


Quote from: come_on_melb_ole on Jun 25, 04:26 AM 2016
It's OK to slam migrants but what about the Americans who constantly in fade countries all over world and kill millions of innocent civilians. As their president said "ok, so we killed some folks"! What a shitty political system, a system that prides itself on War and killing to secure resources.

Americans on this forum should not comment at all!

By the way, I hate religion, war and the world"!

T 😉

Im American. And i understand my government has been bought and paid for

The citizens of the united states were sold out a long time ago

We are forced to vote democrat or republican who are owned by companies

So shove it

I think you meant invade, not in fade

Good thing the moon does not have oil we'd have taken it over by now

Although i absolutely hate my political system in my country owned by pharmaceutical companies i must say if we werent doing this china and russia would be

Our dollar is worthless and our military backs it

Theres many americans who believe what you believe
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: come_on_melb_ole on Jun 25, 04:26 AM 2016Americans on this forum should not comment at all!
Well not correct...of course anyone can comment
Im gonna say from what Ive seen...Obama looks like a really good guy
....but Ive never heard an american say a good word about him. They know the realty because they live there. I dont. Thats my point.

Also....they seem to be fixated with muslims.
What happened to the communist infactuation?
Never hear you mention "those goddam ruskies" anymore lol
Flavour of the week?


Flavor of the week?

I don't think so

I think it is a new problem we have to face

I want to like muslims. And everyone.

The world would have endless possibilities if everyone united.

The problem that i see with muslims is the lack of assimilation

They migrate. Then in large numbers try to change the place

I saw an interview in germany. Muslim children said they dont become friends with german kids because they are dirty and eat pork

Turner in your country i know there is problems and no go zones

All religions have problems and extremism but islam is its own ball game. They take their writings too literally

Saudi arabia who we have good relations with behead for being gay. Jail for alcohol. Things like this

Muslim and islamic ways are not compatible with western society. They MUST assimilate. assimilate? Fine then we can be friends and enjoy the country

American liberals bash christians and say separation of church and state but give a free pass to muslims and never say a word when muslims want call to prayer bells and pray in public

In michigan there is a muslim town. They said "now we will show the polish" when they won city council bthey are locusts that seek to take over

American schools can teach islam but if they mention christianity people are up in arms over separation of church and state

Americans wont stand for whats happening in europe. The american liberal will learn the hard way that they aren't who they say they are

My fellow americans say be tolerant to muslims but not to christians. That makes me angry. And im agnostic!
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jun 25, 08:37 AM 2016Turner in your country i know there is problems and no go zones
well you know more than me...never reported on the news...no documentaries on it,

where are these no go zones exactly?


I'm also American, but am sympathetic toward Muslims.  Yes, there are some radical Muslims but there are billions of Muslims worldwide.  A majority of them are peaceful. 

Our media and politicians are using propaganda for Americans to fear muslims.  Out of all the mass shootings in our country, 90%+ were from white people.

I think our foreign policy is alot to blame.  The CIA helped put Sadam Hussein in power in Iraq.  And we invaded this country for no reason.  Iraq had nothing to do with 911.  Bush should have been charged with war crimes. 

  The CIA armed the Taliban and Bin Laden in the 80s.  Btw, Regan compared the Taliban to our founding fathers.  When they're on our side we call them Freedom Fighters, but when they're against us they're terrorist.

During the cold war, the CIA helped overthrow a democratically elected leader in Iran  to replace him with the Shah...who killed thousands.  Just imagine if a foreign country overthrew our government and did this. 

Alot of the hate some Muslims have for us is because of our foreign policy.  The US government has alot of blood on its hands. 


Quote from: Scarface on Jun 25, 09:49 AM 2016
I'm also American, but am sympathetic toward Muslims.  Yes, there are some radical Muslims but there are billions of Muslims worldwide.  A majority of them are peaceful. 

Our media and politicians are using propaganda for Americans to fear muslims.  Out of all the mass shootings in our country, 90%+ were from white people.

I think our foreign policy is alot to blame.  The CIA helped put Sadam Hussein in power in Iraq.  And we invaded this country for no reason.  Iraq had nothing to do with 911.  Bush should have been charged with war crimes. 

  The CIA armed the Taliban and Bin Laden in the 80s.  Btw, Regan compared the Taliban to our founding fathers.  When they're on our side we call them Freedom Fighters, but when they're against us they're terrorist.

During the cold war, the CIA helped overthrow a democratically elected leader in Iran  to replace him with the Shah...who killed thousands.  Just imagine if a foreign country overthrew our government and did this. 

Alot of the hate some Muslims have for us is because of our foreign policy.  The US government has alot of blood on its hands.


Our government does not represent us

They represent monsanto and the pharma industry

Power hungry. Money hungry. Socialism in bound.
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



True.  Our government does not represent us anymore.  It's gotten so corrupt.

Everytime there is a mass shooting here, politicians do nothing.  I understand both sides of the gun debate, and support the 2nd amendment.  But, poll after poll shows that more than 90% of Americans support closing the loophole for background checks.      How can congress not even pass a law that more than 90% of the population wants? 

It's frustrating.  I love this country, just disappointed in our government


Quote from: Turner on Jun 25, 07:51 AM 2016
Well not correct...of course anyone can comment
Im gonna say from what Ive seen...Obama looks like a really good guy
....but Ive never heard an american say a good word about him. They know the realty because they live there. I dont. Thats my point.

Also....they seem to be fixated with muslims.
What happened to the communist infactuation?
Never hear you mention "those goddam ruskies" anymore lol
Flavour of the week?

I think Obama has been a great president.  But alot of people are critical of him.  This, in my opinion, is due to the media.  The highest rated news network, Fox News, is clearly bias toward the Republican party and portray Obama very negatively.

A viewer of Fox News would think this is the worst economy we've ever had.  When Obama took office, 700,000 jobs were being lost a month....now it's adding nearly 200,000 jobs a month.  Stock market at a all time high.  Deficit spending cut by half. 

When a major news network is using propaganda like that, most people take it as proof instead of fact checking. 


On November 8th , 2016  WE the PEOPLE of the  United States will send a message to the do nothing political elite.

The silent majority is beginning to  roar .


New York Daily News

All over the world voices cry out :

