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Remote Viewing Roulette Numbers

Started by nowun, Jun 03, 09:37 PM 2015

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Quote from: nowun on Sep 30, 06:49 PM 2016
Candle gazing is the best I have come across for getting you there quickly. If you can learn to relax totally it helps as well.  Try lying still on a bed for an hour or two without falling asleep.

It helps that I have been involved in energy work for the past 20 years.  I got my masters level in Reiki in early 1997 and have been practicing it ever since, free of charge.  If you know anything about Reiki you will know it cost upwards of $10,000 to get to master level 20 years ago.  I have also been practicing astral travelling on and off for about the same length of time with varying degrees of success.  It gets a bit scary at times.

The best advise I can offer is be prepared to open your mind and believe in the impossible.  Most on here just can not grasp that, which is why they will never get anywhere and will look on all this with ridicule.
Personally I am not sure why I even bother coming here anymore, it's just the same old regurgitated crap over and over.

Stick to your systems and progressions guys, you should lose all you money eventually.  :o

So you do have a history with practicing what might be branded occult stuff.

Nothing wrong with dabbling in occult stuff -- just making an observation.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: Scarface on Sep 30, 09:52 PM 2016
Nowun, looks like you've had alot of success.  How many spins can you estimate you've played over the time you turned 100 to 6000

To be honest I have no idea, BV used to keep a history for about 20-30 days, but I haven't been able to access it for a long time.  I took me around 10-15 days I think (I don't keep records, but I played a lot of sessions when I started on the journey) to double my â,¬100 BR the first time playing â,¬0.01 per number bets, once I doubled it I went to â,¬0.02.  I went to â,¬0.03 at â,¬300, â,¬0.04 at â,¬400 etc.  Once I got to â,¬1,000 that was when I really started bumping the BR, because I jumped my bets to â,¬1 per number, I got to â,¬2,000 in around 15 sessions. 

I still don't bet higher than â,¬1 per number even though my BR has been well over â,¬10,000 for a long time now, I withdraw regularly.  â,¬1 per number is my limit and I now limit my playing sessions to 1-2 a day.
My Remote Viewing YouTube channel: link:[url="//s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/"]s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/[/url]


Quote from: nowun on Oct 01, 07:26 PM 2016
To be honest I have no idea, BV used to keep a history for about 20-30 days, but I haven't been able to access it for a long time.  I took me around 10-15 days I think (I don't keep records, but I played a lot of sessions when I started on the journey) to double my â,¬100 BR the first time playing â,¬0.01 per number bets, once I doubled it I went to â,¬0.02.  I went to â,¬0.03 at â,¬300, â,¬0.04 at â,¬400 etc.  Once I got to â,¬1,000 that was when I really started bumping the BR, because I jumped my bets to â,¬1 per number, I got to â,¬2,000 in around 15 sessions. 

I still don't bet higher than â,¬1 per number even though my BR has been well over â,¬10,000 for a long time now, I withdraw regularly.  â,¬1 per number is my limit and I now limit my playing sessions to 1-2 a day.

So it's safe to say you have played thousands of spins.  Congratulations!  Keep doing what you're doing.  You have a gift my friend.

My last session was around 450 spins.  Played on intuition only, betting only a couple numbers and won 400.  Seems like the longer I played, the better my picks started to hit.  Hope to have the same results next time


Quote from: Scarface on Oct 01, 11:22 PM 2016
So it's safe to say you have played thousands of spins.  Congratulations!  Keep doing what you're doing.  You have a gift my friend.

My last session was around 450 spins.  Played on intuition only, betting only a couple numbers and won 400.  Seems like the longer I played, the better my picks started to hit.  Hope to have the same results next time

Yes, many thousands, both practice and for real.  I practiced on focusbliss.com until I could turn the $500 play money into $20,000+ on a regular basis using $10 bets, then used the practice mode on BV for quite a long time before playing for real.  The lottery win on there came at an opportune time and I have not looked back since.

Well done with your session, keep at it, try not to get disheartened if you don't win all the time. :thumbsup:

Your emotional state will most likely effect how well you do each time.  Be happy and win, be sad or angry and you will lose. Have fun.  :)
My Remote Viewing YouTube channel: link:[url="//s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/"]s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/[/url]


Its great to see someone trying something DIFFERENT
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Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Do you actually see the number in your head, or is it more of just kno wing or feeling?


I'm not mocking or making fun of it but have you thought giving it a try and "upgrading" to lottery?

Maybe not catching all but even some of the numbers could be huge  ;D
You can edit a bad page but you can't edit a blank page. Try things out! Don't procrastinate or wait perfect timing! Just start what you wish to do finally!


Quote from: BellagioOwner on Oct 02, 07:28 PM 2016I'm not mocking or making fun of it but have you thought giving it a try and "upgrading" to lottery?

If such ability was possible, limiting it to roulette is like attempting to slice bread with a chainsaw. You can effectively change the world, predict major disasters etc.


There are methods to lottery

For example

There are people that play online. Like 5dimes. They let u play the lottery of every state. The pick 5 or whatever it is

Some people do well

I will look for the methods and post

Some people will play the same numbers in every state. 50 chances
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: Scarface on Oct 02, 07:13 PM 2016
Do you actually see the number in your head, or is it more of just kno wing or feeling?

Both I suppose,  I see the number, sometimes crystal clear other times a bit mixed up.  When I see it crystal clear I also just know it is correct.  Those are the times I get good sequences of hits.  I will see the numbers one after the other, up to 3 or 4 at a time.  I often mess up after 3 hits in a row due to getting nervous, as funny as that may sound.  It is hard to stay calm when everything is just hitting one after the other, it gets exciting.  :o  Still a works in progress......., but knowing it works is exciting to, even if a bit unbelievable as well.

Quote from: BellagioOwner on Oct 02, 07:28 PM 2016I'm not mocking or making fun of it but have you thought giving it a try and "upgrading" to lottery?

Yes, with some success, above normal I would guess.  It is harder to predict though, as it is not happening right away, it could be hours or days away before the numbers are drawn.
My Remote Viewing YouTube channel: link:[url="//s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/"]s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/[/url]


Nowun what do you focus on when looking for numbers at the table? Might sound silly but do you have a lit candle by the PC to gaze into or do you find somewhere on the PC screen to gaze for finding the numbers?


I would love to try this approach. Since besides any possible winnings on roulette, having meditated and cleared your mind helps in all aspects in your life in general. From professional to personal and spiritual.

My only problem is I'm sure I won't be able to recognize whether a number that I get in my head is coming through my imagination and not so quiet yet mind or is coming through genuine remote viewing. How can you separate the 2 situations?

Betting on number based on imagination is totally not remote viewing and it involves conscious mind not subconscious which is not my goal.

Any tip on that @nowun?
You can edit a bad page but you can't edit a blank page. Try things out! Don't procrastinate or wait perfect timing! Just start what you wish to do finally!


Another roulette based excercise



Quote from: Redherring on Oct 03, 03:19 AM 2016
Nowun what do you focus on when looking for numbers at the table? Might sound silly but do you have a lit candle by the PC to gaze into or do you find somewhere on the PC screen to gaze for finding the numbers?

No, I started out using a blank space to gaze at (visit focusbliss.com and read, the owner put together a really good FREE practice website), now the numbers just come without the need for too much focusing.  I can just log in and a number sequence will appear.  100 units in 4-5 spins is not uncommon.  It just takes practice.  Start out finding a blank spot to look at, as you get better you will find you dont need it anymore.  Very hard to explain how the numbers come, they just do.  One of the problems I have found is being out of sync by a spin or 2.  The numbers come accurately, but not necessarily within the next 4 spins you want them to.  They might come in 5 or 6 spins, when I have limited my bets per number to 4 spins, this can be frustrating, but it passes.  I call these sessions hard ones.  They just take a bit longer to finish.  The longer the session the more tired you will get and this is when you lose.  Sessions of 20 spins or less are the ideal.

Quote from: BellagioOwner on Oct 03, 08:02 AM 2016My only problem is I'm sure I won't be able to recognize whether a number that I get in my head is coming through my imagination and not so quiet yet mind or is coming through genuine remote viewing. How can you separate the 2 situations?

The easy answer is you can't, that is where the practice comes in, eventually you will just know.  This is why most will not be successful, it takes time and patience and does not happen overnight.  It took me over 12 months of daily practice to get where I was able to use this successfully enough to win.

Quote from: iterativ on Oct 02, 08:18 PM 2016If such ability was possible, limiting it to roulette is like attempting to slice bread with a chainsaw. You can effectively change the world, predict major disasters etc.

Edgar Cayce
My Remote Viewing YouTube channel: link:[url="//s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/"]s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/[/url]


I believe this

Because science says its possible

Higher dimensions crazy things happen
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

