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Today was a close night for me and my wife

Started by romano0327, Oct 07, 12:27 AM 2017

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Hello guys,

I am writing this because what happened to me,  could happen to anyone.

An hour ago I was home with my wife watching a movie,  we both began to feel a strong  headache,  and decided to sleep,  I woke up ten minutes later very dizzy and tried to go to the bathroom,  and when I was close to the bathroom everything went black and I fainted on the bare floor, some seconds later I opened my eyes and was very confused, everything was extremely blury,   I felt like if I had been drugged,  I screamed so that my wife could come help me, but there was no response,  I managed to get up,  and when I entered my room,  my wife was literally rolling on the bed with her hands on her throat,  she could not breathe,  I immediately called for help,  and my parents came fast to help us,  all this happened becouse there was a gas leak in the house,  and I did not know about it,  we are ok now, and we are sleeping over at my parents,  but I could have never imagined a gas leak could be so seriius,  if we had fallen asleep,  I dont know if we would still here. 


Praise God. Glad everything worked out

Andre Chass

Oh my God! It's a dangerous thing!

I'm happy you and your wife are safe now.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...



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It's called the silent dead.
And your on this forum already after a nearly dead experience?  I have it hard to take you serious. Especially coz I know how many people you bother here to pls help you out.

But that's my opinion of course  :thumbsup:
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Glad you’re well and safe.  This hits very close to home for me.  Those who know me personally know why. 

And yes, get a detector and check those batteries for those that already have one.
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Glad to know nothing serious happen.

Kitchen is a dangerous place where accidents can and do happen, I know cause I cook quite a bit.


Thank you guys, it was a horrible feeling not knowing what was happening, my first thought was that somebody had drugged us,  but it was very hard to believe that,  becouse we where not together before arriving home,  each one arrived home independently so we didn't share contact with anyone on the street... It was only when my parents arrived,  that they suggested it was a gas leak,  and it was the only logical explanation becouse my gas bill is four times higher  every month compared to the bill in my parent's house (there are 4 people in my parent's,  mom,  dad,  brother and sister)  and they use the gas a lot to cook every day,  the hot water heater for the shower,  etc.  In my house its only me and my wife,   and we rarely cook,  we rarely use the gas, so its the only logical explanation for me at this moment,  today I am having somebody go check the house before returning home,  I am not going back until this is done... I am afraid that if this is true,  then it could have been going on for months,  and we could have been getting intoxicated slowly... I woke up today and my heart is feeling uncomfortable,  some sort leftover pain from las night,  becouse my heart was racing almost painfully last night   when I woke up after fainting... Literally the worst thing I have experienced in a long time... I will let you know how me and my wife feel throughout the day,  and also if the  whole incident was generated by a gas leak after I get my house checked out today.


I am glad you guys are okay.

Since you are still having residual symptoms, why don't you guys go to an emergency room (or your doctor for that matter) and get yourselves checked out?

It probably is the gas leak, but you cannot be sure unless you have yourself medically checked out.

Also, call the gas company and ask for their opinion -- they might send over someone to ascertain if there was indeed a leak. Another option would be to call the local fire department and ask them to come over and check for a gas leak.
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Also, in the meantime, do not switch on any electric switches as they sometimes generate tiny electrical sparks which can ignite any gas that is present in the surrounding air (even if the room is far from the kitchen).
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The first thing you should do in such situation is leave the house and wait for help but outdoor!
