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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 08, 05:46 PM 2011

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Does everybody play flatbet? Or is the Parlay on the table?

I would play with the "steven1212" mm  :thumbsup:

Rules still the same? Track all 3 EC's and bet first one that qualified? Reset win or lose
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: cht on Feb 17, 01:02 AM 2018I have addressed this aspect many times, no response so far.  :question:

I suspect(without empirical evidence) that the best progression is virtual loss/1/2 or virtual loss/1/1 risking 3 or 2 units per game. If virtual win, wait for next signal.
with the System design we can perform both simulations using the computer's RND and collate the rules from the session to determine the percentage won on the first, second and third bets. But the real interesting emperical data will be the results I obtain running this system live continuously and capturing the results. This will be real world results to determine if it makes sense to using the following progression options:
1. 3 step Marty with Recovery in two steps
2. Virtual Bet the first step, followed by two step Marty
3. Virtual Bet the first step, followed by two step flat bet (second bet gets your money back)
4. D'Alambert (step up on loss, step down on win)
5. Labouchere (setup say sequence of 10 numbers and cross off first/last on win, add last bet to end of sequence on loss)

All the above can produce different results. But the progression method should be matched with the betting method. If the betting method proves to be as good as Sentinel is experiencing with his record breaking winning streak then you should have the confidence to go with the quickest method to success and that is the 3 Step Marty with 2 step recovery.



What I am shocked by is PATTERN BREAKER even works for craps, now that being said I wish there was some way to make a method on the Place 4 and 10 so I could make a profit with those two numbers, in case the guys don't know the 4 and 10 pay 2 to 1 so if you wager 25 bucks you get 75 just like when you play a single dozen in roulette.
I will do some more Pattern  Breaker testing later today with my little craps table here at the house.

Later guys.

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Quote from: Apolloo on Feb 06, 10:04 AM 2018
Hi everyone.

Iv been testing this PB system but on the Dozens and columns.

The patterns im using are

Dozens.    Columns
AAA.              111
BBB.              222
CCC.              333

Wait until we have crossed off two of the patterns. Then bet for the last pattern not to show on the next set of 3 spins.

Only betting 1-1, 3-3.  (8u loss)
My tests so far:

Games played = 30

1st                      W  = 16 times
2nd.                 LW  = 12 times
LOSS.    LLW+LLL   = 2 times

Bankroll =    +14


Efbet Hemus Europe/Sofia time (06:30 - 08:40)

2 19 24 
29 5 35 *222
34 4 17
15 8 22
1 14 27
9 34 3   
34 19 2
31 36 22
3 11 28
12 7 14
23 24 29
25 2 9
29 15 6
13 10 23 
1 19 5
5 1 16
28 31 12
8 5 30
26 27 33 *CCC
22 5 15
28 17 24.
29 36 13. 
1 24 24
10 24 4
4 25 18
31 35 18
29 18 19
29 12 13
5 9 5.  *AAA.  Bet a+c
14 2 8       (W+1)
8 24 36
12 24 36. *333 bet 2+3
29 29 26    (W+1)
13 4 31
34 33 23
9 5 16
25 35 35



Efbet Hemus Europe/Sofia time (08:45 - 10:55)

23 24 21 *BBB
33 36 30 *CCC *333 (trig bet C+B)
28 31 19  *111 W+1. (trig bet 1+3)
10 5 26 W+1



Hi Bikemotorman.

Try this method for a 2/1 bet.

Suggest you only bet a 2 step progression 1-1,3-3 stop.

Grind hard with the patience and discipline 👊


Quote from: bikemotorman on Feb 17, 07:42 AM 2018

What I am shocked by is PATTERN BREAKER even works for craps,

It should NOT be a surprise that PB works for craps (Pass / Don't Pass).

PB should, in theory at least, work for any gambling game / scenario where even chances are involved -- I mentioned this in a previous post in this thread:

What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Just finished a 400 spin session of PB/MV7
STEP 1 = 5
STEP 2=4
STEP 3=2

L=1 (stopped after first progression as ended the betting session. Will resume tomorrow)

I played one game of Apolloo's PB on Column/Doz (T40) and won 5 euros. Will add this method to the bot and track how it performs

Up 56 euro in 2 days. Not bad  :D.



Quote from: bikemotorman on Feb 17, 07:42 AM 2018

I wish there was some way to make a method on the Place 4 and 10 so I could make a profit with those two numbers,

in case the guys don't know the 4 and 10 pay 2 to 1 so if you wager 25 bucks you get 75 just like when you play a single dozen in roulette.

A couple of points:

1. Place betting either the 4 OR the 10 will pay  a little less than 2:1.

Yes, the odds (of winning the place bet on either the 4 OR the 10) are 2:1, but the payout is actually 9:5.

2. You can try to apply the PB method to place betting both the 4 and the 10 at the same time.

The probability of hitting the 4 is 3/36 and that of hitting the 10 is also 3/36.

So the combined probability is 3/36 + 3/36 = 6/36 = 1/6.

Now the probability of getting the 7 (which will kill both the place bets on the 4 and the 10) is 1/6 also.

So place betting both the 4 and the 10 against the 7 is, in probability terms,  a head-to-head clash between 1/6 (for the 4 / 10) and 1/6 (for the 7).

That of course means that place betting both the 4 and the 10 (against the 7) is essentially an even chance bet (just like R vs B or O vs E or H vs L in roulette).

And you can, thus, apply the PB method to it also (in theory, at least  :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:).

What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: cht on Feb 17, 01:02 AM 2018
I have addressed this aspect many times, no response so far.  :question:

I suspect(without empirical evidence) that the best progression is virtual loss/1/2 or virtual loss/1/1 risking 3 or 2 units per game. If virtual win, wait for next signal.
Okay Romano and Cht, dont say i dont give you nothing.

Spent over 2 hours to get these.numbers for 14,126 GAMES.

STEP 1 WINS=7656
STEP 2 WINS=4,098
STEP 3 WINS=1,552

Well my wonderful streak of 🛑54 GAMES IN A ROW🛑 Finally came to an end this afternoon. But I am over the moon. Have already won 3 games since the loss. Im going for a new record.of 95--5 or better for the whole 100 game set...

Currently at 56--1.


Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Feb 17, 10:52 AM 2018

A couple of points:

1. Place betting either the 4 OR the 10 will pay  a little less than 2:1.

Yes, the odds (of winning the place bet on either the 4 OR the 10) are 2:1, but the payout is actually 9:5.

2. You can try to apply the PB method to place betting both the 4 and the 10 at the same time.

The probability of hitting the 4 is 3/36 and that of hitting the 10 is also 3/36.

So the combined probability is 3/36 + 3/36 = 6/36 = 1/6.

Now the probability of getting the 7 (which will kill both the place bets on the 4 and the 10) is 1/6 also.

So place betting both the 4 and the 10 against the 7 is, in probability terms,  a head-to-head clash between 1/6 (for the 4 / 10) and 1/6 (for the 7).

That of course means that place betting both the 4 and the 10 (against the 7) is essentially an even chance bet (just like R vs B or O vs E or H vs L in roulette).

And you can, thus, apply the PB method to it also (in theory, at least  :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:).

Wow Doc great post I am on a little break here in my house playing the PB on my little Crap table I have not completed my first game with PB yet but it should be within the hour LOL still need to reach my qualifying triple............yes Craps is way slower lol that is why with PB I use 100 dollar units.............I will do the same at Harrah Cherokee in NC.
To be a business person and walk out the winner, not the gambler takes a lot of work and dice rolls lol.
As I have said I am not a gambler but I am a tinkerer who loves to figure out an edge and with a small edge it may be more likely to make a profit.
I have both in abundance and now with several very solid methods, a profit is far more likely.
Always, the player will employ smart money management to conserve and protect his bankroll against adverse trends in the game.  Realistically, the player should experience many trips to the casino with profitable results.

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Quote from: bikemotorman on Feb 17, 11:40 AM 2018

Wow Doc great post I am on a little break here in my house playing the PB on my little Crap table I have not completed my first game with PB yet but it should be within the hour LOL still need to reach my qualifying triple............yes Craps is way slower lol that is why with PB I use 100 dollar units.............I will do the same at Harrah Cherokee in NC.
To be a business person and walk out the winner, not the gambler takes a lot of work and dice rolls lol.
As I have said I am not a gambler but I am a tinkerer who loves to figure out an edge and with a small edge it may be more likely to make a profit.
I have both in abundance and now with several very solid methods, a profit is far more likely.
Always, the player will employ smart money management to conserve and protect his bankroll against adverse trends in the game.  Realistically, the player should experience many trips to the casino with profitable results.

Absolutely. I read a book a few years ago. The best book ive ever read on roulette. Its called PLAYING TO WIN. By Brett Morton. In the book he couldnt stress enough the importance of tight money management. PATIENCE AND DISCIPLINE.

As he says in the book..The enemy in the casino is YOU. Ive said the same thing for years.


Thats why there are few longterm winners with this game.

They cant stay with the system. Even a winning one like PB.


Ok Guys two and one-half hours of Dice Rolls and the results I got one triple to play take a look at the sheet.

My last group was DPP so I played the opposite PDD and got DPD................ LLW.


Wait oops I got a DPD so first two my mistake on the sheet YES I must be careful.
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Hello Sentinel,  thank you very much for taking the time to respond,  with this information we will be able to make our own conclusions,  thank you for taking us all the way  :smile:


From these stats it seems to me the 1,2,4 is fine to play not much difference playing any other way. Although i could be wrong.

The only way that seems slightly better is.
3,5,9 progression for +3,+2,+1 over each step.

1,2,4 = +1079 per unit staked
3,5,9 = +1104 per unit staked.

Not much difference at all.

Maybe someone else can work out a better progression. But im very happy at 1,2,4.

Currently on a 16 streak.. Hoping to beat the 23 streak i had last month.

Grind hard with the patience and discipline 👊


Quote from: sentinel3 on Feb 17, 11:38 AM 2018TEP 1 WINS=7656
STEP 2 WINS=4,098
STEP 3 WINS=1,552
Hi Sentinel,
this is very valuable information as you can conclude from this that there are alternate progressions you can employ and still stay ahead. A 2 step progression 1/2/virtual 3 will save you the loss of 820 to pay for the 1,552 wins that you would have lost had you stopped at step 2.

Alternatively you could bet step3 as a break even step or get half your money back so 1/2/3 or 1/2/2. This is like using a d'Alembert

The progression in the attached would be perfect for this method. It incorporates both a negative and positive progression. Its called the TKO formula employed by the a baccarat play named Jay Silva who charges students thousands of dollars to teach them how to beat baccarat. The two progressions he uses are called the FORCE and the LADDER.
The idea is when you lose use a d'Alembert progression to bet each session.
When you are on a winning streak like Sentinel has been on for 50 straight wins then deploy the LADDER to maximise your wins. This means you are using the casino's money to place the next bet while on a winning streak. As soon as you lose one session then you get off the ladder and start using the FORCE again. If you want a good explanation of the system check out Jay's video  link:s://:.youtube.com/watch?v=OxYShQskBOw&t=1200s and apply it to PB and we have a VERY POWERFUL system. He gave a free lesson. It was a great eye opener for me as I already use a positive progression to bet on streaks in roulette but never combined a negative and positive progression in the same system.



Quote from: Ricky on Feb 17, 05:08 PM 2018
Hi Sentinel,
this is very valuable information as you can conclude from this that there are alternate progressions you can employ and still stay ahead. A 2 step progression 1/2/virtual 3 will save you the loss of 820 to pay for the 1,552 wins that you would have lost had you stopped at step 2.

Alternatively you could bet step3 as a break even step or get half your money back so 1/2/3 or 1/2/2. This is like using a d'Alembert

The progression in the attached would be perfect for this method. It incorporates both a negative and positive progression. Its called the TKO formula employed by the a baccarat play named Jay Silva who charges students thousands of dollars to teach them how to beat baccarat. The two progressions he uses are called the FORCE and the LADDER.
The idea is when you lose use a d'Alembert progression to bet each session.
When you are on a winning streak like Sentinel has been on for 50 straight wins then deploy the LADDER to maximise your wins. This means you are using the casino's money to place the next bet while on a winning streak. As soon as you lose one session then you get off the ladder and start using the FORCE again. If you want a good explanation of the system check out Jay's video  link:s://:.youtube.com/watch?v=OxYShQskBOw&t=1200s and apply it to PB and we have a VERY POWERFUL system. He gave a free lesson. It was a great eye opener for me as I already use a positive progression to bet on streaks in roulette but never combined a negative and positive progression in the same system.

Yes Ricky,

Dr Sudoku plays only the first two steps and does well with it. Me I dont mind the 3rd expensive step. Because i have absolute faith in THE BIG PICTURE.

Like the incredible streak I just enjoyed. There were 5 step 3 wins in that streak.

What must be understood Ricky. And not enough people can grasp this. Roulette is a percentage game. And PBR works beautifully in the ultimate denomination of percentage. 100. I always aim to PROFIT over 100 games. Not 5 or 10 or 20.

And PBR always delivers a profit within that 100 game framework.

And since the revision. Its looking stronger than ever. I used to be happy with an average of 92--8 for a 100 game set. Now, 94--6 and occasionally better looks like the new mark...
