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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 08, 05:46 PM 2011

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Andre Chass

Steve advice:

"If you are highly organized with a lot of different accounts, each with verified ID. Just milk the casino constantly until you get banned, then start a new account with a different name (you can pay others commission for using their account). There's not much casinos can do to stop you. There would be very little work to start play, so it's not like AP where you actually need to work. So it would be much easier to flip between accounts and continue - and its not like they can change the conditions on you to make you lose."

"...then just play and win, take money out until they stop you. Then just create a new account and repeat."
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: Andre Chass on Mar 10, 06:46 PM 2018

Thanks for the suggestion.

I'll open multiple accounts and try to withdraw $100 a day each casino

$100 a day from each casino might be -- again -- pushing it.

$100 every few days (or maybe just once a week) from each casino is probably less problematic.

Don't get greedy.

Remember, in a tussle over money, online casinos have nearly all the power.

You ...... much less so.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: Winner on Mar 10, 04:08 PM 2018

Interesting what kind on money management would you use IF betting every spin?

At present, I do NOT play any bet selection method (for either craps, baccarat, or roulette)  that entails betting on every roll/hand/spin.

However, if you were to bet on every roll/hand/spin, the following would be my suggested MM strategies:

Flat bet

Positive progression (either partial or total parlay; Guetting)

D' Alembert

Contra D' Alembert

Labouchere and its variants

Reverse Labouchere (the one made famous by Norman Leigh)

Fibonacci (one of my least favorite methods, but many others love it)

Gr8player progression (either the original 7 level one or a shorter version of it).

Lord Martingale's famous creation does NOT make the cut. Sorry.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: cht on Mar 09, 08:12 PM 2018Each hand is 2-3 minutes.
you are right with the traditional Baccarat game where everyone sits down at the table. It is extremely slow and players get to touch and bend the cards. Its all part of the excitement. And this is what turns the favour to the casino as I see "gamblers" make rash decisions without any systemic logic. Some try to impress girlfriends with their big bets and end up with tail between legs after big losses.

But at my local B&M casino they have rapid baccarat played exactly the same way as the tables with same rules and playing all cards to the end. No CSM machine. Hands played every 30 seconds so shoe completed in 15-20 minutes. There are multiple baccarat games on the electronic tables so you can track more than one shoe. This suits the PATTERN BREAKER perfectly and you can get your 3-10 sessions in one visit. Playing for high stakes you can have a very profitable day.
I also am playing 2 shoes simultaneously on my online casino. I will start investigating others but my concern with my choices is I do not have access to the more credible online casinos that people like Sentinel are using so am reluctant handing over personal id. What I am finding though is many are accepting bitcoin as deposits. So ID is not required. But I am also skeptical about bitcoin ATM as to me it seems to be a pyramid scheme which could backfire at any moment.



Quote from: Andre Chass on Mar 09, 07:50 PM 2018
Hi Ricky

I'm happy the strategy is working for you!

It's been a long time since I've had a loss. It's great! I want to increase my bets to get a profit of $500.00 a day but I'm scared to be banned. That's my problem...

No, I don't use a tracker. I just watch the six tables (the boards) at the same time. Simple like that.

Today 3 games played, 3 games won.
Progression 30, 30, 90 profit $90

As I said before I want increasing the bet but I don't know what to do. There's no BM casino where I live.

PS: You right. Don't ignore the Tie. Always reset the tracking. That's the way I play. Only pure patterns repeated.
I have completed a tracker that is the update of the original BACCARAT tracker adding ANDRE's rules. I have added functionality to enter in the Tie result which breaks the pattern. This is also supported on the Original PATTERN BREAKER rules.
I have added another tab to record your results. I have shown my first two days results playing the system.

At the moment I am seeing good success with the original PATTERN  BREAKER rules so I am going to play both for now. This increases my betting opportunities to 2-3 sessions per shoe. So If I limit my play to 3 games a day for a full target of $50 then I can stop after one shoe. I may use a different progression for both systems depending on how I go long term. For now I am using a 10 15 30 progression for both systems. If I find that my winning bets go up to the  third often with a win then I will go all the way with 10 15 40, giving me a 10, 5 or 15 profit with a 65 risk. If most wins come in 1st and 3rd bets then I may change to Andre's play of 15 15 45 as he did originally. Then I can increase to 30 30 90 once I have substantial profit.



Quote from: Andre Chass on Mar 10, 07:11 PM 2018
Steve advice:

"If you are highly organized with a lot of different accounts, each with verified ID. Just milk the casino constantly until you get banned, then start a new account with a different name (you can pay others commission for using their account). There's not much casinos can do to stop you. There would be very little work to start play, so it's not like AP where you actually need to work. So it would be much easier to flip between accounts and continue - and its not like they can change the conditions on you to make you lose."

"...then just play and win, take money out until they stop you. Then just create a new account and repeat."

*Be sure those multiple casinos are part of different companies.


Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Mar 10, 10:00 AM 2018to keep track of which cards are still left in the shoe).
Hi DoctorSudoku,
I've actually thought about this a lot when formulating my plan to use PATTERN BREAKER on BACCARAT. If we knew exactly which cards are left or more importantly which cards are depleted or completely removed by the end of the shoe then we can use this information to determine if it is worth making the bet of the Pattern Breaker. Has anyone created a good excel or similar tracker that shows the number of each value card remaining in the shoe? I think this would be very handy to have. I know the guy from Baccarat TKO has a card counting technique he uses called the T Count. I am not sure how accurate it is though. I think  we should record our observations based on our experience of what the count of cards are when we are losing and winning so we can add some rules to avoid putting on those losing bets.



Quote from: Andre Chass on Mar 10, 06:41 PM 2018
Can anyone give me suggestions of trusted sites that have baccarat tables?
I'll open multiple accounts at multiple casinos.
I play at DublinBet.
:.fairwaycasino.com seems to be trustworthy.
As per other's comments I would not deposit more than you plan to bet for your day's sessions. Once you have made double your deposit I would withdraw it. You could place your funds in a trusted holding account like SKRILL and use it to make any deposits to fund your short term progressions. Also, as Sentinel mentioned, it would be wise to make deposits as well as withdrawals so the casino does not see the money going one way. Even if you withdraw 500 but deposit 200. This will keep you under the radar of any monitoring software. Plan to give some back occasionally. Some casinos have a tipping system which is supposed to go to the dealer but rarely does. I see people regularly tipping 5000-20000 or their currency. If this is euro or USD I could imagine they are making 10 times that much. I suspect this is to ensure they are able to withdraw their winnings. The casino can't claim they are cheating as they just have to point to the big tips they have been giving. I guess it helps them from getting banned.



Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Mar 10, 08:41 PM 2018Reverse Labouchere (the one made famous by Norman Leigh)
Hi Doctor,
I just finished reading about this in the book ROULETTE: Play to win. Very clever guy using tams of players to overcome the casino's grip on you. Once a player gets tired replace him with a fresh one. You can then play your system 24x7.
This got me thinking. The next chapter of the book described the TANDEM system which enables you to do exactly the same thing as Norman Leigh did. You place a bet on both sides of the EC and use the reverse Labouchere playing two bankrolls. If there is a temporary imbalance on either side (black/red, H/L, Odd/Even or even Player/Banker) then you will be ready to capitalize. So I tried this with play money playing 1 1 1 1 starting sequence. I made 100 euro in one shoe as the imbalance began to show. The trick is though you need to have the courage to keep going with your increasing bets as you win.

I am going to give this more thought and testing with baccarat as there is no zero to lose both bets. It may just be a winner on the ocassions when Banker or play dominate for the whole shoe. It is akin to parlaying your winnings and flat betting when in long losing streak.  Play both sides of the ledger and you are guaranteed to capture a long winning streak. Downside is it can be a long grind on any shoe that is even or has a lot of chop from player to banker.



Quote from: Andre Chass on Mar 10, 06:36 PM 2018
Are you sure Andre? I went to check out the site. And it says its closed out of business....


Hi Andre,
Baccarat system is still going well. I will report my results after playing my first 100 games of both PB and your version. But Just want to clarify a few things on the way you are playing so we can compare notes:
For those just joining here are the rules as we know them:
1. We start tracking a shoe. For me I try to find a shoe that has recently started if not at the beginning. I enter in the results of the hands so far into my tracker.

2. If we see one of the following patterns we start betting AGAINST the pattern continuing
PBB PBB PB              Bet PBP
PPB PPB PP              Bet PBB
BPP BPP BP              Bet BPB
BBP BBP BB              Bet BPP

3. Progression is a personal choice but Andre is using 1-1-3. I am using 2-3-5or6 but still experimenting based on hit rate after 100 sessions. If I get close to 98-2 I will go full 3 progression 1-2-4 for equal gain at each step. If most wins coming on 1st step and 3rd step then I will adjust to break even on Step 2. If I start getting high loss rate then I will resort to 2 step 1-2 or virtual bet 1st step 0-1-2

4. Do not IGNORE tie results as this affects sequence of results. treat it as another unmatched pattern

5. Stop tracking at the end of the shoe and reset

Now Andre, I have some questions about the detail.
1. Do you start tracking on the next hand or do you look at the history and check for patterns from beginning of shoe or last 7 or 8 hands?

2. When you complete betting on a shoe, do you keep tracking? Or do you wait for the next shoe? I keep on tracking. Sometimes I may have multiple opportunities to bet. I also look at closing out the 7th patterns and bet on the 8th not coming up.

3. If you are in the middle of betting or about to start betting and it is the end of the shoe, do you continue looking for patterns on the next shoe or use your betting criteria to bet on the next shoe? eg if the pattern you need to bet against is BPP, and the shoe ends, do you continue betting against BPP on the next shoe or do you abandon your bet especially if you had already started betting and lost the 1st or 2nd bets?



And one more question, it was asked before, do you ignore the Tie when in betting mode or treat is as a non match and then bet against the next in the sequence?
eg if betting against BPP , the first result is a T, is your next bet "P" or "B"?


Quote from: Ricky on Mar 11, 03:27 AM 2018he next chapter of the book described the TANDEM system
Apologies, the system I was thinking of betting for and against E/C at the same time was not the TANDEM. This was another systems.

But just to explain the method I am thinking of which was employed by Norman Leigh was the reverse Labouchere where you add your profit from last spin the the sequence on the side of the E/C that won. You then cross off the sequence that lost. What we are looking for is a temporary imbalance like a streak of the same kind. It is not suited to a choppy game where the two sides remain relatively in balance.

If anyone wants a further explanation you can look up how Norman Leigh Broke the Bank of Monte Carlo in 1966 and was banned from all French Casinos.



I made up a template sheet for Pattern Breaker for Craps and Baccarat.

I included craps because I am going to Cherokee today or tomorrow I would just love to see how it does on the shoot to win craps game.
Since there is no dice control with the game but uses real dice it should play out to be a 50 50 game with no suprises lol.

I just mark with an x or a 0 on the result you get I play vertical is that ok Sentinel???
I play vertical starting on the left go all the way down then go to the right column with it being a Player or Banker Pass or Dont pass.

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Quote from: Ricky on Mar 11, 08:10 AM 2018

Apologies, the system I was thinking of betting for and against E/C at the same time was not the TANDEM. This was another systems.

But just to explain the method I am thinking of which was employed by Norman Leigh was the reverse Labouchere where you add your profit from last spin the the sequence on the side of the E/C that won. You then cross off the sequence that lost. What we are looking for is a temporary imbalance like a streak of the same kind. It is not suited to a choppy game where the two sides remain relatively in balance.

If anyone wants a further explanation you can look up how Norman Leigh Broke the Bank of Monte Carlo in 1966 and was banned from all French Casinos.


This is the book in question:


I have the book -- it is a delightful read.

The Reverse Labouchere method that Norman Leigh employed requires a fairly large spread between the minimum and maximum betting limits.

Usually, such large spreads are not available in BM casinos in the US.

That is a practical problem that we face (many online casinos in other countries do have the large spreads that this method requires).
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.
