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My friend has opened a new Baccarat.

Started by bikemotorman, Apr 13, 10:39 AM 2018

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I just called Ellis he is checking with his web Guy to see what happend.

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The General

I have never heard of Ellis.  I just hope that he's knowledgeable of the mathematics of gambling because there's already too much pattern fallacy nonsense like there is on the betselection forum.

People are not interested in paying to hear someone preach money management and gaming discipline.  If they were then the bet forum would be filled with posters other than the main three bloviating bloggers.

I hope he is teaching counting based on sound mathematics and referencing gaming experts like Mike Shackleford and Dr. Jacobson.  If not, then his pay forum will fail.

If Ellis needs advice please let him know that he can freely consult with me and I can tell him whether or not his system will work. 

-The General
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


General, I did ask him about these rare so-called pattern systems and he said they are JUNK and in Baccarat it is for all intent and purpose 50/50 if the pattern shows up, or does not show up.
He also said he did try that stuff almost 30 years ago.

He is a tough old guy who hung around AC for like years and years but here is some info from the Man himself.

I know what a lot of you are thinking: Is this guy Davis for real or is he just another scam like all the other scammers on the internet. Well, I don't blame you. There are a LOT of scammers out there. Plus there are some honest guys who simply don't realize that they are incompetent, not up to date, not casino savvy. I've had a competent internet researcher searching the internet to find out exactly what my competition is up to. Guys, the best of them are where I was 25 years ago. None of them know the difference between "factory preshuffled cards" vs. hand shuffled cards or machine shuffled cards. Ha, one of the more prominent of them just learned last month that here in the US, but also everywhere in the world, TODAY, we are up against factory cards and he learned that his methods simply don't beat factory cards - a rude awakening for him. Before he tried to play against factory cards all of his play was down in Central America some place where they were still dealing hand shuffled.

Look. if you are playing a real casino, NONE of them deal hand shuffled cards anymore. You are up against machine shuffled or factory preshuffled. Either way, you are mostly playing against fixed cards designed to beat guessers. Casinos are making twice the profits they were making with hand shuffled. THAT is what you need to know how to beat. And I've been beating them for years. I know HOW!

Then there is BTC, which I established 15 years ago. Since I left 2 and a half years ago,  they removed all of my teachings to avoid copyright infringement and their private membership went from hundreds down to 13 last time I checked. Need I say more?

CFC? Forget it. I was all they had and I'm GONE! Their membership is going the same way BTC went and for the same reason.

Look guys, I know how to beat factory preshuffled, machine shuffled as well as hand shuffled. Been there,  done that! And with my students right along side me following my every move. 6 of us did the table take down at Flamingo, Vegas recently. Ran them clean out of chips in TWO shoes! They had to close the table! I hadn't seen that in 20 years. Ha, neither had the Dealer or the Pit Boss or my fellow students.

Guys, you don't have to believe me: Ask virtually any casino! Ask at Flamingo, Vegas, ask at Gold Strike, Tunica. Ask any long time student of mine. THEY are HERE! Ask Caesars.

By their own computer records, the Caesars group says that while I am easily a most frequent player, I haven't had a losing day at any of their 40 casinos in the last 20 years. Isn't that the kind of record you want your teacher to have??? Who else has such a record? Certainly none of these guys on the internet.

So yes, I had problems with the owners at both BTC and CFC. But I learned a good life lesson.

So finally I've started MY OWN forum in my own name. John understands that. HE is the provider of MY forum. I'm the boss. I call the shots. Ask John. He'll tell you the SAME thing. John has been a student of mine since 1991. And for good reason. A LOT of guys here are LONG time students of mine. Just ask them.

So, OK, what do you get at ECD???

What do you get on the Advanced Private Forum ???  For starters, you get a 24 page manual - The Final Word by E. Clifton Davis - including played out games on score card complete with play explanations. It is already posted. It is the BIBLE of Baccarat. But instead of charging you a thousand dollars like before, it is completely free to all Advanced Private Members. It is crammed full of EVERYTHING I know about Baccarat. I condensed and updated a thousand pages of instruction from BTC and CFC into 24 pages at ECD.

WHY? While nobody will read a thousand pages, EVERYBODY will READ 24 pages and you will read it again and again just like I want you to. The light bulbs will start turning on. And with MY help, more and more light bulbs turn on. BTW, with ME, there is no such thing as a dumb question. I teach everyone at their own level of understanding. There is NOTHING you can ask me that hasn't been asked before. And I answer you in plain English.

Ellis, what's an Opposite?

An Opposite is when the other side wins relative to the last play. If B won the last hand, P is the Opposite side. While, if P won the last hand, B is the Opposite. Simple. Get it?

So, when you are playing S40 because the shoe is Choppy, your "normal betting routine" is Opposites. If B just won, you bet P and if P just won, you bet B. BUT, all shoes have runs. Your O/R count tells you when to go ON runs as well as when to get off runs and go back to your S40 normal betting routine - Opposites.

So what makes a shoe Choppy? - High 1's and 2s. What beats ALL 1's and 2s? S40, even 3s if you are getting a lot of those. The FACT is, S40 CAN'T lose in a choppy shoe. End of story! 1/3rd of all shoes are Choppy. So, OK, you've got that 1/3rd beat. Next you learn OTB4L. Why? Because it beats the 1/3rd of shoes that are neither Choppy nor Streaky.  They are "Neutral". Good, you've now got 2/3rds of all shoes beat.

A Repeat is when the SAME side Repeats like BB or PP.

For instance: Suppose we have a STraight run of 4  Banks: So we have 4 vertical circles on the Bank side of our score card. So, OK, the first circle is an Opposite. The other 3 are Repeats. Get it now? ALL ST runs start with an Opposite while all ZZ runs (PBPBPB or BPBPBP) START WITH A REPEAT.

BTW, I'll be teaching you how to count the length of ZZ runs - because it is extremely important to count ZZ runs CORRECTLY. The WHOLE world got it WRONG including EVERY Baccarat book and EVERY Baccarat internet site. UNTIL both The Wizard of Odds and I finally got it RIGHT at about the same time. Back then, I didn't know The Wizard and the Wizard didn't know E. Clifton Davis. BUT we BOTH knew that Opposites and Repeats occur at the SAME frequency. That is simple Math. THEREFORE, unlike what EVERY Baccarat book and site was teaching, Repeat runs and ZZ runs the same length occur at the SAME frequency - long run - not every shoe, mind you, but over MANY shoes they BOTH occur at the SAME frequency. The WHOLE world was WRONG - well except me and The Wizard.

BTW, in my kind of life I knew a LOT of GREAT Mathematicians from places like IBM for instance. I'll tell you this as an absolute fact - The Wizard is the BEST I've ever come across. Whatever he says - you can take it to the bank - literally.

If both ME and The Wizard tell you the odds of a Dragon are 1 in 45 while the payout is ONLY 40 to 1; the odds of a Panda are 1 in 35 while the payout is only 30 to 1; and worse yet, the odds of a tie are 1 in 10 while the payout is ONLY 8 to 1, you can take it to the Bank - literally! I see anybody making any of those 3 bets, I automatically KNOW that I'm playing with a rank amateur - ha, and very often it's the whole damn table. LOSERS, I'm playing with a bunch of LOSERS! But, W/O those guys, there would be no casinos.

So the day before we did the Table Take Down at Flamingo I was playing against that same dealer and she was dealing a perfect Repeat shoe. I'm winning about 75% of my bets simply betting Repeats for black chips and it drew a big crowd. So a guy standing right behind me says: "Ellis, you are winning every bet! Put up a hundred of Dragon and I'll put up a hundred with you."

The dealer, not in the best of moods, shot him a stern look: "Ellis never bets Dragon or Panda or Ties - he KNOWS better!" 

Well, I'm wondering if she got in a little trouble giving away company secrets. BUT, she was exactly RIGHT!!!

There is only ONE thing that makes me nervous in a Baccarat game - When I find myself and my methods betting WITH the whole table on a bet.

Why? Because I KNOW the odds. I KNOW that the whole table is WRONG 57% of the time!

I'm always first to get my bet up. Why? Because I'm ALWAYS playing one of my systems. So I ALWAYS know my next bet - I don't have to think about it. I ALWAYS  KNOW. If I'm winning it is NOT me that is winning - it is THE SYSTEM I'm playing that is WINNING! I'm merely a spectator watching THE SYSTEM do its thing!. Get it? When I take my chips I ALWAYS leave the next bet up. The worst that can happen is sometimes they pay me twice! Oh well, the dealer is entitled to a few mistakes, ha, which can go either way. I only let them know when it goes the WRONG way. So I let them know HALF the time. That's fair - don't you think? They get so used to paying me that.....

So, OK, you've got your FW Manual! What do you do FIRST?  1.) Learn the systems! 

Why? Because it makes you easier to teach if you KNOW your six systems.

You will already know WHY we play S40 with high 1's and 2s.

Why we play OTB4L with high 2s and 3s.

Why we play F1 with high 3s and 4s.

Why we play TB4L with high ST and ZZ runs.

Why we always play F1 with low 1's and TB4L with low 2s.

Why we play F3 in Strong Side (SS) shoes.

It all starts making perfect common sense.


Next, there is the last 1/3rd - Streaky shoes. Our favorite!

Why? Ha, easy - Because they make us the MOST money and are the easiest to beat - TB4L, or F1 - We will teach you which is best for the shoe at hand - Your SAP count tells you. You might not know a thing about Math. No worries - Your SAP count DOES! How long does it take to learn it? Oh, maybe as long as 10 minutes. Can you count to 4? Good, you qualify.

But we have another favorite - SS or Strong Side shoes. And they are also a favorite of the casino!

Not to worry. SS shoes are very obvious!  And surprisingly it is Often Player that is Strong!  Either way F3 KILLS them - ha, much to the casino's shock!

Last but not least we have what we call hodge-podge shoes. These are a new shoe type never seen before and a product of so called "factory preshuffled" cards - Bastard shoes that fit none of the above normal shoe types. I had to design a whole new system to beat them - ANB. ANB loves hodge-podge! It beats the darn things. Purple Chip is our ANB expert because ANB is what got Purple Chip up to purple chips. Purple Chip bases with ANB and he's got all the ins and outs down pat. It's not that hard to learn - only has 5 rules.  NOBODY else has a system for factory preshuffled cards yet that is exactly what we are up against. Only here at ECD. We DO! And I don't mind telling you - even though I designed ANB, Purple Chip has played it the most and is the best teacher for it. And I always want the BEST! So do YOU! That is why you are here! THAT is how you found us.

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Well, I join and now I quit my membership. The reason is that there has not been any worthy material to download or advance material to read.
I understand the forum just open and need time to get going with topics and discussions and that is the reason why I will wait to become a member again. Why should I pay 25$ for an empty forum board with no topics and no material to download.
So for those who have not made up their mind about joining I would recommend waiting until some months pass.
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


His Baccarat book and Manual is right there on the private forum for you to study I have mine downloaded and it is quite good.

That is worth the monthly membership.

Its right there to see and download maybe you are not on correct page??????

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You and your friend is on the wrong forum  ::)
when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?


It depends on how you see it ... a manual around 24 pages is not much for 25$ each month ... and there has not been started any advance discussion or any writing about advance play ... so I reckon it will take some time before Ellis have been writing manuals and upload files to download and make an empty forum full with candy ... so I will wait and not pay 25$ each month waiting ...
25$ become 50$ become 75$ become 100$ and you read an empty forum with not much to offer ... I rather add that money to my kid and buy some clothing or something else ...

I could join BTC again as they have top members with skills and working download section with very much good topics to learn from.
The downside is that Keith change the 50$ to 150$ as an intro fee to become a member and after that 50$ a month.
That is too expensive for my taste and round up to 600$ a year and for me is not worth it.

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.
