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Serious question about real winning in roulette? Write your story

Started by Conio, Sep 24, 03:21 PM 2019

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First of all...

Hi ! I'm Conion and I'm new here, but I've been watching your forum for 2 months.

I'v tried many systems/strategies, but everything went to the last point and FAILED
well.. fact is that they were successful, but only when I played for NOT real money. For example I made 500-1000 spins without lose (used progression and so on...), but when I went play for REAL money... Then it takes 10-20 minutes and whole money are gone...  :question:

So what is this topic about ?

Well, tell me your story... Feel free to tell us what you want about that, but here are my main qustion about it.

Mainly, I would like to know when you are play for REAL if you are successful (in green numbers), or if you are losing/unsuccessful (in red numbers).
What strategy/system do you use ? (you can send here what is it for system from this site or other)
What is the best choice ?
How much money did you win/lose ?

Just would to know if you would be able to "put your hand in fire" for that system which you mention here.
By "putting your hand in fire" I mean that you are definetly sure that your system which you mention is going to success or it's going to wipe your account, lose

Feel free to write anything about that...

Now little bit from me...

Why do I do this ?

It's because there are tons of systems/strategies and topics about that, but there isn't wrote if you tested that system for REAL or just UNREAL money. Once you confirm that you really went "through the war" like I say, then many readers of this forum will know, that it was tested for real and not just for unreal. It means this topic can help in future If there is someone who is really winning and recommend any system which works. It may help to everyone... Honestly I'm little bit sceptic about playing for real... real went every time to lose in every situation (mostly long term). That's my experience.
For unreal It's different story...

I'll be the one who is going to answer on MY questions  :lol:

I tested many systems but in the end (as I wrote above) I losed and approximetly in my whole life I losed about 250 USD at roulette
So definetly I'm in red numbers
I don't have any advice or direct link to any system which is good, because as I wrote I losed and don't trust to any system until I win 100 USD at least. But still there is hope that one day there will be a profitable system  :thumbsup:

Sorry for my mistakes and chees  :smile:


Conio, start with :.roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy/

There are lots of things wrong with what you wrote. One that stuck out is numbers like $250 and $100. Serious players often bet that on one number and you're talking about big losses and proof of winning.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Steve on Sep 25, 02:01 AM 2019

There are lots of things wrong with what you wrote. One that stuck out is numbers like $250 and $100. Serious players often bet that on one number and you're talking about big losses and proof of winning.

Hi steve,

Thank you for posting to your system.
I suppose it's yours as I saw some of your responds to the other members

But on the other hand how can I be sure, that it's not scam? Everytime there are qustions about systems directed to any sites and people asking if it's scam or not.  :question:

There is a lot of people offering their system for money with pictures where they are sitting on the beach and drinking "papaja".
Why do you offer system for money (I mean everyone with own system) if you are successful and you stay in green numbers, because of your system? Many of those people should have thousands from that. So why more?
There is posibility that those people are real scammers and have money from people which they pay for their system...

May I ask if is there anyone on this forum who really paid for your system? And they can confirm that it works well for them? If it's there at least one who can confirm. Then yes I will take more factors about reality of your sys.

Steve my point is not to disrespect or attack you about that.
Not at all.
I'm just more careful and not trust to everything. Always need more proofs to act with anything.
I respect your work for sure, but still I'm not sure about paying for system.

That's the next reason why I'm trying to get more infos about systems, about you right now.  :smile:


I will be honest with you.
I used in the past a system that exploit some physics denepdencies such as dealer signature.

Initially the system showed solid performance then it started to perform bad with some particular dealers, unfortunately due to the progression of 7 steps, it busted.

Actually I am thinking to readapt it a little bit, I will bet only after pervious spin has been validated against the system principle and was a hit.

A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Quote from: Conio on Sep 25, 06:25 AM 2019But on the other hand how can I be sure, that it's not scam?

Test for yourself, like a trial or demo on any wheel you want. You see detailed proof like even predictions of when and where the ball will fall. The proof is easy.

Quote from: Conio on Sep 25, 06:25 AM 2019Why do you offer system for money (I mean everyone with own system) if you are successful and you stay in green numbers, because of your system?

I answer that in detail on my sites. Basically licensing my best technology for a fee maximizes revenue. There are far too many casinos for my teams.

Plus i sell my less effective methods. I dont need them.

Also understand AP is not magic.  It has limitations. The main one is casino surveillance.

Quote from: Conio on Sep 25, 06:25 AM 2019May I ask if is there anyone on this forum who really paid for your system?

Yes many. But most eventually leave, and focus on my private forums, or don't need forums anymore.

If you have further questions, best to contact me directly off the forum. My products should not be the focus here. The focus should be new approaches.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Rb, you were on the right path. But understand AP had limitations. Its not the hg. But those limitations aren't dealbreakers.

Its there any investment thats 100% risk free? Does it need to be? Does the casinos house edge guarantee they'll profit, or just make it likely?
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Steve on Sep 25, 07:40 AM 2019
Rb, you were on the right path. But understand AP had limitations. Its not the hg. But those limitations aren't dealbreakers.

Its there any investment thats 100% risk free? Does it need to be? Does the casinos house edge guarantee they'll profit, or just make it likely?

You are right !
Every investment has some risk
Unfortunately many people think that roulette will bring them a fortune, I mean their expectation is higher than reality
A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


The incorrect expectation is mostly regarding the time and effort involved.

Sometimes and with some approaches, its very easy.

But typical AP is tough. But IMO not as tough as working 9-5 for 40 years, never properly living, then retiring without even owning your home, and living on a pension or small retirement fund.

The hardest part is avoiding detection, not beating the wheel.

It's not about money. It's about freedom.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


I had one player obsessed with extravagant things like cars, helicopters, yachts etc. I explained he needed more modest goals, and that what he was wanting was more for billionaires, like casino owners - not an AP.

I think every single other player has been more focused on escaping the rat race.

For me it was that, but also funding energy research, which was for helping everyone escape the rat race.

And now as ive learned, energy technology isn't the problem. We have suitable technology. We can fly to other planets, but we cant live comfortably without slavery?? The problem is ignorance. And that comes from lack of consciousness, spiritual developnent etc, call it whatever you want. People as a whole are stupid. I may be more aware than average, but im not much better in the scope of things. At least Im aware of it.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Interesting idea. So you want the real story. It is completely believed that no guessing system can be used to beat Roulette.

I have spent the first 12 of 14 years killing myself trying to figure this game out. In every session of live play I have been in the positive at some point of play. But I never came home with my winnings. Then two years ago somebody posted a video of how stock traders win at that form of gambling. I could provide the Youtube link but that would be a distraction right now. I had self control issues that needed to be solved.

So what about this being ahead at some point stuff. I had no plan to use it. I needed to change my tactic. So I did. My winning method now comes from nothing more than protecting my bankroll while allowing the natural back and forth swings, all be it micro sized swings, to carry me into the positive side. Once there I end the session. It's a kind of always stopping on a good enough point. Ever heard of "quit while you are ahead?"

There is nothing magical about it. There is no need for prediction or precognition abilities. Roulette, all by itself, fluctuates up and down by variance and coincidence. I have just mastered a  way to protect my bankroll during strong downswings. This is a process for not digging deep fast holes. So with patience the swings will slowly carry you into the positive side to take a small chunk and end the session. It's so simple that anyone can learn to do it. I found a way to associate coincidences with possible upswings. At its basic core it's just a bet selection method. It has no magical capacity. It's just an excuse to pick one side or the other of an Even Chance bet.

So this has changed everything for me. I no longer hunt the super win streaks to dig me out of deep holes. I have the self control that I have been looking for. I can now stop on the positive side and leave the session. I found good enough. This can be used with any consistent bet selection scheme. I just chose to use the one that I already trained for. I follow trends just for an excuse to have bet selections. They create positive and negative waves in the results graph as you play. You can see them working and heading for the positive side. You can see them not working and heading for the negative side. They serve their purpose as a guess. They create waves in the results during a session of play at a casino. I'm doing very well with this method. Others are trying it too. Who knows where this will all go. I mean, mathematically, your bet selections lose at the expected rate. Nobody can avoid that. But you can learn to get good at protecting your bankroll while you still make bet selections.

That's my story. I know some people will make assumptions that are logical to them and that will justify them in hating this and claiming it is garbage. This is not my first rodeo. I have no plans to argue its finer points. I like it that the people that hate this will not see it any time soon. Why would I ever want to help them?
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


That sounds like the hg. Is that what you claim to have?
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: gizmotron2 on Sep 25, 08:46 AM 2019mathematically, your bet selections lose at the expected rate. Nobody can avoid that. But you can learn to get good at protecting your bankroll while you still make bet selections.

Quote from: gizmotron2 on Sep 25, 08:46 AM 2019At its basic core it's just a bet selection method.

There are variois contradictions in your posts.

But if you're winning, keep doing it.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: gizmotron2 on Sep 25, 08:46 AM 2019
Interesting idea. So you want the real story. It is completely believed that no guessing system can be used to beat Roulette.

I have spent the first 12 of 14 years killing myself trying to figure this game out. In every session of live play I have been in the positive at some point of play. But I never came home with my winnings. Then two years ago somebody posted a video of how stock traders win at that form of gambling. I could provide the Youtube link but that would be a distraction right now. I had self control issues that needed to be solved.

So what about this being ahead at some point stuff. I had no plan to use it. I needed to change my tactic. So I did. My winning method now comes from nothing more than protecting my bankroll while allowing the natural back and forth swings, all be it micro sized swings, to carry me into the positive side. Once there I end the session. It's a kind of always stopping on a good enough point. Ever heard of "quit while you are ahead?"

There is nothing magical about it. There is no need for prediction or precognition abilities. Roulette, all by itself, fluctuates up and down by variance and coincidence. I have just mastered a  way to protect my bankroll during strong downswings. This is a process for not digging deep fast holes. So with patience the swings will slowly carry you into the positive side to take a small chunk and end the session. It's so simple that anyone can learn to do it. I found a way to associate coincidences with possible upswings. At its basic core it's just a bet selection method. It has no magical capacity. It's just an excuse to pick one side or the other of an Even Chance bet.

So this has changed everything for me. I no longer hunt the super win streaks to dig me out of deep holes. I have the self control that I have been looking for. I can now stop on the positive side and leave the session. I found good enough. This can be used with any consistent bet selection scheme. I just chose to use the one that I already trained for. I follow trends just for an excuse to have bet selections. They create positive and negative waves in the results graph as you play. You can see them working and heading for the positive side. You can see them not working and heading for the negative side. They serve their purpose as a guess. They create waves in the results during a session of play at a casino. I'm doing very well with this method. Others are trying it too. Who knows where this will all go. I mean, mathematically, your bet selections lose at the expected rate. Nobody can avoid that. But you can learn to get good at protecting your bankroll while you still make bet selections.

That's my story. I know some people will make assumptions that are logical to them and that will justify them in hating this and claiming it is garbage. This is not my first rodeo. I have no plans to argue its finer points. I like it that the people that hate this will not see it any time soon. Why would I ever want to help them?

Wow, that’s a lot to read !
But I guess you have out lot of efforts into roulette and mastered some sort of self discipline.

By the way we all need a course or training on self discipline especially when we play roulette.

A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Quote from: Steve on Sep 25, 08:49 AM 2019
That sounds like the hg. Is that what you claim to have?

Nope. People have already demonstrated that they can read the entire thread and say they understand it. They blow through it without learning it and practicing it. It takes experience to be good enough. People here at this forum invited me back here to talk about it. Only people from your forum have investigated it and practiced it. Over there they are full of their own current interests and beliefs. I mean nobody that originated there is trying it out. I provided practice software and such easy bet selection schemes that a third grader could see it. It's all spelled out. It's on a silver platter. I'm so proud of your people here. They are the ones way ahead of the others.

This will never be the HG as long as only a few use it and exploit it. Human nature is interesting. This takes work. It looks like it starts to work real good for learners after about two weeks of practice.

I only enjoy talking about it here at your forum. It's sort of funny. It reminds me of how the American Blues was taken up huge in Great Britain during the 60's. They fed it back to us with the "British Invasion."
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


Quote from: Roulettebeater on Sep 25, 09:03 AM 2019
Wow, that’s a lot to read !
But I guess you have out lot of efforts into roulette and mastered some sort of self discipline.

By the way we all need a course or training on self discipline especially when we play roulette.

Well, it's 14 years all dropped into six paragraphs. How can I teach self discipline? I can only suggest that a person finds out what they need more than what they want.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/
