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Started by Azim, Dec 07, 03:01 AM 2020

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I am here to give anyone a chance to enroll in the software I have designed.

I am not here to discuss the ins and outs of it.

It's available for free for a day to try out.

After the trial period, it's on rent for a day week or monthly.  You have a choice as to which option to take.

If you feel it's a scam you don't have to take any.

here is the site where it's available. link:://evenbetstrategy.com

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all and hopefully keep safe from Covid-19.
With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.


hi AZIM I cannot access this address. Is there any error here?


With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.


Hello everyone.
I am hear to defend something that has been posted in one of the forums.
I will request. If you really want to point finger at me and trying to call me a scammer. Please video screen capture your session and post the full session. I purposely delayed myself from exposing this till I had something to tell me the numbers people are entering.
To date which I don't have to justify to anyone and of course I will not mention names. However I do have the email of the person who did this.
I will not contact the person.
However, I will say this much,  at the time of posting this I have had 9 people who have registered. 3 have registered but have not used it which
leaves us with 6 registered users.

I am currently working on finding out how many sessions did this person play.

So bottom line,  If you want to defame me and the product please make a video of the session and post it so people can see the actual session in question.

I just noticed The session was up by 139 units. Ok so I said 150 units 10% is 15  135-165 is still a good number.


With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.


One more note to the person who posted this.

I will accept this way too the way nottophammer has it.

This way we can also look at the spins.

See the spins can be seen. Again. The session has also been deleted from Roulette Simulator by the person who has posted this.
With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.


Hello everyone.

Here are the 67 spins the person played.

14 is the last spin and 9 is the first spin.

The spins are:

The total spins played were only 67.  I would say lucky for the person it was play money..

If you are really up by 139 spins within 67 spins. You deserve to lose. Be it play money or real money.

Like I have said before and so has everyone else. You will have a decent life but will never become rich gambling.

How long does it take for someone to play 67 spins and make 139 units. BTW 139 was reached way before the drawdown.

Again we have always said it is the 99% who lose and the 1% that win consistently.

The app is still available for a day free. Register and enter this numbers for yourself or try it out anywhere else.
If you have a drawdown as soon as you start I will bring the site down. I also want some proof as to where It was played. Just entering numbers with no proof of any kind is a way of defaming someone.
The only reason I am not producing real money play video is I don't want to draw attention. I have also said it will be limited to the number of players. 

If this person would or anyone like him register. Being up by so much and lose to me they don't deserve a system. They might as well rely on luck.

I would be happy with 67 spins and be up 139 units as per his snapshot. Wouldn't you be?

Just a quick note: Yes I have the spins that people enter in the app. I do care about peoples money. I know money doesn't grow on trees. This way I can go back and check to see what happened. As in this case I don't care what you all say, I am going to say the person deserved to lose. Again a learning curve for people who do decide to use the app. Don't be greedy and be happy with +/- 10% of the goal especially in less than 67 spins of play.
With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.


Sorry for all this. I have been hacked and even I cant log in into my own server.

Well good luck to everyone.

Merry X-mas and happy new year.

Be safe.
With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.


Azim, let's assume a pro punter would invest in your software to get some return on investment, ROI.
Then we would like to see some stats with placed bets, flat betting, so we could decide if there is any value investing money into your software.

Let me make a comparing with a service using sports, paying for tips.
The monthly fee might be 20 Euro and the average monthly profit around 50 to 100 Euro.
This means my expectation is to win 30 Euro and above.

And such service would show past placed bets - flat betting - from 2012 - way over 1000 placed bets that is the minimum benchmark.
Now I know I make a good investment and i know what kind of expectation to have with future bets.

I get offended when you post your suggestion above as it looks like a very bad investment with no stats or evidence of winning.

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.



I totally understand that.

I know I have done my testing. I was offering it for a day free.
I am tracking the spins entered individually for the same reasons wanting to know if something went wrong.
However, I don't want people asking me to run 3000 - 100000 numbers and produce the results.
I have said this before, any programmer can read the file 5-7 numbers down the file meaning spin 1 to 8 or 10 be it whatever the number.
The programmer knows the coming number. I can program the application in such away that when spins are loaded it will never go above 5 units in progression. If I do that with no one knowing I would be a scammer.
However, If someone would have showed me that they are using the application and doing testing, requested an extra free day with either positive or negative feedback, not saying it after the fact. I would have open heartedly given it out.

This way you know what and from where you are testing the numbers.

But don't enter something like this which someone actually did and make a bad judgment call on the application not only for the application but other users trying to use the system. This of course no way would I have given an extra day for trying it out. Would you have?  The spins have not been altered in anyway: 1 being the old number and 22 being the new number.


There is no way the above is a valid spins from anywhere.
I have sessions logged in and logged out with how many spins and rest anyone has played.

I noticed 2 users who have signed up but never used the system. Of course the serial key has expired.
I did send them a message knowing we all have emergencies to deal with. No one knows what the next minute will bring in our life.
Like I said I didn't have to offer. But I did. I even asked when they had days off from work. I could give it for those particular days.

I am not and I know you haven't and I am sure no-one will call me names because I have not and will never take anything from someone without providing services they like. I have created trackers for people and send them reports based on the system. Which they would have paid someone to do, I offered to do it for free. Why? Because I know, people on the forum are going and redoing the same thing over and over with just different way of doing the same thing.

See the login feature has been disabled for now. I was going to produce a report from all the spins entered without  the personal Info. For everyone to see and make a call. This way you as a user can see your own spin and say yes the application is right at least for my spins.

I have seen 2 RNG tables with 10c minimum and 250.00 maximum on a number. I have capped my application at 50 units. Why I am sure people know there is no time limit in gambling. I would not play anything more than the 50 units a spin. I have faith in my application to take me out of the deep end and bring me back to shore. why go with a progression that will go as deep as 100units or 200units? Yes 1 win will bring it all back.
At the same time if you are up 139 units or whatever and see it has not taken you this deep why would you drain the balance down? I could have programmed it to do that, but If I would have and there are so many other things. I would have never finished. This way I could have gone to the second version and made improvements.

I have mentioned this to a few people via email as well. Look at session 4 which is still on YouTube. There are 3 tables I am following. Look at the bankroll on all 3 tables. At the end of the session all 3 tables are in positive however If memory serves right the left table has more wins than the table on the right. Which made me think and say this to a few people. The program will not let you down however, some luck is involved. Had you picked the table on the left you would have been happy. Had you picked the table on the right it would have been a struggle. But you would have made it out.

What better proof can someone provide you all with? Reports based on your own spins. Once again no personal info would be on the reports.

Again since the day I have launched it I have had nothing but headache of being hacked.

I can produce a video playing with real money. However, I don't want to draw attention to this. Which from the events that have taken place, It might have now.
On the other hand I could have sent it out to a few users and not published it the way I did. If I had done that I would have looked like a scammer. So do it you doomed and don't do it you doomed..

Well enough said. Hope this gives you the answer you were looking for.

With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.


For those that  want to try this out:

I have modified the program and now am not restricting with the progression amount. I have put it up to 250 units as per most online tables.
Originally I had it capped out at 50 units.

Here are my 2 sessions from roulette simulator.

With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.


Well here is another session from Roulette Simulator
With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.


Luck is all I have to say.
Watch the 3 videos and be the judge.

With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.

game over

why don't you do the tests betting real money?
You know, like everyone else, that when your bets are on the table, the casino software mapping goes into cheating and the results may be different ...


I have just not producing the video's because I don't want and will not draw attention on myself online.

With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.


Quote from: game over on Dec 18, 11:37 AM 2020
why don't you do the tests betting real money?
You know, like everyone else, that when your bets are on the table, the casino software mapping goes into cheating and the results may be different ...

The application will beat any RNG out there at the moment.

If the casino software is cheating that's not an issue I can deal with. I would advice not to play there.
Try out the application, where you know that there will be no cheating. Even with play money or number's from old spin records.
Once you are comfortable. Go play with real money and see the outcome. That will tell you also if the site you playing with is cheating or not.
The point here is try the software and be comfortable with the results.
I have said this before, the only way to test an application to see it's genuity is to enter numbers one at a time. The software doesn't know what the next number is and can't cheat. However, reading numbers from a file is prune to be cheating as the developer knows the numbers 4-5 spins ahead of time.
I have played on 2 reliable online sites. I have doubled my bankroll in 2 days. However, I will not suggest which online sites to play at. Also, as can be seen.

I can only play for a certain amount of time, however, if I do rent it out and have a limited amount of people playing, It helps both parties. I am not confined to the restriction of 150 units.
I am not looking for more than a certain number of people. I am also looking for those who play at different time zones. Which will not expose the software as much.

With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.
