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Maui's Meatballs System ( I couldn't think of anything )

Started by Maui13, Jan 25, 03:21 PM 2024

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First of all, I haven't been on this forum for ages! As many forums goes, some things hasn't changed, some has.

That said I hope all the "old" guys that have been around are doing well!  :thumbsup:

Every few years I get this itch again, start researching on the web and then start playing roulette again just for shits and giggles.

I have no illusion that it can be beaten ( that much I've learned over time ) but every now and then you get nice runs with variations of old systems or bet progressions, and I think I might have something nice to play. Bump up comp points as this is a grind, not too risky ( depending on your stakes ) and isn't rocket science to play or track.

The nice part of the system, it double hits more often than not. I breaks even a lot and that's what makes this nice, as you don't go "BANG" quickly.

Check the last number hit, example 18. So we put 1 unit on EVEN, and 1 unit on 1-18

0 - lost this bet, double bet. So bet is now 2 units EVEN, 2 units 1-18
20 - break even, keep 2 units on EVEN, change the other 2 units to 19 - 36
27 - break even, keep 2 units on 19 - 36, change the other 2 units to ODD
22 - break even, keep 2 units on 19 -36, change the other 2 units to EVEN
12 - break even, keep 2 units on EVEN, change the other 2 units to 1- 18
4 - double win, 2 units up. Reset to 1 unit, BUT keep playing EVEN and 1- 18
30 - break even, keep 1 unit on EVEN, change the other unit to 19 -36
6 - break even, keep 1 unit on EVEN, change the other unit to 1 - 18
11 - break even, keep 1 units on 1 - 18, change the other units to ODD
20 - loss. put 2 units on EVEN, 2 units on 19 - 36
24 - double win. Reset to 1 unit bets, stay on EVEN and 19 - 36
26 - double win. Rebet
13 - loss, double bet. 2 units on ODD, 2 units on 1 - 18
32 - loss. double bet. 4 units on EVEN, 4 units on 19 - 36
34 - double win. Reset to 1 unit bets. Stay on EVEN and 19 -36
10 - break even, keep 1 unit on EVEN, 1 unit now on 1 - 18
32 - break even, keep 1 unit on EVEN, 1 unit on 19 - 36
10 - break even, keep 1 unit on EVEN, 1 unit now on 1 - 18
27 - double los, dboule bets. 2 units on ODD, 2 units on 19 -36
28 - break even, keep 2 units on 19 - 36, 2 units now on EVEN
32 - double win, reset

Etc etc etc...

Zero is counted as a double loss, so bets doubled but stay at the same ODD/EVEN HIGH/LOW

Other than that, have fun. Like I said, bit of a grind. Use your own progression and discression.
Because I live in a 3rd world country, I play with 50c units, and my bankroll is $100

If you think you have a progression other than Marty, shoot!

Take care!

Trust the timing of your life!


Trust the timing of your life!

Mister Eko

So 1,32,7,24,9,22,0,0,3 can kill the whole bankroll
