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The most playable method/system ever written in our forum or any other fourm?

Started by albalaha, Feb 15, 03:33 AM 2011

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We can see some new systems everyday. There are few guys in our and all other forums who can write a technique of playing roulette almost daily. However, very few of them are playable and winners in real situation playing. There are some systems which have thousands of viewers and hundreds of replies.
                    A big questions: Which one is the most playable in real circumstances and can win in most diverse conditions without risking too much?
          Please come forward with your experience with them in testings and real play and rate the best system/systems you have ever read on our/any other forum. Our motive is to pick the best ones amongst thousands scattered all over. Good luck.


Excellent thread  :thumbsup:

I hope it takes off as a very valuable resource for us all.


There are 254 topics/systems in the section "Full System" of our forum itself, apart from notepad and various other sections containing different systems. 800 topic are under "Full Roulette systems" of old vls, apart from various other sections containing various systems. GG, rouletteforum.net, casinomeister and other forums do have many systems to read and download. Can someone please point out the best with the reason for considering that as the best?
                  Will someone please come forward and enlighten all?


how about coding all systems into one monster .. and crunch down the most bet number percent wise..

ie.. all bets combined will reveal a favorite number .. wich then will be played ??  :twisted:


even if we combine all methods of the world, we can't predict with full accuracy. My question is not that. I want to see the best input by any member of any roulette forum which is practically playable as a winner method.


Understandable key points,but isnt it kind of bit like holy grail talk,mean its not always the system that wins lots other variables consider ie the actual player,bankroll,progessions,etc stating the obvious here. But what are the conditions play for most playable sytem?

Example simple 4 spins to win method had 60 live wheel sessions going strong yet
its wouldnt believe it to be the holy grail and at times I don't follow it completely.  However like a lot systems Another person may download it and may tank everytime they go on particular casino etc.

I was interested in the promised constant winning bet when 1st came on the forum.
But it goes completely over my head trying to understand it. Wether that's combination
of terminology used or lack of roulette knowledge. Or that its got more than one way
to play it. No offence to the system seems to complicated for me to get.

All systems have ther own pro's and con's so think got helluva a challenge on hands to pick
most playable system ever written in forum/any forum? in my opinion.Good Luck!  



The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary.
Thomas Edison


No preachings please. I am asking a straight question and want straight answers only. Which one is the most playable method ever written in any of the roulette forums?


Quote from: albalaha on Feb 16, 02:05 AM 2011
No preachings please. I am asking a straight question and want straight answers only. Which one is the most playable method ever written in any of the roulette forums?

The King System. :thumbsup:


Dear Furple,
               Please no jokes. My King system has never been discussed upon any of the rouletteforums. There has to be atleast one method on these forums which would have impressed you very much.


Quote from: Cornelious on Feb 15, 09:58 AM 2011
Understandable key points,but isnt it kind of bit like holy grail talk,mean its not always the system that wins lots other variables consider ie the actual player,bankroll,progessions,etc stating the obvious here. But what are the conditions play for most playable sytem?

Example simple 4 spins to win method had 60 live wheel sessions going strong yet
its wouldnt believe it to be the holy grail and at times I don't follow it completely.  However like a lot systems Another person may download it and may tank everytime they go on particular casino etc.

I was interested in the promised constant winning bet when 1st came on the forum.
But it goes completely over my head trying to understand it. Wether that's combination
of terminology used or lack of roulette knowledge. Or that its got more than one way
to play it. No offence to the system seems to complicated for me to get.

All systems have ther own pro's and con's so think got helluva a challenge on hands to pick
most playable system ever written in forum/any forum? in my opinion.Good Luck!  

My dear friend,
Nothing complicated about PCWB,and believe me it is only lack of roulette knowledge.
To be true real winner you must work hard to achieve it and without complete knowledge of roulette wheel and the layout and its connection.....so I wish you luck,and am sure you will find and achieve it on this forum.
You can always get me on  


Just  showing contrast example between 2 different systems ways in reference to most playable system . No pun intended friend from my standpoint found my winning method .
Glad found yours.

My mindset is when sit down to play I expect to win and I do. 126 percent return on my
bankroll can't be bad maybe just lucky. Many people who have habit throwing quotes around.Maybe a weary one will need the quote. I apply knowledge and hard work that's why am lucky to have an abundance success in my life. Keep winning!  

I fully appreciate what your saying F_LAT_INO thanks.  




I think my system is the best.

its not in the forum but it works well.

i think my system is better then every other system here, say what you will, for me it is.


Quote from: darrynf on Feb 17, 12:22 AM 2011
I think my system is the best.

its not in the forum but it works well.

i think my system is better then every other system here, say what you will, for me it is.
Why don't you reveal it mate?????
This is a sharing community and it seems you aren't part of it,therefore
if I would be asked I would send you where you come from mate,especially
after your comments in Winkel thread.


darrynf, Either share your System or keep quiet about it. don't bait us.

You can always get me on  
