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I think Albalaha should stay

Started by iggiv, Jul 22, 08:34 PM 2011

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Do u want Albalaha to stay or leave?

1. Stay
26 (59.1%)
2. Leave
18 (40.9%)

Total Members Voted: 42


Quote from: sniper on Jul 23, 11:41 AM 2011
Hello F_LAT_INO,

We are all here with the same purpose, that is to work together as a team to beat the game and not to create enemy among ourselves


Well said...except that Albalaha wasn't here for such purposes,all his efforts contributing here was to make a money throughout selling or advertising other casinos with his every day winnings/which he got pay for it btw/with fabricated results.....you should learn my friend throughout others mistakes,or you blind.......all best world conmens are very nice indeed,didn't you know that.
You can always get me on  


Hello F_LAT_INO,

My friend, thanks for your advice and concern.




Quote from: F_LAT_INO on Jul 23, 09:33 AM 2011

--You one of his satelites...didn't you hear him saying;yes I'm a system seller--in another thread...
   and all this time while Vic was boss he was telling diff.stories--we are friendly community that
   share ideas here.And all you that now vote for him to stay.......some of you should reread your
   past posts and hypocritical attitude concerning this matter...how sad,and all you that say he isn't 
   a scammer are wrong/as you are looking it from your point of view..didn't scam you personally/
   but there are 4 people.in here that say diff......neither you would come forward if it happened to you
   cause of embarassment...I personally think that he should stay now....so we get to know him
   better as a seller.

Flatino, he discusses roulette. yes, he was selling his systems, but he does not try it now  through the forum. So whatever is his past, it is over. He contributed as well. it would not be fair to kick him out because of his "past sins". In present i see him discussing roulette, not selling systems.
maybe i am wrong? i don't know


The poll is half-half when I saw it. With any normal member, it would be to clearly have him stay.

For those people that criticize me for querying whether or not he should be banned, perhaps you aren't aware of what he did at my other forum - spamming, contradicting himself, making it verry clear he didn't even know what he was talking about, coming back under fake names spamming and the list goes on.

Some people see why my queries are justified. Others think I'm the bad guy. Some people in the other thread really don't know what they're saying and I don't have time to respond to it all.

Albahah, I haven't responded on the other thread as I haven't had time yet. And I don't work on weekends anyway.

I have no doubt Albahah is scamming people. Yet at this stage, the majority of people still want him around. So the question for me is do members get what they want, even if it is bad for them and other members? The answer at this stage, although I don't agree with it, is yes. But I'll have to verify that all votes are legitimate.

As forum admin, I have been through this nonsense many times before. And I hate to see scammers get their way, and many people not seeing scammers for what they really are. I'm not attacking him personally. But absolutely I am sure he has been dishonest about many things - he has proven this. And I certainly don't believe any of his systems work - his methodology is all wrong.
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Generally system sellers reduce integrity of forums, when they try to sell their systems through posts. Passive links such as mine do not interfere with discussions, but it is difficult to keep what you believe in out of discussions entirely whether there is a commercial product involved or not.

When it comes to Albalah, I dont know what he has done here. But I certainly know what he did at my other forum. He dominated discussions at one stage because all he was trying to do is sell. Most people wouldnt understand his contradictions and why they reveal him as someone who at least was dishonest.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


recently he was talking only roulette and did not try to sell anything. maybe he did try something but it was long ago. so if he wasn't kicked out before then there is no reason to do it now. and he has lots of support from the members. including mods and coadmins i guess. and Vic was not so eager to kick him out.

so here we go.


Hey Steve,
                   It was apparent from you. Do you know people call you a scammer too? Ion Saliu has clearly alleged you of stealing his concept in entirety and selling it in your genuinewinner, which is a geniune loser for sure. I have earned from forums but by delivering quality and satisfaction and not by spamming or scamming. System writing is an art and I am pretty skilled at it. Ask my buyers or see my finest method and compare that with any session you can see. Everyone know that you have been in jail for cheating and your roulette computers will land many more there.
                                I said, it is not a priviledge for me to write here. Whichever forum I will move to will get good amount of readers because I deliver workable solutions.
                         Remember one thing: I do earn from forums and do not consider it a sin, so far I am delivering quality.


Albalaha, Ion Salui is clueless. I contacted him about his nonsense and he was probably too embarassed to respond. And my computers are used legally, and nobody has gone to jail for using them. My methods are universally accepted as effective, except by people with an agenda to discredit me. You claim to beat roulette with red/black which is just not possible. I did not go to jail for scamming, irrespective of what you have read from newspapers or transcripts. Do proper research before opening your mouth. But Albalaha, we are talking about you, not me. Stop trying to shift the focus.

Understand my position. If you are selling methods that lose people money, and claiming they work, that is a problem. Let's keep this simple:

1. Are you willing to send me one of your methods so I can test?

2. Answer the questions:

a. Does your method increase the accuracy of predicitions? (ie tell people with greater accuracy whether red/black will spin next)

b. Does your method rely on progression?

NOTE: Please everyone just stay out of the conversation and I'll work this out with Albalah. Either way, we'll find the truth about him. I suspect though that rather than follow a line of logical and reasonable questions, he will leave. The alternative is he stays and the questions reveal the truth, which is unfavorable to him.

Again Albalah, it is not personal. We'll find the truth, if you answer basic questions, or even simpler, just send me one what you say works.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


              Can't you see my finest method-rewritten which I recalled here many times as a part of my 8 systems that I teach in my e-book "King system". I have tested and played it 1000s of times and it worked in most of sessions and in overall, it works towards: Win more and lose less.
                           You can test this method yourself to see its effectiveness. I have clearly explained all requisites of this system. Mild progressions have also been used wherever required. If you use my rules of "pause" and "resume" properly, there is no doubt you should win most of the sessions than not.
                   Remember Steve, you are making me leave despite my contributions which has widely been accepted by most of the members here. You are the owner of this place, you have the right to sell systems and roulette computers yourself, however useless they may be but my genuine efforts, which is in form of an ebook, called "king System", which not even a single buyer has tried to bash ever in any forum is looking like scam to you. No wonder. It is about money, honey.
                    See the finest method-rewritten with open eyes and members' experience with that and then speak without prejudice.


No I am not making you leave. I am asking questions to learn the truth about you. Read what I said earlier.

Ok so you are willing to give me one of your systems that you claim wins more than it loses. Please PM me the details - ie where I can download.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Ok thanks. I'll have a detailed look at it asap. But for now the obvious questions are:

1. If you have the holy grail and can beat RNG, why have you not destroyed every RNG casino?

2. Why have you not accepted the challenge at :.genuinewinner.com/100k.html but instead opted to sell your methods for small amounts?
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


I had a good look at the method. Question:

1. Is progression REQUIRED?

2. If numerous numbers qualify, will just betting on one of the qualified numbers still win in the long term?
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


         Answer to both of your questions:
1. My methods are logical and not magical. I can win almost every session with my holy grail but not without risking my money. I am facing deposits and withdrawal problems with online casinos which restrains me for playing with good amounts. You can see in my section " daily winnings with betvoyager", I have multiplied my bankroll several times in a day. Since I keep testing new systems with real money, I keep losing my remaining bankroll too.
                                  I may be the only person in this forum who has cleared so many no deposit bonuses from a number of casinos. I have documented everything in my section for every one to see.
     Due to having trouble with deposits and withdrawal, I asked for a partner too, which you can also see in my section.
2. Regarding your 1 million challenge on your RNG, I can't do that because:-
       a. I can't deposit with you the required sum
        b. Being an attorney I know, such contract is not legal in my country and I can not enforce it through my courts.
        c. you want it to be done upon RNG which may be doctored to produce negative results for any system (victor himself has produced documented proof of that in this forum.). If you want a real holy grail which has won Zumma and other real live sessions, I can provide you that. How much can you pay for that?


Answer to questions relating to my finest method:

1. Progression is clearly mentioned. You need to keep a target earning which can be at least 12 units or 24 units. If you are playing flat bet and your total cost cuts the least target winning (12 or 24), you increase units on each qualified numbers accordingly.

2. In cases, multiple number qualifies, you do not bet but come to "pause" mode. You wait for a favorable condition to come where max 3 or 4 numbers qualify to bet upon and resume your game from there with required number of chips.
