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The reverse labouchere roulette system

Started by ego, Oct 03, 11:40 AM 2011

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discussion - the reverse labouchere roulette system

I admit some times you get stuck with old habits and ideas.
Recent i read about Midas Strategy and Reversed Labouchere.

I am not fully sure i grasp them, that is why i start this topic.
I will send Bayes a PM and ask him to keep a eye on this thread.
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Main problem with any reverse progression is that there can be (and will be!!!) a time, where you can't get enough hits to make profit, and when you finally win, your profit is not high enough. Reversed labouchere is not strong enough, I teste my own modified version and even they often fails.


That is an example of "problem" with reversed progressions...


There is one psychological advantage of positive progressions - if it's hitting, you are winning a lot, so you don't look like an unintelligent who won there few units with marty...




We need a magic there - a good bet selection (=magic oraculum, lol)  and another improvements on the reverse up as you go progression. Otherwise they fails, but can survive for a lot of spins, that's true...



How to generally describe a progression?

We would need some numbers for tracking it - SUM and START_SUM.

1. on the beginning of session, SUM = START_SUM

2. we select even chance EC with our bet selection (anything from red to random...) and make a bet
BET = round_up(SUM/START_SUM)

round_up rounds value always up, for example



3. spin


The reverse labouchere roulette system
Ignore zero and rebet on lose, it would otherwise break winning streaks. While all images I posted there are from zero roulette, this system is designed mainly for no-zero roulette.

a) if we won: we increase SUM by some part of won money WonUnits(positive progression)
   SUM +=  FN_OnWin(WonUnits,...)
FN_OnWin can be anything useful, and it can take int account previous wins, balance statistics etc., but most simply it would just calculate it's result from bet.

For example if FN_OnWin(WonUnits,...) = round_up(0.5*WonUnits) then this step can look like:
  SUM += round_up(0.5*WonUnits)
So half won is added to SUM, and in the next spin bet unit is increased, so if we are winning, we increase our bet size.

b) if we lost: we increase SUM by part of lost money LostUnits (negative progression)
   SUM +=  FN_OnLose(LostUnits,...)
For example FN_OnLose(LostUnits,...)=-1*LostUnits and then
  SUM += -1*LostUnits
so actually LostUnits are substracted from SUM, and if we are losing SUM is decreasing and round_up(SUM/START_SUM) so we are decreasing our bet size if we are losing.

5. if SUM <= 0 then RESET and start a new session

In my example graphs, it had those parameters (MAX_BET = 500):

FN_OnWin(WonUnits,...) =
if WonUnits <= 20: round_up(0.9*WonUnits)
else round_up(WonUnits*0.05)

so it is really mild and starts pocketing money like crazy if profit is greater than (20-3)=18 units

so it just substract LostUnits from SUM

There is a possibility to tune those functions to get better positive or mixed progressions...


Positive progressions are all about pocketing win and rebeting it...


Mr. Ore,

Thank you for your valuable input.  All your topics are stimulating discussions and any serious student of roulette should be aware of them and their impact on the game.

I recall a web site that discussed the reverse labby in great detail.  It even offered a tweak that looked to be very promising.  I must admit that at the time I read the material I wasn't interested in the reverse labby and therefore didn't take note as I should have.

I have looked and can't at the time find the web site.  It may or may not be of help, but I wouldn't hurt to be exposed to it since it deals with this very subject in great detail.


PS  I will continue to search for it.  If anyone else knows what I'm talking about, can you help us out?  Thankx
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Thanks for the input - i attach two files to this topic - Midas and Reversed ...
Will share my thoughts about this soon ...
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Quote from: GLC on Oct 04, 12:24 AM 2011
Mr. Ore,

I recall a web site that discussed the reverse labby in great detail.  It even offered a tweak that looked to be very promising.  I must admit that at the time I read the material I wasn't interested in the reverse labby and therefore didn't take note as I should have.

I have looked and can't at the time find the web site.  It may or may not be of help, but I wouldn't hurt to be exposed to it since it deals with this very subject in great detail.


hi George
you left a web page address directed to reverse labby in my thread 'reverse labby' in money managenent section- a great detailed tweak is waiting for rediscover! :thumbsup:

N.B.: This thread should be in the money management section. :question:
