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i quit

Started by darrnyf, Dec 23, 01:22 AM 2011

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well..i have been playing  roulette since 10 years....and i have tried a lot to beat this wheel...but its rarely impossile to win...u play any progression any method...its very very tuff...

i am not saying that no body wins...people win..but its very very rare..may be 1 in 1000...so please don't invest money which You can't afford to lose..so please guyz ...


everyone....i need ur views whether u are in profit or loss?


Quote from: darrnyf on Dec 23, 01:22 AM 2011
well..i have been playing  roulette since 10 years....and i have tried a lot to beat this wheel...but its rarely impossile to win...u play any progression any method...its very very tuff...

i am not saying that no body wins...people win..but its very very rare..may be 1 in 1000...so please don't invest money which You can't afford to lose..so please guyz ...


everyone....i need your views whether You are in profit or loss?

Well i read other post in the past from pepole saying the same thing and making the same decision.
Is not so strange.

If you would have invest your gambling money in the correct way with material that matters - then you would probably having edge today with positive expectation.
There is so many lost souls witch believe roulette can be beaten using roulette systems.
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


THE WORD IS BEAT IT NOT CONQUER ROULETTE,   and that is what everyone tries to do do if you have    lots  of money and the time you can beat it in short burst .



I have to admit that I have been lucky enough to stay ahead of the game in my actual play for real money.  Unfortunately, I am behind in my testings.  Go figure.

I play a good system until I have my first loss and then I play another good system.  I don't understand the dynamics completely but it seems that all systems start out doing great and then they bomb.

I have won the most on a slightly tweaked version of "The Very Near Infallible Roulette System".  I have never lost a session playing this system.  Granted I have a 1200 unit bank and I only play to between 20 - 50 units as a win target depending on the amount of time I have to play.  I must admit that if I lose a 1200 unit bank, I will be in the hole about 300 units as things stand now.  So, I can't brag too much on this system.

My next system that I'm still ahead with is Full Trioplay.  I am only up 250 units on this system with a 200 unit stop loss.  I have had multiple losses with this system but have managed to stay ahead of the game.

I have a couple of other system that I play from time to time that are based on large progressions that I've never lost on, yet.

I must admit that I don't get much time to play for real at the casino and so I can't say that I feel I have a long term winning strategy that I would give my mother to play with.  I've played too little and it probably still falls well within the limits of just being lucky.

There have been times when I was on the very brink of disaster, but was lucky enough to avert destruction.

Good luck to everyone.

The most important admonition in gambling is to never play with money you can't afford to lose.  And I would add, never play with money you don't intend to lose.  Just in case.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


For me DC4 a system i came up with 2 years ago, is the most money maker to date ,never losts a progression or bank .


Quote from: warrior on Dec 23, 11:30 AM 2011
For me DC4 a system i came up with 2 years ago, is the most money maker to date ,never losts a progression or bank .

Thanks for that heads up Warrior.  That's pretty strong praise coming from someone like yourself who has been around long enough to know a good system from a bad one.  I'll dig that one out and give it a test drive. :thumbsup:


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!



I searched for DC4 and came up empty.  Is it possible for you to re-post it?

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!

flukey luke

My advice to anybody would be to sit down and write everything you have learned about roulette and then start crossing out all the things that you KNOW don't work.

Trust me, you will not be left with very much to work with after doing this.

Then instead of trying to create something from scratch, try working your way backwards looking at what occurs a lot of the time. Don't involve too many spins. Roulette is a very flexible game and you don't want to get stuck.

Can I give you any tips? Yes! A lot of people misinterpret how to use concepts that may help them. Take some of the ideas that you have an inkling may actually work and play about with them. Example: 3, 6 and 9 are VERY powerful numbers but you can't take that to literally mean backing 3, 6 and 9. Look at how these 'numbers' or sets of numbers come and go and find a way to take advantage.

I don't belief that there is a holy grail. Roulette would not exist if there was. There is however a way to win most sessions you play and this is enough to turn anybody into a long term winner unless they have a gambling problem in which case even a 'mythical' grail would not be of much use.

Good luck and merry xmas.


There is nothing wrong in quitting playing Roulette - it's just a game and it has withstood 200+ years of folks trying to beat it.

There are plenty of other games of chance in the casino and online so you might have a better chance  with one of them.  I used to play Black Jack and abandoned it for Roulette; I've had much better luck with Roulette.

I'm putting together a small seminar on Roulette in a few weeks - it won't give you a detailed system but I will go through things I have found to "work" for me.

I spend 3 - 5 PM each day working on Roulette and in 2011 I've spent at least 500 hours of research.  I visit a casino once a month and I enjoy every moment of it, both the real gambling and the research.

So before you completely abandon Roulette for another game watch for my little seminar in January.

Happy Holidays....


wel...i think bet it roulette or blackjack...only poker is the best way we can earn long term


if someone quits why becomes topic..if you quit you quit what is there to talk...you try did fail quit..simple :thumbsup:
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


i am sorry to know that Darr :(


well.iggiv houz ur progress going on.....maestro i saw u are doing pretty well on bv...what system u play..ur bankroll..ur chip size..could u please care to elaborate


Quote from: MauiSunset on Dec 24, 12:01 AM 2011
I'm putting together a small seminar on Roulette in a few weeks - it won't give you a detailed system but I will go through things I have found to "work" for me.

So before you completely abandon Roulette for another game watch for my little seminar in January.
Happy Holidays....

MS,  Your seminar will be much appreciated by many of us.  It's always valuable to hear what someone who has invested as much time in study and play as you have to share some of the valuable information that you find most helpful.  An exact system isn't necessary since there are many on this forum.

It would be helpful to start a new topic under "General Discussion" and everyone who has developed what they consider to be valuable techniques and principles can post them.  It will be especially helpful for the newbies.  But even veterans may stumble on a new idea that will be valuable.

I have been re-reading the systems posted on this forum since it's beginning and there are some really good ones that probably should be resurrected and given a second chance.

Looking forward to your post.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: darrnyf on Dec 24, 01:44 AM 2011
... wel...i think bet it roulette or blackjack.
Because all of the casino games involve a "randomness" of a sort which is not really random, the emphasis should be placed on developing new theory and/or devices to track those.  Someday, there will be unimaginably high-speed "quantum computers", which could "crack" all of today's world's computer-defences in minutes.  But what can we do about it now?  What we shouldn't begin to do is think in terms of VB, or computers based on precognition, egs.  If you want to beat the math, that's what you must do.  And that takes new math, etc, which must be based on the old math, etc.  Anything else, and you're kidding yourself, trying to get a lot for nothing.
Quote from: darrnyf on Dec 24, 01:44 AM 2011
..only poker is the best way we can earn long term
The skill-factor of poker rarely exceeds the tax. Ie, in the (dreaded) long-run, while the "chips" go back and forth, eventually all will become the tax, itself. Enough tax or margin, as in the sports, and most other gambles, to keep it interesting... but no one else's livelihood.
