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opinions please

Started by Skakus, May 14, 05:57 AM 2012

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Quote from: Steve on May 22, 10:05 PM 2012
Methods that DO work aren't popular because people like it clean and simple, but the real world is dynamic.
It's the apparent "clean and simple" of, for example, a gaming system which is the best "cover" of all.  You have to be able to at least make it appear effortless.

Dynamic is only one aspect of the "real world".  We must at least strive to harness the powers of complexity through careful thought in specific, and outline of the world around us in general... in accordance with the static.

For example, isn't that how a bank views a financial business plan when determining a loan?  Not so much about a complex bunch of numbers which add up as some sort of practical economic edge over the competition?  You don't want to build something so outright-complex that, for example, by the time you have it working, there's no longer the same application, or demand, for it.

Just "fiddle away" at it a few minutes every other day, far from the felt, until you have something useful.  Which you can refine, amplify, and re-cycle, in earnest then.  Next to no such methods in the literature, including the internet, for games like baccarat, and roulette, but there are plenty of bad ideas waiting to re-phrased and massaged into potentially-good ones.  (Isn't brainstorming the hardest part of something new?)


Quote from: vundarosa on May 23, 04:58 PM 2012

depends of what you were expecting....i'm already down 56u in 50 games


I sympathize.  This is definitely a critical juncture for you or anyone.   I understand you are playing a pre-recorded list of live (?) spins from an authentic (fair) game somewhere.  This would be a good time to have an idea of what kind of  "draw-down" would be expected to be possible or normal (average)...beyond which you would either need a bigger BR, or just need to call it quits.  Seems to me a 100u BR is necessary for this or just about any system.  So i hope those involved in the tests are willing to go at least that far before throwing in the towel...for the sake of learners here.   

Are you playing no-zero, European, or American Roulette?  Are you dealing with the zero(s) like JL suggests?


Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 23, 04:34 PM 2012

BV is a fair casino.

Many people won money with their bots.  BV changed the rules,  how you bet and several other things to cause bots not to work.

Lastly, it is easy to see when a bot is working.  They would just refuse to pay.

Until someone invents the human bot, bots will never work.  A bot must make mistakes and vary time time from bet to bet.  No human works at the speed of a bot, the BV knows it.

BV is fair.  Take your system there and play by hand.  Don't be greedy.

I'm in the USA and I can't play there, but if I could I would.  Dublin, too!


Thanks for the tip.  Yes, anymore, or at least at certain online casinos, a bot would somehow need to *act* like a human...to stay under some new kind of *radar*.  I haven't gotten yet into RX and the others to see if they can accomplish this, but i can say with confidence that if a *human signature* could be identified, it could be programmed somehow, someway.  I'll look into it and report back eventually. 

Meanwhile, i do have issues being a U.S. citizen and am considering to register from a proxy server to get around local ID (IP) issues.  Anybody with more info on this please let me know.  I did not know a U.S. citizen (you?) could play at BV so if you can let me know how you are doing that i would appreciate.  Thnx. 


Quote from: Still on May 23, 05:30 PM 2012
I sympathize.  This is definitely a critical juncture for you or anyone.   I understand you are playing a per-recorded list of live (?) spins from an authentic (fair) game somewhere.  This would be a good time to have an idea of what kind of  "draw-down" would be expected to be possible or normal (average)...beyond which you would either need a bigger BR, or just need to call it quits.  Seems to me a 100u BR is necessary for this or just about any system.  So i hope those involved in the tests are willing to go at least that far before throwing in the towel...for the sake of learners here.   

Are you playing no-zero, European, or American Roulette?  Are you dealing with the zero(s) like JL suggests?

testing from an European table spins results....I’ve attached the test results so anyone can see for themselves.....it seems to me that all the gymnastics, arranging numbers in a matrix, waiting for triggers and qualifiers bring no advantage whatsoever to choosing a dozen and having a go at it for 6 consecutive bets...... I suspect the results would be the similar......



Meanwhile, i do have issues being a U.S. citizen and am considering to register from a proxy server to get around local ID (IP) issues.  Anybody with more info on this please let me know. I did not know a U.S. citizen (you?) could play at BV so if you can let me know how you are doing that i would appreciate.  Thnx. 


About 2 or more years ago, I was a tester for Super Roulette.  The fellow who owned it set me up an account at Bet Voyager and I did play for real money.  Another fellow set me up an account and I play there for play money.  I play regularly at Dublin for play money and have started with #1,000 and now am at nearly #5,000.  Too bad it's not real!!

Before anyone asks, I use the G.U.T.  I know it won't work but I use it anyway.

As to setting up an account if you are a U.S. citizen--forget it.  They require all kinds of I.D. like driver's permit, water bills, lease agreements and many of them actually snail mail a number to you that you must input on the computer so you can play.  I'm sure someone will come along and say they can do it and have done it.  I'd have to see it to believe it.


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 23, 09:14 PM 2012
Meanwhile, i do have issues being a U.S. citizen and am considering to register from a proxy server to get around local ID (IP) issues.  Anybody with more info on this please let me know. I did not know a U.S. citizen (you?) could play at BV so if you can let me know how you are doing that i would appreciate.  Thnx. 


About 2 or more years ago, I was a tester for Super Roulette.  The fellow who owned it set me up an account at Bet Voyager and I did play for real money.  Another fellow set me up an account and I play there for play money.  I play regularly at Dublin for play money and have started with #1,000 and now am at nearly #5,000.  Too bad it's not real!!

Before anyone asks, I use the G.U.T.  I know it won't work but I use it anyway.

As to setting up an account if you are a U.S. citizen--forget it.  They require all kinds of I.D. like driver's permit, water bills, lease agreements and many of them actually snail mail a number to you that you must input on the computer so you can play.  I'm sure someone will come along and say they can do it and have done it.  I'd have to see it to believe it.


Hello Sam

Overcoming IP issues is easy. Dont bother with free proxy servers. You can use VPN. It works like proxy server and costs around 10$ a month. For it you get access 2 servers from many countries. Overplay is the best option. I used it.
The other problem is 2 find a money service thats accepted by a casino. Moneybookers has problem with US citizens. Maybe Neteller? An option is 2 get someone you trust 2 open an account in a country thats accepted by a casino and you can play from your place using VPN.
One issue is that VPN slows you down. I live in Philippines now but have an european bank account and address...



Quote from: Robeenhuut on May 23, 09:33 PM 2012
I live in Philippines now but have an european bank account and address...


Yes VPN should solve an IP issue.  Might also be able to do it through Amazon Web Services Ec2 if  able to choose a server location (probably).  This leaves the problem of the other verifications and a money service.  PayPal no go? 

I have a Facebook friend native to the Philippines.  Any suggestions how a collaboration might work i'd be interested to hear.  I used to have a bank account in the Philippines, but is probably defunct due to abandonment. 


Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 23, 09:14 PM 2012
Another fellow set me up an account and I play there for play money.  I play regularly at Dublin for play money and have started with #1,000 and now am at nearly #5,000.  Too bad it's not real!!

Before anyone asks, I use the G.U.T.  I know it won't work but I use it anyway.

Thanks. If i may ask, how did they set you up?  Is the account in their name and address and everything...and you have the password? 

Sorry, i don't know what G.U.T. is.  Does that mean i'm a newbie?  Is that a betting system?


Quote from: Still on May 23, 09:53 PM 2012
Yes VPN should solve an IP issue.  Might also be able to do it through Amazon Web Services Ec2 if  able to choose a server location (probably).  This leaves the problem of the other verifications and a money service.  PayPal no go? 

I have a Facebook friend native to the Philippines.  Any suggestions how a collaboration might work i'd be interested to hear.  I used to have a bank account in the Philippines, but is probably defunct due to abandonment.

I play mostly on Smartlive and they accept everybody except US guys. Before i played Paddy Power and used Overplay VPN. I had an european banking account for 4 that. My issue was  connection speed. Where i live i dont have access 2 any decent net provider and VPN slowed me down 2 much. Otherwise everything worked like a charm. Casino does not really care where you live. They only verify your IP address.



Quote from: Robeenhuut on May 23, 10:04 PM 2012
I play mostly on Smartlive and they accept everybody except US guys. Before i played Paddy Power and used Overplay VPN. I had an european banking account for 4 that. My issue was  connection speed. Where i live i don't have access 2 any decent net provider and VPN slowed me down 2 much. Otherwise everything worked like a charm. Casino does not really care where you live. They only verify your IP address.


I'm trying to understand why you would need to use a VPN.  Was your normal IP not allowed? 

So you would connect to your VPN, and play from there?  And it was slow goin?

Thanks for answering these questions.  I'd like to "jailbreak" these restrictions. 


Quote from: Still on May 23, 10:46 PM 2012
I'm trying to understand why you would need to use a VPN.  Was your normal IP not allowed? 

So you would connect to your VPN, and play from there?  And it was slow goin?

Thanks for answering these questions.  I'd like to "jailbreak" these restrictions.

Yeah Still. Paddy Power does not allow players with IP from Philippines so i had 2 go around it.
If you have a faster connection then VPN slowing you down should not be an issue. Each casino has  a different list restricted territories but US players are generally most affected by it.
Dont waste your time with free proxy servers. VPN works and its very easy 2 set up.



Quote from: Robeenhuut on May 23, 11:20 PM 2012
Yeah Still. Paddy Power does not allow players with IP from Philippines so i had 2 go around it.
If you have a faster connection then VPN slowing you down should not be an issue. Each casino has  a different list restricted territories but US players are generally most affected by it.
don't waste your time with free proxy servers. VPN works and its very easy 2 set up.


Ok i get it now.  So once you line up with a money service you're good to go. 

So would you be a pro gambler then?

Thanks much.



The G.U.T is a system posted by a man named winkel.  Search for it.  I am not the second coming of winkel, but I consider myself an expert on the G.U.T. and Track4, the program droidman wrote to use with it.

Before you go to far, you had better talk to someone who has an account at a casino.  They will tell you about verification by the casino.  Yes, there are places that will take your money, and for a fee, make a deposit, but you cannot withdraw.  Trust me; I've been skinned!  I paid dearly for one supposedly reputable company to set me up a bank account in the UK and get me a debit card.  I had an address in the UK where I could get mail ad have it forwarded to the U.S.  Let my loss of money speak to you!  I've said all I will on this subject.

Yes, the person who set me up an account at BV used his own name and correct personal data.  That way, we could have gotten paid if I had won.  Mores the pity I didn't!!

Since the ban by the U.S. Government, I've had several people offer to set me up accounts and be my go-between.  Frankly, I felt they just wanted me to PayPal them some money and I'd never hear from them again.  None of those people are now on either forum, so I think I was probably right.

Now, as to IP.  If you try to log into Dublin for real money, they will tell you your IP is from an banned country.  I can only log in as a "fun player".  Try to log in from the U.S. to Ladbrokes, CasinoWebCam, William Hill or just about any other.  You'll find out.

Trying' to be your friend here, Still.


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 24, 12:35 AM 2012

The G.U.T is a system posted by a man named winkel.  Search for it.  I am not the second coming of winkel, but I consider myself an expert on the G.U.T. and Track4, the program droidman wrote to use with it.

Before you go to far, you had better talk to someone who has an account at a casino.  They will tell you about verification by the casino.  Yes, there are places that will take your money, and for a fee, make a deposit, but you cannot withdraw.  Trust me; I've been skinned!  I paid dearly for one supposedly reputable company to set me up a bank account in the UK and get me a debit card.  I had an address in the UK where I could get mail ad have it forwarded to the U.S.  Let my loss of money speak to you!  I've said all I will on this subject.

Yes, the person who set me up an account at BV used his own name and correct personal data.  That way, we could have gotten paid if I had won.  Mores the pity I didn't!!

Since the ban by the U.S. Government, I've had several people offer to set me up accounts and be my go-between.  Frankly, I felt they just wanted me to PayPal them some money and I'd never hear from them again.  None of those people are now on either forum, so I think I was probably right.

Now, as to IP.  If you try to log into Dublin for real money, they will tell you your IP is from an banned country.  I can only log in as a "fun player".  Try to log in from the U.S. to Ladbrokes, CasinoWebCam, William Hill or just about any other.  You'll find out.

Trying' to be your friend here, Still.


Bigger problem is a verification by your money wallet like MB. They might ask 4 pics of your ID, proof of address. They also send some activation code 2 your home address. It happened 2 me but i was prepared. You can deposit directly 2 casino or use credit card but the card can not be issued in restricted territory and so on. Opening an account is free so d person should not charge you any money but d problem is that he or she still has an access 2 yr account. In this case you would need 2 transfer online immediately your winnings after they arrive to your other account. 


the best place for vnp service to hide your ip is here  link:://whm.reliablehosting.com/whmcs/ my son in law just come back from 6 months in australia and this is what he used to access all betting on his english accounts...doesn,t slow down anything i,m using too when needed
