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Started by Bayes, Jun 19, 06:05 PM 2012

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"""I fight against people like you who talk about this nonsense called house edge."""

Whoever says that the house edge is nonsense he is talking nonsense.

"""Now what will you say if you see me win everytime I play Bayes RNG"""

This will never happen...we know it for sure and u know it better.And why RNG and not real spins?

JL you are the last one that u should be talking.
You are feeding all the forum with lies for a long tome and that s why almost everyone is attacking on you.

Do what u claim that You can do and then u will have the respect u want.
But how can you do something that it can t be done....so once again u will be proved as a liar.
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***

flukey luke

Quote from: Johnlegend on Jun 20, 04:02 PM 2012

I fight against people like you who talk about this nonsense called house edge.

;D  There would be nobody posting on this forum if the player had an edge of 2.7 or 5.4%.


"""There would be nobody posting on this forum if the player had an edge of 2.7 or 5.4%."""

Exactky my point. Thanks FL
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


Quote from: Master_of_pockets on Jun 20, 01:07 PM 2012
"""There are methods of winning, but there is no machine with a handle which you can just turn and crank out thousand of chips profit."""

This is a big contradiction.U just said 2 def things

"""The sort of system everyone wants should:

1) Involve no risk, require only a small bankroll and have minimal draw-downs.
2) Should not require any discipline to play it.
3) Should not require any thinking or concentration."""

1) YES
2)If You have a winning system then u don't need any discipline couse You are just folowing it s rules and You are ok.
3)If You have a winning system you should ofcource  think and be concentrated where to place next bet...  its not a big deal.

"""I have to break each of these 3 "rules" every time I play roulette. It's not that you need to apply yourself only until you've found THE SYSTEM and then you can relax. No, it's ALWAYS a battle to come out ahead. I happen to enjoy it, but it's not for everyone."""

This is gambling and I hate gambling.

MOP, there is no contradiction. The sort of system you're looking for cannot possibly win, because they all have their variance. For one thing, you need more than one system and for each of them you need to know when to start playing it and when to move to another. So I suppose you could say I do use a certain kind of "hit and run", but it isn't the kind which JL advocates.

I don't follow a system but just a few principles. I don't have any idea what I'm going to be doing before I start a session, apart from not deviating from the principles. The MM is tightly integrated with the bet selection. Progressions are created on the fly in response to whatever the history is. If things turn out worse than I expected, I make the necessary adjustments until they go my way. Isn't that just common sense? It's really not so hard once you get into the right mindset.

One of the principles is that things won't continue to get worse indefinitely. Nothing to do with the gambler's fallacy, just probability. It's like TG says: "random has limits".  Find those limits, then get to work on MM.

True, none of this changes the house edge, but although you can't ignore it, it's not the main reason why players lose and systems fail. Most lose because they get into a losing sequence which they haven't anticipated or accounted for because they haven't done enough research. Start at the far end of the bell curve and things can only get better. They may get worse for a while, but that's temporary and can be taken care of with money management. Think about it, 50% of the time you're around even, 25% of the time you're having a good run and the remaining 25% of the time is losing (I'm talking about EC bets). Eliminating even 10% of that 25% puts you in a strong position, and 75% of the time you're either winning or breaking even in terms of wins and losses, but MM can make you a profit even in a mild negative sequence.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Quote from: Master_of_pockets on Jun 20, 04:37 PM 2012
"""I fight against people like you who talk about this nonsense called house edge."""

Whoever says that the house edge is nonsense he is talking nonsense.

"""Now what will you say if you see me win everytime I play Bayes RNG"""

This will never happen...we know it for sure and You know it better.And why RNG and not real spins?

JL you are the last one that u should be talking.
You are feeding all the forum with lies for a long tome and that s why almost everyone is attacking on you.

Do what u claim that You can do and then u will have the respect u want.
But how can you do something that it can t be done....so once again u will be proved as a liar.
How can you do something that cant be done? Okay we have it in writing now MOP that is where you stand with the game. Now we will see what you have to say a few months down the road. Better still by years end.

I will first defeat an RNG. Then I will show anyone interested how to beat live wheels online aswell as a B&M casino.


Quote from: flukey luke on Jun 20, 04:40 PM 2012

;D  There would be nobody posting on this forum if the player had an edge of 2.7 or 5.4%.
Flukey. Your method IF any good doesnt care about House edge. Its pure strikerate. The house edge is already there. The method is either good enough to profit in spite of it. Or it isnt.


I understand what u are saying Bayes but as u said we can t know when the 1 system will continue losing or start winning in order to change to an other and we don t know if the change to the other(s) will do any good ....maybe will do bad maybe will do good...so still no advantage in this kind of play....

But the other things u mentioned about the MM is something that I agree.

I know that the kind of system that I and most of us are looking may not exist...
But we are all in here hoping.....

JL I can t exchange any more words with you as u are always "I will, I will , I will" so until "you will" i don t have any mood speaking with you as you are always sayng the same empty talks.
I will be here to see if you are keeping your word...I sure doubt(and most of the members also) , but I will be here.
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***
