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New consept that has never being seen before that may produce a flat EC winner

Started by Master_of_pockets, Aug 22, 10:52 AM 2012

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For about 1 month I have thought of a unique way to record the deviations of the Ecs with a way that has never thought of before.

This way is based on the concept of the deviation balance (Marigny etc).

I m sure that Ego(that is an Ecs deviation guru will love this and will make him think of tweeking the concept(this is what I hope).Also math guys like Bayes will like it.

The only person that knows about it is Malcop.He is a person that I respect.

I explained him the concept and he made some Excel sheets to test it faster.I really thank him about his time and effort.
The concept works very nice most of the times but it has times that has some downs(not many).
It s based only the Ecs flat betting.

We experienced a lot of times wins of +40 chips with only a Br of 10-15 chips.

The reason I would like to expose this concept is because I would like to give new air to the forum and also chat each other to see if it can be more accurate....

I remember ego a lot of times saying that Marigny is like doing VB on the Ecs(as closer we can get) and this concept of mine is giving a 3d dimension to this betting accuracy.

I would like to  please Malcop to expose the full concept because English is his 1st language and he will do it a lot better than I would.(sorry for asking you to do this Malcop , if you don't have the mood or the time I ll try to do it myself)

Gentlemen sit tight and wait for Malcop next post...I am sure this concept will be loved and will be discussed a lot over the next weeks/months/years.
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


I just spoke with Malcop and we both agreed that if there is a real interest from the forum members about it he will post the concept.
He told me(and I agree with him) that he hates topics that just have a lot of views but no responds and for this so unique concept it will be a wrong thing to happen.

So its in ur decision ppl to say if you would like it to be posted or not.

Let me tell you that I started playing with this concept in my casino with pen and papper and win lots of visits at least +10 chips with Br of just 5-6 chips and this is why I needed to have a program to test it faster and if would be proved a long run winner to make a mobile program and take it in the casino in order to play all the ecs together...(because the tracking of it is pretty hard and time consuming) ... this is were Malcop came in.
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


I need to tell you ppl that IF anyome will like to use this concept and play he will sure need a code/tracker to do so....it s not an easy and fast tracking.

The POINT of this thread is for all of us to think of the best way to apply this concept of when to bet in order to gain the best accurasy on the bets(if this can happen...because as we know spins are independent)

I also need to tell you that after Malcop post of the concept I will delete all the privious posts in order for having a shorter and clean thread to work on.

thank you.

ray after Malcop explanation post if someone would like to test our ways that we tryed to take advantage of this concept he is willing to post the sheets...because we made a lot of versions to see which one is working for the best...
He and I agree that the last sheet is the best so far
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


I want for 1 more time to remind that :

When the concept will be posted the prosedure should be like this

1)Comment the consept of if its good or not
2)Post opinions oh how we can take the best advantage of it by making a system
3)Then if you like you can test the sheets

But the priority is to find the best way to apply the concept...so don't wait for ready systems...(Sam hold your horses  :P)although we have made a few and we will also post them.
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


The memebers that will follow the topic and understand the consept will see and witness of WHAT THE RANDOMNESS OF A ROULETTE WHEEL CAN DO.Meanning that you will be able to see how many and how much deviations the randomness can produce at the same time(you will underatdn when u will test and observe)

No recording concept has ever go so deep into randomness

So even if no winning system will be produced from this concept a sirious education will be made.

I for sure changed a lot in my mind about the deviations and i realised more than ever in my skin the how much indepemdent every spin is.

anyway lets hope all of us will make something good(system) from this
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


 â€œIt’s all in the Dot’s.......”

That’s what MOP said to me when he introduced me to his Bet Selection concept.

I remember him telling me on Skype get a piece of paper and follow what I explain to you, I would be lying if I did not say I was totally confused, I sort of grasped what he was saying but not fully, so  I told him the best way forward was if we just broke it down into stages, I would code the spreadsheet one stage at a time and by doing so learn and fully understand his method as we go along.

I typed up the instructions for this method in a word document, but when pasting into here lost all formating, so instead it is in a pdf attached at the end of this post.




forgot to say those that can look at the sheets, it is all controled from the first page that says "Hunter" When you enter the spin numbers it feeds the other three sheets for each of the ECs.

Been doing this for about 4 hours now, so going to bed now, any questions I wll try and answer before I go out in the morning.




"No Whining, just Winning"


Looks interesting however it isnt clear to me just yet. Will have a look tonight when I have a bit more time to digest it.
Thanks for you hard work guys.


Hello ...

I just find this topic - can some one tell me in what page Malcop and MOP describe the method.
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Just call me Stef ... its shorter then Stepkevh :-)


really interesting idea.
I will analyze all this flow of information and come back with question or test result  ^-^

Thanks for the sharing  :thumbsup:


It really does seem like an epic system - BUT, and there is always a but, how on earth would you keep up with tracking something like this?
Trust the timing of your life!


Quote from: Tomla021 on Aug 22, 11:13 PM 2012
So if you have 6 runs and 3 changes you bet for changes?
No Tom, not that simple, you could have a situation where we have black, the colour we are going to bet on, and it is representing for examle you could have Black, as our selection, and it is representing 3 Runs & 2 changes, that is what is uniuqe about this method, we are only comparing Runs & Changes for each indivudual event, to get our colour for just that one event, that is most inportant thing to understand.
