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Posterity on the Forum

Started by Proofreaders2000, Sep 21, 02:02 AM 2012

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"By the  way,  good ole  Albert    E. ( no dropout) did not do so well in Math either until he pulled himself together..."

Actually, if you read up on him, you'll discover that many believe that "his idea" of Relativity Theory was pinched from one of his early girl friends.  (The concept had been around for a couple of millennia before either, but no one took it very-seriously until the "backwards" E.)

To top it off, E had to seek out the help of top mathematicians throughout Europe to put it into the math which was eventually published.


Let`s move on to another Albert who should make the list:

Albert E.  Wendell, the promoter of the transparent math. He too earned his stripes.



Quote from: GARNabby on Sep 26, 05:35 PM 2012
"By the  way,  good ole  Albert    E. ( no dropout) did not do so well in Math either until he pulled himself together..."

Actually, if you read up on him, you'll discover that many believe that "his idea" of Relativity Theory was pinched from one of his early girl friends.  (The concept had been around for a couple of millennia before either, but no one took it very-seriously until the "backwards" E.)

To top it off, E had to seek out the help of top mathematicians throughout Europe to put it into the math which was eventually published.

The Theory of relativity idea had "been around" for 2000 years? What are you on?


Quote from: Turner on Sep 26, 06:20 PM 2012
What are you on?
A real education; and the fact that "its concept" had been.


Quote from: GARNabby on Sep 27, 10:52 AM 2012
A real education; and the fact that "its concept" had been.
The concept being what...that they knew 2000 years ago.....

Sorry..if you just want to preach and not be challenged, I can stop asking questions straight away...no probs. (nothing worse than a heckler)


Quote from: Turner on Sep 27, 05:35 PM 2012
Sorry..if you just want to preach and not be challenged, I can stop asking questions straight away...no probs. (nothing worse than a heckler)
Then don't be one, yourself.

Up till now, at least, carried on a perfectly-reasonable conversation with you.  And, historically, i've never backed away from anything which i have written on any of the message-boards.

What tends to happen with that sort of "take your medicine" prefacing is that even after a relevant independent link, or two, or some short, direct proof has been supplied, then suddenly i'm the "cut & paste", or "just trying to impress", guy.  Could count the number of times that this sort of route started with a "please" on the one hand; or that i was thanked for my further efforts on the other.  (For that matter, most guys who seriously want to know something will go about "googling" it for themselves.  I mean, encountered a few authentic-looking "posers", particulary at the Wizard of Vegas site, who posted up the one, or two, but only the sort of which very-clearly contradicted the many; or posted up speciously-garbled bits of a much-larger explanation.  Incidentally there, for primarily that, i was permanently banned, LoL.)

Besides, not many persons, in whichever field(s) of science and philosophy, are still much-interested in something Einstein.  Pretty soon, they'll be teaching "tensor analysis" as a first-year course in university, instead of as a third, or fourth.

Here's your link, link:://einstein.stanford.edu/SPACETIME/spacetime1.html .  But bear in mind that the CONCEPT of Relativity Theory, in keeping with E's own intuitive belief that (to an extent) the physics follows the math, lays so-present in also most of the other broad branches of science and philosophy.  (I didn't "google" it, but it would be interesting to see what, if any, interaction or connection between E, and philosopher Kant.)

With regard to this article, itself, i recall that there have been numerous "gravity probes" since the "B" one.  I could happily comment at length now to what the true agendae of such probes are, but that would surely fall well-beyond the scope of this board (, and most of the others across the internet.)


We all know you are educated....you keep telling us. Unfortunatly education is no good unless you can communicate properly and have a warm approach to people. Your approach is arrogant and condescending. I won't reply to you again


I suspect behind Garnabby nick hides Izak Matatya. ;D
The best way to fail, is not to try!



Turner is right. Many of your posts are snide, patronizing, and confrontational. It isn't that you're openly abusive, it's more subtle than that, but the effect is pretty much the same. Please take note of forum rule no. 6:

Quote6. Do not behave in any way that is unjustly unpleasant, or makes participation in the forum unappealing. In other words, be good and respectful to others - don't be a dickhead. Those who are behaving in any unacceptable way will usually be warned first, but if the behavior continues, banning will result.

The way you relate to other members of the forum tends to generate a response in kind. Thus, a couple of days ago you made a snide remark in relation to something I said about 5% bank accounts ages ago (completely unprovoked and out of the blue, for some reason you seem obsessed with it), which I ignored, but I asked a question about Baccarat and ended with a comment about trolls on GG, you then accused me of being snide and were quite aggressive, plus you ignored my valid question completely.

Again, in this thread, you have antagonized members with your arrogant tone and general lack of respect. Now Ralph has chimed in which will probably result in you coming back with an attack on him, etc etc. See how it works?

So eventually you end up with something like what happens on GG, and I don't want to see this forum degenerate into another GG.

You seem to think that you can post whatever you like and that it's your right.

Folks, this is GARNabby's attitude (see 2nd post in the thread)

So either shape up or expect to be banned. Get it?

I'm a moderator on this forum by choice. I don't get paid for it and I've got better things to do than police dickheads.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Quote from: Bayes on Sep 28, 07:07 AM 2012

Turner is right. Many of your posts are snide, patronizing, and confrontational. It isn't that you're openly abusive, it's more subtle than that, but the effect is pretty much the same. Please take note of forum rule no. 6:

The way you relate to other members of the forum tends to generate a response in kind. Thus, a couple of days ago you made a snide remark in relation to something I said about 5% bank accounts ages ago (completely unprovoked and out of the blue, for some reason you seem obsessed with it), which I ignored, but I asked a question about Baccarat and ended with a comment about trolls on GG, you then accused me of being snide and were quite aggressive, plus you ignored my valid question completely.

Again, in this thread, you have antagonized members with your arrogant tone and general lack of respect. Now Ralph has chimed in which will probably result in you coming back with an attack on him, etc etc. See how it works?

So eventually you end up with something like what happens on GG, and I don't want to see this forum degenerate into another GG.

You seem to think that you can post whatever you like and that it's your right.

Folks, this is GARNabby's attitude (see 2nd post in the thread)

So either shape up or expect to be banned. Get it?

I'm a moderator on this forum by choice. I don't get paid for it and I've got better things to do than police dickheads.

  Well spoken Jules.


John             Rotterdam


Quote from: Tamino on Sep 26, 06:03 PM 2012
Albert E.  Wendell, the promoter of the transparent math. He too earned his stripes.
Ya, i miss the guy... more and more.

P.S.  Nathan, congrats on your 100th post.  "Beam him up, Scotty!"



They don`t make  cats  like  good ole  Albert E. Wendell any more. He  was     a pioneer  in the field of applied transparent math  the only  way  roulette should be played .

What a pity when the men in the white coats had to take him away.A sad moment for all of us.



Uhmmm I see bad communication here... I have two recomendations to you guys, especially moderators :P.  This is really good stuff:

1 - Verbal Judo

2 - Nonviolent communication:
The basic, if you lack time:

(and watch the full lecture here when you get time link:://:.youtube.com/watch?v=XBGlF7-MPFI&feature=fvwrel#)

It's your choice to watch or pay any attention to any of this, but if you master it, you will be able to  communicate effectivly  whenever you want, anywhere you want, with whoever you want and getting results closer to what you want, withouth entering and feeding destructive spirals of hate and violence.
"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming


Quote from: Normy2000 on Sep 24, 10:00 AM 2012

Jump = Number of pockets from starting point to ending point.

You track jump for CCW and CW like this:
12        23
14        20    3 stady jumps
11        24
28        3      air pressure change
13        22
11        19    3 stady jumps
14        25
31        5      air pressure change

So you wait for 2 stady jumps and then, you target actual position + average of 2 last jumps for your next bet.

The 2 last CCW jumps was 12 and 14. (average = 13)
The ball stand in pocket 0. 0 + 13 CCW = 20
So you bet number 20 + 6 neighbors on either side.

Hope this help.

So Normy do you think that they change air pressure in some regular patterns?  I think its purely random but im not an expert on air balls. ;D


Quote from: Robeenhuut on Sep 29, 05:27 AM 2012
So Normy do you think that they change air pressure in some regular patterns?  I think its purely random but I'm not an expert on air balls. ;D
If....and that's a if...they do change air pressure....it would not (100% not) be a regular pattern. It would be an algorithm which makes the changes untrackable.
There is no point changing the air pressure if you knew when it was.

The CSM (constant shuffling machine) does this with cards. it uses an algorithm to randomise the way it shuffles the card and when it shuffles them.

Special prize tonight!!!! be the first to reply to any post where I said CSM.
