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4000 DublinBet Table 1 Actuals

Started by topcat888, Oct 08, 12:55 PM 2012

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4000 consecutive spins from DublinBet Table 1 from the weekend, if anyone is interested...



Nice work - sad they does not come in cw and ccw directions - then we could have some serious fun with does outcomes.
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.

Blood Angel


Thanks for the numbers topcat!

Can I ask what program you used to capture these actuals? Is it available?

I used to capture DB numbers with tiago2's program but it doesn't work anymore.

A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Hey no problem...

In answer to your question, I use a very exciting programme called Roulette Xtreme Bot which when released will be available as an upgrade to Roulette Xtreme...

This upgrade will allow any RX code to be automated..!

As soon as it is publicly available I will let everyone know..!



Thanks for these useful contribution topcat.
People are mostly victims own insecurity to cross the border of known.


Thanks again for these TC, very helpful for me just now! :thumbsup:



Again, no problem at all... I'll see if I can get some more 'consecutive' long runs to add to it...



Here you are guys (and girls?), another reasonably long consecutive run ~ 2400 DublinBet Table 1 Actuals



this really helps a lot.
thank you :D
