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An effort to help some members get out of the worst gambing fallacy

Started by Master_of_pockets, Sep 02, 10:45 AM 2012

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Quote from: Wally Gator on Sep 02, 08:34 PM 2012
These posts always turn negative.  It's very sad. 

This is why those out there who are winning have no desire to share their ideas.  LoL

All the testing in the world will never compare to real life play.  There are no exceptions.  If you play, you understand this.  If you don't play, you'll never understand it.  (when I say "play", I mean on a regular basis, not a couple of times).

Bottom line is this .... stop spending time on forums endlessly pontificating and get into a real casino and win some money.  Put your money where your mouth is and you'll be happy.  If not, you'll at least be proud that you took a shot.

This is the way of thinking of a silly gambler or a casino promoter.

Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***

Wally Gator

I'll be sure to take that silliness to the bank when I make my deposit.  Hopefully my kids won't mind that I ignore your comments so as to continue to pay their college tuition costs.
A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~ Mark Twain


well. U don't have to play with real money. u can use casino spin data, it is available, and play virtually.

the thing is -- never take anything for granted. I mean all this "i know for sure, the math says, the statistics are..."

Experiment yourself with the data. Try different approaches. U have nothing to lose. All virtual, all with real casino data.  Try playing virtually  the same methods many spins in a row, and try them as a hit-n-run with different variable parameters. Like how many spins to play, how many to skip, how much is a win goal, how much is a stop loss.

This is a smart approach. Approach "i know for sure this won't work" is not very smart, guys.
This is a theory. What i am talking about here -- is not a theory but rather my conclusions after long hours of analysis of different methods and approaches. And also after reading some material on the subject. U see, those "smart" guys reject anything they don't believe in.
"I learned statistics in the college, i learned high math in my university". That's it. They don't care  much about practical analysis, they don't care much about real experience of real professional players. They just give u smart quotes and they will try to bash u and they
don't even care to really learn how to win the game. They know EVERYTHING already...
everything except how to win.


A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.

Wally Gator

I haven't laughed that hard in awhile.  Thanks Skakus !!!!!!
A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~ Mark Twain


that's funny of course, but that topic is not personal for me. It is about the truth out there.
About commons sense. About experimenting yourself and making your own conclusions based on real experience, not on some old dogmas.


A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.



I’m inclined to agree with both sides of the argument. It’s similar to the real wheel V rng argument.

If it makes no difference, or if there is no way to prove any difference, then both opinions should have equal standing.

The way I see it is systems should be engineered with real wheel application in mind. They should also be engineered with long run application in mind.

From there it should make no difference whether the system is played on a real wheel or rng, or whether it’s for the long run or hit & run.

With a real wheel there is a definite order to the numbers around the ring, whereas with rng there is no existing order. So the possibility remains that the finite nature of the number ring might throw up temporary bias from time to time, which could be capitalized on by system.

Hit & run style play is perfectly acceptable for very similar reasons. A system designed to play the long run will not suffer at all by playing hit & run, but the increased order of the hit & run play might throw up temporary bias from time to time, which could be capitalized on by system.

Having said that, it is also possible to design a hit & run game that plays on a continuous basis, never leaving the wheel for a moment, or one that leaves the wheel but picks up from where it left off any time you please.   

A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


I am very tired trying to explain some things to old gamblers. And this is last time, like last hope :)

Anyone who thinks that there is a difference between playing in a REAL casino and testing of the system on Roulette Extreme program (with live spins, with coded stop-loss-win and other GF), he is WRONG

In the past, I have tested many systems in roulette extreme software and others with live casino spins with coded stop-loss and without stop-loss, on long run the result is the same.(about -2.7%)

And i am very sorry for the mods of this forum who are limited, and share that limit with new people on forum and they are on beginning go to wrong path understanding of roulette game.

I guess that no one smart like to be moderator....:(

By the way I think that MOP would beat Iggiv, but Belorussia is far from MOP home  ;D

Wally Gator

So, here's my question/comment .....

Do you look at roulette or any other form of gambling as a business venture where risks are involved?

If you do, then you understand that there will never be anything that wins or is successful every single time.

Let's take real estate as an example.  I'll use my own personal experience.  Over the years I've owned investment properties, some commercial some residential.  Some years I've done exceptionally well and other years I've lost a considerable amount.  I am risking that my decisions will allow for long term success.  By using strategies that allow for fluctuations in the market and any given economic down turn or boom I am hopeful that I will prosper.  If I solely relied on statistics and math I would never purchase any piece of real estate because there are risks involved, there are no guarantees.

It's the same with casino visits.  If you are blindly playing a strategy then you should expect to fail.  However, if you are accepting the risk to reward ratio based upon your business acumen and making decisions that allow for upturns then you should expect to do well over the long term.

I can only speak from personal experience and can tell you that it's within yourself as to whether you will success or not.  It is exceptionally important to have goals and discipline.  The old adage "if its to be it's up to me" is an accurate one.

A final note ..... spend more time doing (playing) than talking (on forums).  It's your life, it comes around once, live it.

A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~ Mark Twain


Quote from: Wally Gator on Sep 03, 09:28 AM 2012
So, here's my question/comment .....

Do you look at roulette or any other form of gambling as a business venture where risks are involved?

If you do, then you understand that there will never be anything that wins or is successful every single time.

Let's take real estate as an example.  I'll use my own personal experience.  Over the years I've owned investment properties, some commercial some residential.  Some years I've done exceptionally well and other years I've lost a considerable amount.  I am risking that my decisions will allow for long term success.  By using strategies that allow for fluctuations in the market and any given economic down turn or boom I am hopeful that I will prosper.  If I solely relied on statistics and math I would never purchase any piece of real estate because there are risks involved, there are no guarantees.

It's the same with casino visits.  If you are blindly playing a strategy then you should expect to fail.  However, if you are accepting the risk to reward ratio based upon your business acumen and making decisions that allow for upturns then you should expect to do well over the long term.

I can only speak from personal experience and can tell you that it's within yourself as to whether you will success or not.  It is exceptionally important to have goals and discipline.  The old adage "if its to be it's up to me" is an accurate one.

A final note ..... spend more time doing (playing) than talking (on forums).  It's your life, it comes around once, live it.

MOP you're right he's definitely the casino promoter. :)

I think only valuable computers (like Steve RC) can beat roulette in long run and some VB method..


Speed, i don't mind your views on roulette and your saying that i am wrong. But i really don't like
your trying to make all this personal. I think that u r wrong, u think i am wrong (in approach to play roulette). That's OK. I think that this thing against "hit-n-run" goes here almost like a religious war already though everybody agrees that "hit-n-run" at least does not make things worse. Some say it does not make things better or worse, some say it makes things better. So nobody here to lose money because they see it this way or another way if they play carefully. But still some start the same song again about fallacies, losing money or something like this. With no reason.

But the real problem is u try to make it too personal. I did not make it personal against u. I am not saying u r a fool or u don't have right to say what u want. But u try to make it insulting when u talk about me. It is not your concern who will beat whom and who is far away from where.
it does not have anything to do with roulette. You have never seen me or MOP or the way we play this game. And still u r talking. Trying to make it personal and insulting. This is VERY WRONG.

Wally Gator

Quote from: speed on Sep 03, 09:43 AM 2012
MOP you're right he's definitely the casino promoter. :)

You guys finally got me after all these years ..... 8)
A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~ Mark Twain


Skakus, what u say is making sense, but there is something....

Nobody so far in a history of roulette has been able to defeat roulette indefinitely on a consistent basis. But some people have been able to win from time to time. That's a fact. I think it makes sense to go from here. Doesn't it? I think this is unrealistic expectation to be able to defeat roulette all the time. But expectation to do it sometimes is more realistic. Even Wizard of Odds does not deny it.
