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DNA OF ROULETTE SYSTEM: Your opinions, please

Started by esoito, Sep 11, 07:52 PM 2010

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Malcop informs me to input Ur spun numbers- as they are coming out of the Marquee.  :-*

Then an apparent bet(when the software allows it) will appear on the right hand side on the screen.

I have yet to try it.  :question:

Good Luck!!

And good luck to all users.  :thumbsup:


Why are the colors on the Table incorrect ?

Ive not read this Thread so excuse me if its obvious lol

I played 100 Spins ended -54

Was always in the negative  ???
Its Set In Stone =)


did the same as twister and ended up the same as twister.

-54 units

maybe we had the same number  :P


Our sincere thanks to all the time and effort these two gentlement have put into this FREE software, intended for our benefit.

I didn't realise it would be  site-based software, rather than a separate, standalone package we can install. That raises its own set of potential access problems, of course.

The foremost of which is the site getting overloaded with users because of limited resources, bandwidth or whatever. And the site going offline periodically for whatever reason(s).

So, hopefully a standalone package will be on the 'to do' list.  ;)

But, meanwhile, onwards and upwards with the results of all their hard work.

Thanks again, fellows.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


. . . A 350 spins sample fell into a -52.  I was one of the first supporters and believers of this strategy but I am sorry to say that it is tremendously obvious that IT IS NOT a long-term winner.  On the contrary, I would say that it is a long-term steady loser, as I noticed a quite steady loss ratio during the consecutive sessions!

And what is the most terrible reality? the system DOES NOT FAIL because of zero apperarence! How ironic. . . 

I am really sorry, because Mr Colonne and his nephew put a really strong effort and time in this, but unfortunately their hard work fell into failure, as of course everything else in this evil roulette game.  Do not play with money, you'll lose it long term.


For those of Us who have followed the Whole Topic, but have not yet played the software (or certainly not to a point where a bet is suggested), how would U describe the type of bet that comes out?

Is it a split suggestion?

Is it a Dozens/Column bet?

Is it an EC bet?

Is it a 1-37 flat bet on a single/series of numbers?

Can someone post up an example or a description of the software bets suggested please?

Cheers Chris


I have done 3 sessions.  All negative.  Dont play with it.  Results were: -104, -21, -72.

Im really sorry.


Oh dear...

I'm not arguing against the negative results that are starting to trickle in.

Do all the testers thus far FULLY understand what they are doing?

That's a rhetorical question -- no answers needed.  ;) Just speculating, folks. Not finger pointing!!

We'll have to assume they do, I guess.

But I'm wondering why our two friends would have spent so much time on this project it was actually an unprofitable dud, as per early results reported here.

Well, common sense says they wouldn't. They're both busy men who have generously put in a lot of their valuable time without recompense.

So, therefore, I'm wondering if we're seeing the results of user-errors (not familiar with the manual; maybe not using the software correctly) or maybe bugs/flaws in the software.

It's worth raising and thinking about these possibilities.

Me? Not used it yet.

Why? Because I don't yet fully understand it...


Hi All,

Here is an email I had from Don


As I expected, there are negative comments to start with. Very clearly I have instructed not to use this as a long term strategy. Whenever you play and incur a loss of 15 from the peak value, you have to leave the table and refrain from wagering for a few hours. Randomly enter a session and exit whenever you meet the above table exit condition and in the long run your winnings will be more. I will incoroprate this as a rule to the system.

Please upload this comment immediately.

Best Regards



I have to say a few things here, I have been asking Don to show how he uses this system, and I am now glad that he is putting in the -15 draw-down exit the session.  A lot of you have said that the session never went into positive and I have had some of those, but I have also had winning sessions. 

Now this is what I will do until Don has added the -15 draw-down rule from your highest point I will use my MM Tool.  I have attached the MM Tool with the following settings:

Account Balance: Ã,£300.00
Session Buy-in: 15
Base Unit: Ã,£1.00

Of coarse what you should do is change those values to suite your own real account balance and the base unit of your choice.

Each time I reach a high point I will change the Account Balance to reflect the new high point.
A session target is also needed, not sure on that yet I will come back to you, but I think it should be something like +8 - +15 and then exit the session.  But I will let you all know what I definitely decide on.

I will use a lifetime bankroll of 150 units which is 10 buy-ins at 15 units.

now if I lose my 150 units buy using the above rules for me I will deem this system a loser, and walk away from this project.

Don and Dulan have put a lot of time and effort into this project, so it is only fair that it gets a proper test, before we all write it of as a loser.

I will keep you all informed on my progress.




Dear Malcop,

I do not want to disappoint you in advance but it is a bitter reality that YOU WILL LOSE the bankroll of 150 units in around 1000 spins (the MOST!) EITHER they are consecutive OR split independent sessions (meaning diferrent getting in-an-out sessions, ike the ones you describe).  YOUR FINAL TOTAL NET GAIN/LOSS will be -150 ANYWAY.  THAT IS THE MEANING OF LONG-TERM ANYWAY: TO WIN/LOSE EITHER consecutively OR in split independent sessions.

Of course that is valid if you're using the software that is so far uploaded.  The spreadsheet of Trylobit are functioning much-much better and have a quite more positive ration.  I had told that to Don, as well as that I believed that the foult causing the failure is the MEC2, because I had noticed a high percentage of losing session by MEC2s in the first place.  But he had a different opinion.  He insisted that MECs gained a lot of units (based on his tests).

I am convinced that IF there is a way to beat roulette long-term, THEN IT WOULD BE ONLY ONE: using the law of thirds and the mathematical equations that Don incorporated into his system.  BUT I believe that there is a mistaken entry of these equations INTO the software.  OR ROULETTE CANNOT BE BEATEN LONG-TERM. 



Quote from: chrisbis on Jan 28, 07:27 PM 2011
For those of Us who have followed the Whole Topic, but have not yet played the software (or certainly not to a point where a bet is suggested), how would you describe the type of bet that comes out?

Is it a split suggestion?

Is it a Dozens/Column bet?

Is it an EC bet?

Is it a 1-37 flat bet on a single/series of numbers?

Can someone post up an example or a description of the software bets suggested please?

Cheers Chris

It gave me dozens and columns to bet on

Sometimes 2 dozens and 1 column or 2 columns and 1 dozen

And also 2 dozens and 2 columns
Its Set In Stone =)


Quote from: MyTHOS_R on Jan 29, 04:20 AM 2011
Dear Malcop,

I do not want to disappoint you in advance but it is a bitter reality that YOU WILL LOSE the bankroll of 150 units in around 1000 spins (the MOST!) EITHER they are consecutive OR split independent sessions (meaning diferrent getting in-an-out sessions, ike the ones you describe).  YOUR FINAL TOTAL NET GAIN/LOSS will be -150 ANYWAY.  THAT IS THE MEANING OF LONG-TERM ANYWAY: TO WIN/LOSE EITHER consecutively OR in split independent sessions.

Of course that is valid if you're using the software that is so far uploaded.  The spreadsheet of Trylobit are functioning much-much better and have a quite more positive ration.  I had told that to Don, as well as that I believed that the foult causing the failure is the MEC2, because I had noticed a high percentage of losing session by MEC2s in the first place.  But he had a different opinion.  He insisted that MECs gained a lot of units (based on his tests).

I am convinced that IF there is a way to beat roulette long-term, THEN IT WOULD BE ONLY ONE: using the law of thirds and the mathematical equations that Don incorporated into his system.  BUT I believe that there is a mistaken entry of these equations INTO the software.  OR ROULETTE CANNOT BE BEATEN LONG-TERM.  


Dear MyTHOS_R,

You have totally missed the point of my post, and what Don says the only way we have a chance of coming out in profit, to quote running the software over 1000's of spins is totally pointless.

You have to adopt a hit and run approach and not stay at the table like a robot, placing your bets waiting for the casino edge to kick in.

I was going to wait until I had 10 sessions but I feel I have to post my results so far:

8 Session +31
Average per session +4

+11, +8, -12, +8, -14, +9, +9, +12 = +31

Please understand this is just the start of my testing I use strict MM rules, using my MM tool and some common sense.

For me it is wiser to take your money and run when you are ahead to a predetermined point, and also realise that sometimes it is better to just leave the table when things are not going your way, that is the way I play and it has always stood me in good stead.

I am not a robot and do not intend to play like one!

Anyway this is early days and it could all go tits up, but so fare so good.

If anyone is interested in how I am using the software the let me know otherwise I will just post my results and leave it up-to you to find the best way to use the software.

One thing I am using is my modified MM Tool I live by it and it has save my bacon many a time.

Like I said if anyone wants a full breakdown on how I use my MM Tool and my Exit points, the just say and I will be more than willing to explain, but I do not want to waste my time if their is no interest.

But I have to say this one more time testing something over 1000's of spins without good entry/exit points is a total waste of time.  All that proves is that no one would play that way in real life!

You have to pick you spot hope it is good for you and exit as per your exit rules.





please share with us. . . how many spins create each one of your 8 sessions??

Let's say that you have totally played 250 spins, alright? (8 sessions, of 30 spins each one in average).  So, there YOU GO. . .  you have already played the 25% of the 1000 spins (it DOES NOT MATTER IF THEY ARE NOT CONSECUTIVE, THEY ARE STILL LONG-TERM!). .

When you'll come to the point of 1000 totally played spins (even if you hit-and-run through them for 1000 times!), you'll have a losing ratio with this software.  We're telling the same things in different way.  You'll have the same results as I did playing as a robot for consecutive spins! It is exactly the same thing! Maybe it will take you a lot more time to lose the whole bankroll but it will eventually happen.  And you will have spent much more time than than the robot to come to the same coclusion!

See for yourself.

It is just a matter of basic roulette terminology.


Quote from: MyTHOS_R on Jan 29, 05:39 AM 2011

please share with us. . . how many spins create each one of your 8 sessions??

Let's say that you have totally played 250 spins, alright? (8 sessions, of 30 spins each one in average).  So, there YOU GO. . .  you have already played the 25% of the 1000 spins (it DOES NOT MATTER IF THEY ARE NOT CONSECUTIVE, THEY ARE STILL LONG-TERM!). .

When you'll come to the point of 1000 totally played spins (even if you hit-and-run through them for 1000 times!), you'll have a losing ratio with this software.  We're telling the same things in different way.  You'll have the same results as I did playing as a robot for consecutive spins! It is exactly the same thing! Maybe it will take you a lot more time to lose the whole bankroll but it will eventually happen.  And you will have spent much more time than than the robot to come to the same coclusion!

See for yourself.

It is just a matter of basic roulette terminology.


You seem hell bent on proving that no one can make any profit from playing roulette, so I do not understand what you are doing on this forum.

I said I would run a test on Don's DNA system and before I even start you tell me I am going to fail, yes I could fail, but then again I may come out with a small profit you do not really know that, instead you quote statistics.  If all their was to gambling was statistics then we would have computer programs making thousands from the casino, but we do not because gambling requires human interaction good Money Management and common sense.

I really do not know the outcome will be but my target is to make 150 units if possible playing my way and if I fail so be it, that is why it is called gambling.

Maybe you should just take up Bingo instead!

Because it seems to me you have no real interest in exploring new potabilities.  Their is enough negativity in this world and I am not interested in yours so let me run my tests let me fail but at least I would have given it a try instead of giving up before I even started!

