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DNA OF ROULETTE SYSTEM: Your opinions, please

Started by esoito, Sep 11, 07:52 PM 2010

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You beat me to it I was just about to post Don's last letter!




Thank you guys for keeping us updated !
I can't wait to test the software :D



Hello everyone in here. 
I've been following this thread since it started and even tried the Colone system using the spreadsheet posted by trylobit in the other thread with promising results.  I assume there's no software released yet despite the promised deadline of the 30rd of november, so I'd be grateful to you guys he you told cleared up  to me a couple of things. . 

1) is the spreadsheet valid through all system principles or not?. . .  (for example, I noticed it does not take into consideration the mandatory switching condition no 2). . .
2) what happens if you have already switched to reverse and you come across a second mandatory condition? you remain at the inverse wagering until an exit point or you change again to normal?. . .

. .  any news of the latest upcoming software date?

thank you in advance for the tips and guidance guys.

Let's hope that we'll soon celebrate the historic defeat of great Pascal and Einstein by Mr Don Colone!. . 


Dear All,

Hear are the last two emails from Don.

"Dear Philip,

Despite the fact that my nephew was out of action for one week with his entire family owing to an eye infection, he stands by the deadline of 30th November to upload the software package. I also could not visit his house to discuss anything during that week.

We went through a fine tuning of the logic and made certain generic changes which yielded better results across all data tables.

(a) Made the "Mandatory Strategy Switching Condition Two" more flexible.

(b) Added one more Exit Rule to mitigate the risk to confine the losses to eight chips, in view of two successive decision escalations which leads to an ambiguity.

(c) Simplified the Advance Wagering Commencement Strategy, only to commence wagring a session which has already commenced and to continue after a session comes to an end.

(d) Removed all one-off wagering conditions such as wagering during idling times. It was not worth the risk.

In addition, we applied the SYSTEM COLONNE to 9 hours of continuous playing on BBM Casino, the latter part of which was the worst ever game I have on record among several hundred real data samples. Still the session ended up at the breakeven with zero risk being hedged, after nine hours. It clearly shows that the system is working. Sent herewith are the latest revised version and the data sheet with continuous wagering.

Please upload this latest version onto your discussion forum as I see hundreds of visitors on a daily basis. Please excuse us for making minor adjustments to the manual regularly these days as we intend not to do the same to the software package once we upload it. We will make it as user friendly as possible.

Let us see what happens after next week. This could be the world's fastest track to financial success. 

Thanks for everything what you do to promote my work.

Best Regards



"Dear Philip,

It is 1.00 am on 1st december in Colombo and I just returned from my nephew's house. We experienced a data entry screen bug, for which my nephew has to contact someone from his office tomorrow and correct it. Also, we had two technical design problems that needs to be redsigned. Therefore, my nephew humbly requested for four more days until the night of Sunday the 5th. We are trying to make it absolutely user friendly and to facilitate that there is a lot of work done by two of us.

Sorry for the disappointment but spare us with five more working days. The real delay was caused as a result of my nephew being down for one week with the eye infection.

However, the book is finalized by adding a formal "QUIT" condition. Attached herewith is the latest and threre will not be any further changes, as both of us finalized the computer logic and finished writing the modules for wagering based on the contents of the Page 11, Page 12 and Page 14 of this book. We were initially thinking of uploading a screen shot but later decided to give the complete product to the world by the 5th December.

Attached herewith is that finalized version of the book. Please upload this message and the book (until the 5th).

Sorry for having disappointed you all for reasons beyond control.

Best Regards

Don  "

So at the moment Sunday is the software launch day.




Hi All,

I received the email bellow from Don, it seems the release of the software will now be delayed unitl the 15th December 2010.

I know it is frustrating that the software has been delayed yet again, but to be honest I have been in the IT industry for nearly 30 years now, and I have yet to see a codeing project that was on time, and those few that did complete on time, had to be taking down at some point for major bug fixes or updates.

Lets just hope the wait is worth it, but then again we can't complain it is free!

Dear Philip,

We have now sorted out the two technical problems we had and the first phase of coding and directing is 100% accurate and complete now. We use the programming language called FLEX that could be run with the common software FLASH. So, there will not be any  problem from a user persepective.

My nephew (who is working and studying) is designing the logic components today and I have to design the linking part of it. So, we will be doing it tonight. However, I prefer to take a few more days to test with hundreds of data sheets that I now possess, as I cannot afford to make mistakes with other's hard earned money. Therefore, I humbly requst for a final extension of the deadline to be 15th December, the date of the Anniversery of the book DNA of Roulette. I launched the first edition (printed version) in Colombo on the 15th December 2009.

Also, I made a remarkable observation that in addition to wagering for the Dozens and Columns only, have another 15 Chips in Hand (CIH) and wager inside only when either a + +, - + or a + - is indicated. The yield appears to be higher in the long run. I have already added that component to the book on how to do it. I will upload the enhanced data tables and the book tonight with this optional wagering methodology.

Sorry, for missing out on the deadline to be precise and 100% accurate. Please upload this message.

Best Regards






Hi All,

Just received another update.


Dear Philip,

We made a dramatic improvement on the bottom line by doing some specific inside wagering. It is elaborated in the latest upload in Page 14 as the ADVANCE CRITERION THREE. Anyone who is currently using the basic strategy can use this for the time being until the computer program is uploaded. The enhanced data tables are uploaded to my website :.neworiginalthinking.com to be examined by anyone interested. Also, attached herewith is the latest version which contains the newest strategy. 

Also, it will be greatly appreciated if a user of Strategy P1AM2A could test this and provide me with a feedback.

Please upload this e-mail and the file onto your discussion forum.

Best Regards




Whenever a + + is indicated to be wagered for the next spin, wagering could be done by placing one chip each on the respective Dozen and the Column and placing the other two chips inside to cover the four numbers common to the Dozen and the Column, by splitting a chip to cover two adjacent numbers. For example, if it indicates to wager a + + for Dozen C and Column L, instead of placing two chips each for C & L, place just one chip each for C & L and place the other two chips inside, for one to cover the two numbers 26 & 29 and for the other to cover the numbers 32 & 35.

Similarly, when either a + - or a - + is indicated, wagering could be done by placing four chips to cover the eight numbers common to the Dozen(s) and the Column(s) by splitting a chip to cover two adjacent numbers. For example, if it indicates to wager a + - for Dozen B and Columns K & M, place a chip each to cover the number combinations 13 & 16, 19 & 22, 15 & 18 and 21 & 24.

However, if a - - is indicated, never wager for numbers Inside and wager only for the corresponding Dozens and Columns as usual. If the above methodology is to be practiced, it shall be applied to a full session. Most importantly, strictly adhere to the normal Exit Rules, unless a net loss of 12 or more is incurred prior to the session coming to an end.






Quote from: malcop on Dec 05, 01:34 PM 2010
but to be honest I have been in the IT industry for nearly 30 years now, and I have yet to see a codeing project that was on time, and those few that did complete on time, had to be taking down at some point for major bug fixes or updates.

Ha! ain't that the truth.  :)

Thanks for the update.

There are so many holy grails looming on the horizon at the moment - could this be the Christmas we're all hoping for?  :-X  ;D
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain

flukey luke

Quote from: Bayes on Dec 05, 05:18 PM 2010
There are so many holy grails looming on the horizon at the moment - could this be the Christmas we're all hoping for?  :-X  ;D

The casino executives are planning drastic action!  :wink:



Well. . . it was about time that the Casinos should pay their share to the Global Economical crisis!. .   ;)

I am experiencing really great positive results with DNA at Dublinbe :thumbsup:, especially when applying the latest improvements of Dr. . .   Pascolumnstein! But I stll have the questions I asked also in my latest post. . .  If anybody knows or can imagine, please give me a hint!. . .

1) is the EXCEL spreadsheet of Trylobit valid through all system principles or not?.  .  .   (for example, I noticed it does not take into consideration the mandatory switching condition no 2).  .  .
2) what happens if you have already switched to reverse and you come across the second switching mandatory condition? you remain at the inverse wagering until an exit point or you change again to normal?.  .  .  ???

Also, dear flukey luke, which other systems are the "so many holy grails looming on the horizon at the moment" that you mentioned. . . where can we find them as well to make some testing?

Does anyone else try DNA at other live online casino with promising results? :question:

Thanks in advance. . .


Quote from: MyTHOS_R on Dec 05, 06:13 PM 2010
Well. . . it was about time that the Casinos should pay their share to the Global Economical crisis!. .   ;)

I am experiencing really great positive results with DNA at Dublinbe :thumbsup:, especially when applying the latest improvements of Dr. . .   Pascolumnstein! But I stll have the questions I asked also in my latest post. . .  If anybody knows or can imagine, please give me a hint!. . .

1) is the EXCEL spreadsheet of Trylobit valid through all system principles or not?.  .  .   (for example, I noticed it does not take into consideration the mandatory switching condition no 2).  .  .
2) what happens if you have already switched to reverse and you come across the second switching mandatory condition? you remain at the inverse wagering until an exit point or you change again to normal?.  .  .  ???

Also, dear flukey luke, which other systems are the "so many holy grails looming on the horizon at the moment" that you mentioned. . . where can we find them as well to make some testing?

Does anyone else try DNA at other live online casino with promising results? :question:

Thanks in advance. . .

I can anwswer the question about the spreadsheet, no it is not valid for the new updates of the system.

If you are playing the new updates forgot about using the spreadsheet.

I'm pleased to hear tha that you are getting good results with the new update, maybe I should take a look at the update, but like everyone else we are waiting for the software.




Hi there!

There was few updates since I created the spreadsheet, so it is not up to date, as the system is evolving all the time and I don't have that much spare time to keep up.

Right now I am humbly waiting for the software.

Best regards.


Can anyone state what changes havebeen made compared to the last pdf version, whats new/altered?
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: superman on Dec 06, 01:08 PM 2010
Can anyone state what changes havebeen made compared to the last pdf version, what's new/altered?

Reply #95 above will help.


I am sorry if I am the only one that does not understand this method but from the pdf I can only observe CODING instructions and I cannot understand what is the method about.

Could someone please paste explanation of how to play this, I would be very grateful


Hi All,

here is an update to where the author is with the software for DNA.

Dear Philip,

I saw a querry being made by one of the users as to what shall be done after switching over to the Inverse Strategy. Strategy Switching takes place only after one of the strategy swtiching conditions occur. Thereafter, continue until you reach one of the two following conditions, unless the session comes to a natural end by running out of chips.

Ã,·         If a NSO of -4 is incurred immediately after switching over to the Inverse P1AM2A Strategy, at the very next spin.
Ã,·         If a NSO of -4 is incurred and a MEC emerges simultaneously, after switching over to the Inverse P1AM2A Strategy.

The first phase will be completed by my nephew today and my nephew is at it. Then we have to incorporate the logic into the framework and that is the second phase. The final phase would be making a user friendly visual projection of where to place the chips. With the advance strategy, the logic for the third phase is a little sophisticated but we are at it.

Attached herewith is the finalized 7th Edition, which has an additional data table with the final outcome of the advance methodology with inside wagering.

Please post this to the discussion forum and make the attached 7th completed and finalized edition available.

Best Regards




