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sun square secrets

Started by Giorgos7, Apr 06, 08:55 AM 2015

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file den to xero, translation iam sorry i dont know hot play it ^-^


Pls stop comment on this bs and let it fade away ..... that is the best bet you can make.

As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: nickzark on Apr 18, 04:46 PM 2015
giorgo i peterspin exigiste mou to sistima.

Giorgos7 was last active yesterday morning. If he wants to share it, he can. He doesn't accept PM or mail, so it's up to him, if what he's saying is true...


He is presently banned for a series of inappropriate posts to this thread that have been removed by myself and other moderators.  It is a temporary ban but he is unlikely to respond for several more days.  As there remains interest here, the post remains active.  If he wishes to return after the ban and expand on his early comments, he is more than welcome to do so.  However, any problematic posts or actions on his part will see this thread locked and it will come to nothing.  My suggestion is to leave this thread until he chooses, if he does, to return and engage in appropriate discussion of roulette.


i managed to figure out his bet selections
but doesn't seems like the HG to me
it really does have more W then L
but only first bets 4 win you have profits, 5,6 wins will lose some units
and you will have streaks of loses, sometimes up to 6 or more

unless there is a really good MM for this ... which i am still trying to find


Oh shucks


Ill be the one to ask

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 14, 06:19 PM 2015
if you want to try and guess how he did this use the magic square above and try to decode

numbers-        31, 24
bet-                  6,13,12,17,2,7
numbers-       26,15
bet-                  11,15,16,21,22,26
numbers-      18,32
bet-                  19,5,1,9,23,27
numbers-      10, 3
bet-                  19, 23, 27, 29, 34, 33

I am sorry to wake this thread up.

All I want to know is, if he was with you on Dublin Bet live wheel, did he not have access to the past number's?

With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.


for those guys u really interested about magic square .....the secret is out.. go to vls and see , perhaps some of u can find a logical explanation behind that or even u can help our friend to evaluate this system cheers pete


Quote from: petespin on Jun 19, 04:03 PM 2015
for those guys u really interested about magic square .....the secret is out.. go to vls and see , perhaps some of u can find a logical explanation behind that or even u can help our friend to evaluate this system cheers pete

Can you please post the link to the page. Either I am tired or blind. I couldn't find the explanation.
With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.


[' i need help about my system' at vls forum


bckwrds and I pretty much worked all this out a while back and discussed it extensively.  I found it worked, but was a bit haphazard.  I found that if you look at the last 10 spins and look for a number that has not had it's mirror hit you bet on that number until it falls off the board or hits.  Eg if 1 is on the board but no 36, you bet on 1 & 36.  1+36=37.  37 being the magic number.  The problem is that 36 may have recently hit but has fallen off the board.

Observe over a period of time or with past spins, you will see that pairs adding up to 37 hit often.  Far more often than you would think possible.  They also often hit consecutively.
My Remote Viewing YouTube channel: link:[url="//s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/"]s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/[/url]


in vls 'theme close' i wonder WHY!!! :o


The greek guy at vls deleted it all and wrote theme close

These guys are idiots.
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



hey rg why re u whining to  anybody here;  at last u have the answer u re looking for! 


Quote from: petespin on Jun 20, 10:48 AM 2015
hey rg why re u whining to  anybody here;  at last u have the answer u re looking for!

I know the truth behind u. I know that you sell and promote systems. You are connected to these guys. U dont fool me.

It wouldnt be a big deal if you admitted who you were and stopped trying to be a regular poster.  :thumbsup:
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

