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Random Thoughts

Started by Priyanka, Sep 15, 08:28 PM 2015

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Forum was lately flooded again with ideas fighting against unattainable randomness. Am I the only one who is day and night thinking about your thoughts here and left all other ideas aside... No other thread for me. From all my knowledge gathered by now, in this thread lies the right way we are looking for. I can't figure it out at first, but the principles you raised to stand behind it are very sound. Then videos of real play winning flat bet easily and many screenshots of deposit/ withdraw, with only one red line (and that was first deposit). All that convinced me enough.

I also studied your videos in depth, writing down every bet you placed. Videos are crypted as you said, and I see contours of   couple of playing concepts you described, there. I also notice clear parachuting.

So I would like to ask you this: Is that last concept named "Concept of parallel universes" which you said it will come later? Can it bring advantage by itself or must be combined with WV and Parrondos?




Quote from: Drazen on Nov 20, 06:33 AM 2015
So I would like to ask you this: Is that last concept named "Concept of parallel universes" which you said it will come later? Can it bring advantage by itself or must be combined with WV and Parrondos?
I was watching a movie the other day "THE PRESTIGE". The obvious is already there. It is for you to find the obvious. The most difficult part is obviously "THE PRESTIGE" which is a simple thing if some one tells you, but hard if you dont know. You dont have to be a rocket scientist to invent the obvious. Be assured the hard work will pay off. Till then i will continue my ramblings.

And no, with due respect, am not answering that question.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


No Drazen, it's not just you. I barely open other threads as I'm not really interested in the childish arguments and ridiculous ideas. No offense, but some are really bad, like thinking that 5 random numbers tend to hit more, and other "voodoo" things.
Unfortunately I'm very busy these days, constant overtime at work, my current home has been sold, I have to find a new place, etc. So I don't have much time and energy to think about roulette, but I check every day if there is something new shared here.
Good luck to you!

The Prestige is one of the best movies, just like The Illusionist. I should watch it again some day.  :)


very nice tread i just read it now..and have only one question @Priyanka> somewhere you said that we have to remove randomness from the game in order to win so question is once you do that remove randomness from the game then would the birthday paradox work for roulette...thanks
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: maestro on Nov 20, 04:24 PM 2015
very nice tread i just read it now..and have only one question @Priyanka> somewhere you said that we have to remove randomness from the game in order to win so question is once you do that remove randomness from the game then would the birthday paradox work for roulette...thanks
Maestro, welcome to the party. Am not sure I understood that question completely. But let me try answering the best way I can.

Regarding removing randomness, all I am trying to advocate is try to play some of the steps in your sessions or some of your moves which are not random. With respect to Birthday paradox, I might question whether it is a paradox at all in the first place. It is close to my heart as well as me and my daughter share the same birthday.

Translating Birthday paradox to play in roulette, translating them to my favourite betting position the double streets, in three spins what is the probability of getting 3 unique double streets or the double streets not being the same? It is a over 55%. Surprising, but that is the truth. So chances of getting 134, 156, etc where all double streets are different are better than chances of getting 121, 555, 556, 322 etc. Can that be used to our advantage during the play where some steps are random and some steps are non-random. Yes definitely.

So a short answer to your question Maestro, it is definitely possible to take advantage of birthday paradox. Using it in conjunction with Pigeonhole principle and stopping when you are winning in an attacking session while you are progressing towards a non-random set will definitely give you the edge.

Now coming back to parallel universes, as drazen has asked about it, the whole thing of birthday paradox(problem) works because of these parallel universes. A person on its own will have a lesser probability of finding a birthday match as opposed to a group finding its match as there are more number of pairs involved.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


thanks for your time//  about  that birthday paradox i was looking at it 2 years ago and does not bring much of advantage...just shous how well balanced roulette is...just if people want to know about pigeon hole>  one of the thing it says that in 8 pulled numbers we can find that two are multiple of seven...so you get groups like   1,8,15,22,29,36//2,9,16,23,30,//3,10,17,24,31//4,11,18,25,32//5,12,19,26,33//6,13,20,27,34//7,14,21,28,35.....says that in 8 puled numbers we will have repeating group..sorry if i went out of topic
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: Priyanka on Nov 20, 06:16 AM 2015
You are right, however hte first one is not 6 lines it is 5 lines.
Yep. A slight mistake.

QuoteRest you are right you are seeing higher number of 3rd repeats. So what do you infer? How about 4th repeat?
Ok I searched for 4th repeat and as it seems just now repeats started to go down.

QuoteIs there an optimal number that you can think about, which can help you elongate the session? Is this somehow related to the number of positions (3 in case of dozens, 6 in lines) that you are tracking? What is the relation?

Hm. I am not sure why you said it helps elongate the session when the aim should be to make session short?

Anyway I got an idea so for easier tracking this time I took quads. In the attached example it seems that significant reduce in repeats this time started on 3rd repeat. So on dozens this was on 2nd repeat, on quads it started on 3rd repeat, on lines it started on 4th repeat...

So we could say that significant reduce in repeats starts at point beyond 50% of all possible positions we could have. Huh very clumsy stated but I think you got the point. So further, for streets it should be beyond 7th repeat. Right?

Still don't see obvious advantage, but can you please first say if this is direction you wanted to steer into?




Quote from: Priyanka on Sep 15, 08:52 PM 2015
“in 9 spins of roulette yielding black and red, there will be one arithmetic progression of 3 integers holding the same colour”
Going back to this earlier concept that began this Random Thoughts topic, if the above is true then would it also mean that the below is true?
9 spins, 3 integers
18 spins, 6 integers
27 spins, 9 integers

If we don't end on a win in a 9 spin game, but turn that into an 18 spin game do we gain any edge?
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Hi falklor

If I may say few thoughts of mine

Well first is that it seems to me that you have some coding skills and this shouldn't be a problem for you to code what you said and see the truth, right?

Also, Priyanka said that here for gaining an edge can't be used only one concept explained here, and I don't see what you said has more then one. Also we obviously need 2 parallel bet selections and that is what Parrondos paradox is about also.

I watched the movie mentioned by Priyanka and I really really enjoyed it. I think it is very much the same what some of us are trying to do here. We are trying to understand the "trick" actually the "prestige" in a trick which I think by itself isn't complicated at all. It is a simple thing and if you see how Priyanka is playing, you will notice that he needs only a few spins of tracking on even chances to start the attack. Actually on any position and form... Hm... The main question is how the parallel bet which we dont see looks like...

What is interesting in the movie is that experienced knowledgeable professor actually knew and told the way and principles which are the only one there must be standing behind that trick of his colleague to the magician who was so desperate to understand it. Eventhough that same magician was very successful in performing that same trick by the same principles, but for some reason he was convinced that his friend and colleague magician is using something much more advanced. And of course if you look all that through common sense, you will see that there can't be anything else possible. (apart from SF Tesla thing  ::) )Very simple thing in the end.

Maybe all that "math principle" for cracking the game isn't complicated by itself, but I don't understand why is something what we are failing to see at first. Priyanka is trying to show something simple, but we are still so blinded with usual way of looking at things...

Turbogenius is the member whose ideas was pretty much the same as ignatus is so stubornly throwing all the time. Hundreds of useless systems but he obviously find the other way to look at things... Maybe similar ones as Priyanka is talking about.

Big EZ

I will be taking the next month off of casino play for the holidays.  There is a lot of info in this thread that I need to read back over, and what I will be putting much of my free time into for the near future.
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting


Drazen, I've always wondered why a few systems feature 2 parallel bet selections - can you explain the advantage of this? What's this movie you speak of? I'll see if I can find a link or title in the previous posts before.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


I think the movie what Drazen wrote about is The Prestige (! No longer available). Priyanka noted that in context how people's mind can be confused by a trick.

I think that this matter is very interesting to discuss. Could we consider the roulette table (I mean table layout, numbers arrangement) as something like a trick? The trick, which should confuse player's mind? Just as number's name, dozens, columns, streets etc...


Yes the movie is called "The Prestige".

Falklor point of Parrondos paradox should be to create an edge without using physics. The shortest explanation of that parradox would be: A combination of losing strategies becomes a winning strategy.

So playing two losing strategies at the same time should somehow turn our overall outcome into positive . Let me give the most simple example everyone can understand and test.

We have 2 games observed at the same time:

    In Game A, you simply lose $1 every time you play.
    In Game B, you count how much money you have left. If it is an even number, you win $3. Otherwise you lose $5.

Say you begin with $100 in your pocket. If you start playing Game A exclusively, you will obviously lose all your money in 100 rounds. Similarly, if you decide to play Game B exclusively, you will also lose all your money in 100 rounds.

However, consider playing the games alternatively, starting with Game B, followed by A, then by B, and so on (BABABA...). It should be easy to see that you will steadily earn a total of $2 for every two games. Right?

Test it for yourself.

So 2 games with negative expectation are under some specific sequence of play are giving positive expectation. Very simple as you see.

That is only one part of the puzzle here. The trick is how to create those 2 bets we need which played independently will lose on the long run but played together after certain point or played by certain sequence will overcome -2.7. We do have some hints and videos of play, but it isnt revealed in full.

Hope this helps



Drazen, I understand what you are saying, but Game B is based on the outcome of Game A. In Roulette, however, past results supposedly do not affect future results - so the circumstances of playing roulette seems different to that example.
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


Quotebut Game B is based on the outcome of Game A

My point of view is that same thing should be in roulette too.

Quotehowever, past results supposedly do not affect future results

In randomness yes. But one of the main objectives is to remove randomness in sequences which we observe, right?
