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Started by Priyanka, Sep 15, 08:28 PM 2015

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Quote from: wiggy on Jan 03, 04:41 PM 2016
Drazen, I understand you are just giving an easy example but you are already determining that you are going to win every B game in 100 rounds. None of us can guarantee that we are going to win every first hand out of two playing roulette. I think people are putting the cart before the horse with this paradox. Find a way to win at roulette first and then see if you can improve it with stuff like this rather than the other way around or I don't see how you can make it work.

Wiggy I see what troubles you. And that is very logical by itself.  There must be a positive expectation game for Parrondo to apply and then by alternating between 2 losing games and a winning game, overall we are winning. But of course as we know unfortunately there is no positive expectation game in roulette. If we had one we wouldn't need Parrondo at all, right? It would be perfectly enough just to play our positive expectation game, and we would be winning.

I must say that I think I don't have the answer which would satisfy the masses, so maybe Priyanka can explain this.

Or maybe there is a way of getting positive expectation somehow, just that we are not aware of   >:D


Now that i have some time sitting at home with a terrible flu, I tried re-reading this thread and amazed by the contribution that has gone in from a number of members. I am also reading that Falkor and a few others have tried re-engineering what I have shown in videos. While I have told, that is not exactly how i play and it is only to demonstrate some facts.

However, it is interesting in the interest that this has triggered and I would like to keep that going. Eventhough I play many ways, I have decided to post one of the ways i play, exactly i play in a video or a couple of videos. It is based on Iron steel and Turner's quads, but taking non-random into consideration. Hopefully aim to get a couple of videos tonight.  Till then, cheers....   And that will be showing exactly how I play in one of my ways of playing.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: ddarko on Jan 03, 05:03 PM 2016
I posted this on page 7 but nobody showed any interest. Who knows maybe it will make somebody look at the game
slightly differently this time......

Darko - I notice it now and it is nicely written.  :thumbsup:
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: Priyanka on Jan 21, 12:42 PM 2016
It is based on Iron steel and Turner's quads
Blast from the past. Those were the days. Incessant posting and getting upset with everyone.
Will watch with interest.


Quote from: Turner on Jan 21, 01:40 PM 2016
Those were the days.
Absolutely! One should read this forum posts from the early part of this decade..... Phenomenal discussions!! I owe my interest, knowledge and passion for roulette to a number of members from those days... 

Finally managed to take a video and uploaded as below. To make things clear, firstly as there was lot of discussion about 0.05 bet, the 0.05 bet is used to place a bet to complete the non-random sequence when we cannot play. Secondly, as i mentioned already, the only position used are quads(group of 9 numbers). I will try to upload a couple of more videos, but it will not be any different from a playing perspective - a mechanical method of playing. You can reverse engineer to figure out the method as it puts together all the concepts i have explained.

To avoid any confusions, this is one of the games i play and i normally play a number of parallel games in a session. However, this one game in itself gives an edge over the game slightly higher than 9% which should defeat the house edge of american roulette.


Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.



No offense my friend, but.....

Im not sure about your MO. I dont mean the play, I mean the posting.

why not just post the method rules?. Why the video and "work it out for yourself"

People have to sit there decoding what has been "given" to them....and then endless questions of "is this correct" and you do your Roy Walker impression with "its good, but its not right"

Its a bit esoteric and defiantly a situation where you keep the control.

Im not sure what "exercise" you are giving us.

(you were waiting for me to say this wernt you)


Iron steel turns up nothing in a site search,is it a method / system etc ? Could someone enlighten me please.


Huh Turner

Trust me as much as I would like to, still in any way I can't understand your doubts here. Maybe just a bit more patience is what would resolved them.

First folklor burst, now it seems you too  :ooh:

The riddle is not easy by any mean, but 9% of reward is what gives it right to be, don't you think so?


GG will agree I like to (try) keep him honest now and again.

He will just kinda swerve me and leave me for dead...like he usually does lol  :thumbsup:

Too clever for me.


Quote from: klw on Jan 21, 04:45 PM 2016
Iron steel turns up nothing in a site search,is it a method / system etc ? Could someone enlighten me please.

Here you go klw.

"You can lead a human to intelligence, but you can't make him think''


Wait, first a moment of silence for David Bowie and a masterful performance in The Prestige as Nikola Tesla !



This is my second video. You would notice it is not plain sailing as the first one, but the play is exactly the same.


Well Turner, am not ignoring you, but trying to find a clever answer :) How can I not agree with you!

Let me make one thing clear before I answer you, I am not going to entertain any questions on the video. It is a means for people whose primary skill is not able to understand the concepts and put to practice but re-engineer steps of play to figure out whats going on. TBH, am amazed by what falkor has done to the videos and I dont want to fail that section. Also, for some people seeing is believing, so it is better for them to see what is being played rather than a bunch of concepts.

Now, coming back to your question, hmm, on seeing my post, it does sound a bit a bloviation. I could do away with that 9% sentence eventhough it is true. However, this is the closest I will get to explaining the method, and am not going to explain step by step what i do. All I can do is post a few more videos as and when i play, but I myself is planning to take these videos down over the weekend.  Neither do I want control, nor do I want to bloviate, but at the same time I dont want it to land on the hands of anyone so easily. One has to work hard to earn it and it is up to the reader am not forcing anyone.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


nice one..i got question i do not know if you checked it or not but do you know how percentage wager amount and profit goes...does it grow as you make more bets or stands constant...for ex. in your video you done 3000 of wager to 300 profit so that is 10%...thanks
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Thanks for the reply.
It always worries me that a set of numbers could be given for your whole video that meant you didnt win once...or didnt win enough and that set of numbers have the same odds of showing as the ones that happened.

There are knowns and unknowns in these videos to the observer. It doesnt help I cant see red in the marque and have to keep stopping the video to see the number. Yes Im whinging
