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Started by Priyanka, Sep 15, 08:28 PM 2015

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the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins




Quote from: Turner on Apr 30, 04:43 PM 2016

Orval trappist and after I have Troubadour magma belgian triple IPA

I like my brew made by the hands of monks

edit: in a st. bernardus beer glass

i have an obsession with belgian lately

my beer store has beer from every country

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 30, 04:47 PM 2016
Orval trappist and after I have Troubadour magma belgian triple IPA

I like my brew made by the hands of monks

edit: in a st. bernardus beer glass

i have an obsession with belgian lately

my beer store has beer from every country
You are destroying my vision of the  American Joe crackin open a Bud


3nine - It is clear to me that Priyanka is a man, is a senior, and resides in the UK. All this can be gleaned quite clearly (to me at least) from this thread alone. I mean no disrespect to you my friend - but it really is irrelevant. Just make your choice and write accordingly. Do not allow trivialities to distract you from what is really important.

Scarface - while I applaud your efforts I do not think you are on the right track with your research into the stats. While these are useful to know, and perhaps important later on, I really feel that the important things we need to focus on right now are, firstly, the second non-random event (assuming the VdW on the EC's is the first) and the way in which these 2 events are put together in the betting plan. Note the word EVENT. I believe that we need to think of the VdW theorem that Pri gave us as an example of an event to be also a good example of the meaning of the word EVENT in this context. We need to find another such event that fits with either the groupings of 9 numbers (which Pri calls a quad) or perhaps 6-lines, maybe even dozens although I personally don't think it is this.

all the best


Quote from: Turner on Apr 30, 04:56 PM 2016
You are destroying my vision of the  American Joe crackin open a Bud


i hate standard beer...budweiser is shit

IPA, or craft only for me...this trappist stuff is new to me but i love it

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



sorry...I deleted that with my fat fingers. RG quoted it.


Quote from: RMore on Apr 30, 04:57 PM 2016
3nine - It is clear to me that Priyanka is a man,


the ONLY thing that came to mind for me here is this:

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



priyanka your success continues on the multiplayer game

I am a whole hearted believer that you have beat this game
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: Priyanka on Oct 08, 07:42 PM 2015
Hopefully that short break has helped in pondering over what is written a couple of times. Before I move my thought process into an interesting concept of Parallel universes, I would like to explore another aspect of non-randomness.

Parallel universes


got my attention there
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: Nickmsi on Oct 09, 12:25 PM 2015
Hello . . .

I have coded a system that uses a 4 spin cycle.  Excel Tracker attached.

1st Spin you bet the last Dozen(FTL).  If it wins, then No Bet the next 3 spins.
2nd Spin you bet the last 2 Dozens, win or lose No Bet the next 2 spins.

Also attached is a resulting graph for 20,000 spins.

The progression used was a mild to aggressive one.  There is a separate progression for the Single Dozen Bet (spin #1) and another progression for the Double Dozen Bet (spin #2).

You can adjust the Progression Divisors. For a more conservative progression, set them for  1,000 which would be Flat Betting.



the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: Drazen on Oct 15, 06:16 AM 2015
Hello Pri

I am very carefully watching this thread on daily basis and trying to figure out what you are trying to show here.

Also downloaded all your videos of play in hope it will be useful in better understanding. Your bank demand and DD is impressively low and I think it is not coincidence.

Although my favorites are EC-s here I am showing something about dozens and hoping to get your thought and input.

It is about number of combinations and It is what I call betting against perfect state.

Okay we would have 6 perfect states:


And twelve other states:


So if we betting two different dozens in a row not to become 3, we are winning on 12 patterns and losing on 6. Or we can reverse and have odds of 3/1 but winning on 6 possible combinations.




i proposed this many times this particular concept and i was only attacked

is that only because RG posted it?
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: Priyanka on Oct 16, 02:33 AM 2015
You are so right there. Unless you dissect the game into simple parts irrespective of bet placement and odd, you are not going to understand game.

Yes Drazen there are 27 combinations possible and you cannot use 18 and leave the other 9 around. Simply because that is the reality. You cannot play a waiting game waiting for your favourable event to occur. What you have stated as answers are straightforward yes or no answers. I would like you to look beyond the surface for these questions to get answers which will help you not to repeat the same way you are playing currently.

Looking at your examples and combinations, lets see whether we can convert into an alternate way of play. I will give you some detailed initial pointers and set the direction, but the rest you will have to figure out yourselves.

The first and foremost thought process should be how can I make it finite rather than making it a game of chance. In other words, how can i reduce the non-predictability aspect of the game and move closer to predictability. Also how can you make your sessions short enough (not in number of spins, but in terms of elements of play) so that house edge doesn’t catch you and you are able to ride on those imbalances or variances.

I said there are 27 different combinations. Don’t have to know maths. Dont have to be a scientist. Dont have to be a complex programmer. Any person sitting with a pen and paper can in the highstreet williamhill shop can write all of them down. (Not that programmers, mathematicians and scienitist  do not go to the billhill)


Three possible outcomes. Three dozens in three spins, two dozens in 3 spins and 1 dozen in 3 spins. So If you take a set of 12 spins, you will have one of these combinations to definitely repeat. Limited. This has to happen. It is not random. It will happen always. That is the key. Identifying events that will always happen.

A sample 12 spins. 133 323 123 323
133 â€" There is one dozen that is repeating here. Our basic premise is in 4 sets of 3 numbers one combination has to repeat. So we will play for the second set to have 1 repeat.
323 â€" You start playing after 32 has spun. For one repeat to happen you have to have either 2 or 3. So you play the double dozen (2,3) and you win.

Second sample 111 131 111 122
111 â€" All dozens are same. Again based on our basic premise. We will play for this to repeat.
131 â€" You start playing after the first spin here. You will be playing for all dozens to be the same. Second spin is 3. Loss. Now you have two outcomes. Three dozens in a row or one dozen to repeat.
111 â€" You start playing after the first spin. You will be playing for either three dozen in a row or one repeat to happen. So you play for dozen 1. Win.

Third sample 321 311 223 312
321 â€" All dozens different. We will play for this to repeat.
311 â€" Start playing after the first spin. For a repeat of first combination to happen, the second spin can be either 2 or 1. So we play double dozen. Win. Now here I pause. One can play every session until a win happens or until the combinations repeat. For those who want a win to happen can stop playing here this set and start fresh with a new set. For those who will want a combination to repeat will go for the next spin. For the combination to repeat the next dozen has to be 2. Play 2 and lose. Two combinations are available for us to replicate. All dozens to be different and only one dozen to repeat.
223 â€" We cannot play after the first spin here. We will not be able to make a decision after the first spin as for one combination to repeat the second spin can be any of 1,2 or 3. So we play only on the third spin. As we have seen 2 and 2, we know that this is not all dozens different. So we play for two dozens in three spins. So our choice for next spin is 1 and 3 and we win.

Fourth sample  132 112 123 111
132 â€" All dozens different
112 â€" Start playing after the first spin. We play double dozen 2 and 3. Loss.
123 â€" We cannot play after the first spin. We cannot play after the 2nd spin. This is a deadlock and we exit out of this sequence and look for the next 12.

So what did we do. We did not leave our destiny to the hands of chance. We are playing for something that we know will definitely happen. You are building a game based on limits to the randomness of roulette or the non-random aspect of it.

Now you can think about statistics and progression in that sequence. Not before and not in a different sequence of progression and then statistics. Typically we tend to focus on these two subjects first, leaving ourselves buried deep into the big hole.

Thinking about statistics now. Out of the 27 combinations that is possible, 3 will be one dozen in 3 spins, 6 will be 3 dozens in 3 spins and 18 will be 2 dozens in 3 spins. It is like drawing a ball from a bag of 3 red balls, 6 green balls and 18 blue balls, then putting it back in and repeating this whole process. Your chances of drawing a blue ball is higher. There is an irregularity and the statistically speaking the 12 spins (4 sets of 3 spins), there is a higher probability of 2 dozens in 3 spins to come through. One way of using this statistic is to bias towards one set when a conflict occurs for your bet selection. Other way of using this is application of VW theory as I explained earlier for the AP to form on 2 dozens in 3 spins. It is left to your imagination, your mood of the day or a mechanical way that you prefer.

Thinking about progression now. Depending on how you chose to play, you can see the irregularities here and you can focus on tuning your progression to maximize your wins. Key is low drawdowns and achieving those low drawdowns using elements that are fixed and finite.

Hope this helps clear some questions that you have posed and help you in the thought process of defining an alternate game.


the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

