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!! 17 !! 18 !! 19 !! 20 !!

Started by denzie, Jun 02, 06:19 AM 2016

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Well, well, Denzie, exotic, nice...  :thumbsup:


Quote from: The General on Jun 02, 11:25 AM 2016
Well then, show us how wonderful it is on the multiplayer game linked to this forum.

Are you ever going to go away?
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



As spins roll off our predictions get better


Winkel...I see you looking. You can always give your thoughts. Good or bad. I'll appreciate them for sure. You did millions so I could be just lucky.

Thx in advance
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Hi denzie - been testing this one and I like it - good results on Celtic euro wheel - flat betting is a drag but I play grassroots 1 - 2 - 3 whilst collecting the spin results - thanks for sharing.


Thx for the reply. Yes I know flat is a grind. I think 99% would say pfff...next system pls. That's why I said better to test in wiesbaden or so.

I look at it with 1000 sessions results  (40000 spins). Then we know it will be wurth our time. And of course our unitsize should be high enough. Especially on flat. Although 4450 units profit flat with 1u bets...at 10 or more it would wake some people up  :twisted:

But it's not gonna be popular method. To boring. We need a 1k in 1 hour method  :P

As spins roll off our predictions get better


Greed will bust most of the systems on this forum - give me small regular wins every time!


Hi Denzie

Thks recently for your message you sent.
Just referring more on this.
You play one table straight then and dont move to another table to collect some spin history to speed up play.
You mentioned GUT etc and studying crosses etc. With this method you're betting on whatever the conditions/pattern looks like.? Literally when you get the 20,19,18,17 numbers left.
You favour any preferred progression then.

Quote from: denzie on Jun 03, 08:07 AM 2016
Thx for the reply. Yes I know flat is a grind. I think 99% would say pfff...next system pls. That's why I said better to test in wiesbaden or so.

I look at it with 1000 sessions results  (40000 spins). Then we know it will be wurth our time. And of course our unitsize should be high enough. Especially on flat. Although 4450 units profit flat with 1u bets...at 10 or more it would wake some people up  :twisted:

But it's not gonna be popular method. To boring. We need a 1k in 1 hour method  :P


The most important is 40 spin cycle. Testing showed that stay on the same wheel wins more . (Perhaps in the long run it doesn't matter).

About conditions/patterns/trot.....if you done a lot of sessions you will see you can't trust that. So yep....those are the triggers no matter what.

I favor the 1-2 with a lot of coffee.  ^-^

Once more...test 1000 sessions virtual in wiesbaden or personal data. ... otherwise you will give up. You need to see the profits.
And calculate correct of course.  Each step gives different profit/loss
As spins roll off our predictions get better


One more thing. ... about "jump"....
I tried that too...waiting till our bets are done and then jump back to when I got 17 unique again  (betting non stop). That just isn't the same unfortunately  :(

So best results. ...same wheel continuously per 40 spins 
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Thanks Denzie,

Thanks for the reply.
It doesn't matter what I try these days I just end up starting from the beginning again. Generally worse off. (well that's fact lol)
Maybe roulette isn't for me.
Tested this but still I see the same things. Win some then lose. You either get a good start with this and slowly increase and hopefully don't look back.
Just seems that those repeaters just keep popping up.

Denzie you are obviously a hardcore Roulette player. You any advice on a preferred system or is that literally this one. :-))
Im getting to the point of pulling out completely. Sorry for the rant.


Quote from: denzie on Jun 03, 11:18 AM 2016
The most important is 40 spin cycle. Testing showed that stay on the same wheel wins more . (Perhaps in the long run it doesn't matter).

About conditions/patterns/trot.....if you done a lot of sessions you will see you can't trust that. So yep....those are the triggers no matter what.

I favor the 1-2 with a lot of coffee.  ^-^

Once more...test 1000 sessions virtual in wiesbaden or personal data. ... otherwise you will give up. You need to see the profits.
And calculate correct of course.  Each step gives different profit/loss


Quote from: denzie on Jun 02, 06:19 AM 2016
While testing GUT I've tested about all crossings. Even the ones that aren't selected as good ones. So....after testing +3000 sessions in wiesbaden and +1000 real played sessions. ....

I play in 40 spin cycles. Each time a number is spun I cross it off . I keep doing this till I crossed of 17 numbers. (20 remaining). Now I bet the 20 numbers with 1unit. Win? We now got 18 nrs crossed off. So bet the 19 remaining with 1unit. Win ? We now got 19 numbers crossed off. Bet the remaining 18 with 1unit. Win? We now got 20 numbers crossed off. Bet the remaining 17 numbers with 1unit. Win ? Stop. Let the cycle finish till spin 40. Start it all again. 

We use a 1-2 progression. So if we lost our 1unit bet ..we rebet with 2u. Lose again?  Wait till we can cross off a new number. 

Tracking can be done with pen and paper or the clicker.

Results of +1000 real sessions :
Flatbet each trigger : 4450 units
1-2 : 7800 units
1-2-4 : 12110 units
1-2-4-8 : 16000 units

Important it's done on the same wheel. Also I don't "jump" as you could getting in a losing streak.

Very boring though.  ???
Is that your strategy in full? So you don't actually bet on crossings per se?
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: spartanrules on Jun 03, 11:27 AM 2016
Thanks Denzie,

Tested this but still I see the same things. Win some then lose. You either get a good start with this and slowly increase and hopefully don't look back.
Just seems that those repeaters just keep popping up.


How many sessions you've done ? (40spins)
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Around 30 so far.
Basically stopped at the mo to re asess.
Suppose im just unlucky with roulette. You will most probably say i need a lot more sessions under my belt that i can appreciate it, though after seeing the old BR get lower and lower with those repeaters i stopped.
Its difficult with any system, basically how many hits can you take. I was looking at maybe upping the progression as often it hit after the second bet, but again that could lead to more loss for me.
Like i mentioned i must be unkikely with it all i guess. Oh i was using live wheels online at William hill if interested. Tried immersive but god is that slow.

Quote from: denzie on Jun 03, 02:59 PM 2016
How many sessions you've done ? (40spins)
