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Something that shows promise

Started by Joma, Oct 11, 10:48 PM 2016

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Quote from: bleep24 on Oct 25, 02:38 AM 2016
Hi Mogul397,
Nice to see that you are still alive and kicking.

I was referring Unique Dozen posted by Willie in Notepad (endish September)

I know that a dozen can snooze or sleep for a while but I have not seen it happen (perhaps because I only play Live/European)

The way I play this is keep playing until missing dozen comes up.  It can get to 10 misses but that is no great shakes as it generally recovers.
Progression 1 1   2 2   3 3   4 4   5 5 etc. so even if you have 10 misses (not very often) it is only 30 units and you are only moving up 1 step on a loss and down 3 steps on a win.
BTW:  I am still playing NLE and it is still working for me despite the naysayers.
Good luck,       Brian

Glad to see you posting, as well Brian.

You don't mean this thread, do you?

As to the "nay sayers", well, try and make that hat fit. I legitimately made
30-40 day trips (15 min to get there) and pages of results, tracking the
difference between doubles, singles, triples..........

Am I a nay sayer?  Or just insane (expecting a different result?)

You could say that I'm both. I'm certainly a fan.  My time effort demonstrates it.
But your presence here seems elusive.

What I would like from you is an honest accessment of some of your
sessions.  Specifically the bet range that you end up with. And then
the methodology of betting more than one EC at a time. That really
confuses me and never seems to go well mathematically.

NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


OK. I found it......


Still interested in talking about NLE.
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


No I go straight in.  When I see doz.1/doz. 2 I start betting for doz. 3 to appear.  It usually happens within 1/2/3/4/5 spins but I have gone up to 11 misses.  I just keep on playing on as 11 misses are unlikely to repeat very soon afterwards so giving you a chance to recover. Remember you are just moving up 1 step on a loss but down 3 steps on a win.  Prog:  1 1   2 2   3  3  4  4  5  5  6  6 etc. so a miss 10  times puts you on betting 6 units. Wins are like buses: miss one then 3 come along together so you would move from betting 6 units down to betting 3 units.  This is a snakes and ladders prog. and pretty easy on the nerves.  I often see win 3 times - lose 1 so this is a pretty easy recovery prog.  I just keep playing on and generally only pack in when I am on 1 unit or back down to 1 unit when I have had enough of playing.
I have tried using the trigger method in the post but found it not as good as you miss lots of opportunities and does not recover as easily.
Only possible downer with the way that I play it is if 15 or 20 misses happened, but personally because of the small amount of units involved I would play on, but a stop loss could be decided on: eg: after 12 misses.   If you were betting 4 units then a 12 miss came along (total miss 16x)  you would have to decide what to do.  It has not happened to me (yet)



Hi Mogul397,
No I am not calling you a naysayer.  All I can work on is my own experiences with NLE and they have been good. 
I am hitty-missy on forum as I am retired and at my holiday home a lot (especially for 6 months in the summer)   Internet signal can be very variable there making posting tricky.

Back to NLE.  I do not totally use a +1/-1 progression which is what maybe confusing you.  I calculate stakes on a rolling basis because you can be betting on 1,2 or 3 opps. at same time and cannot stick rigidly to +1/-1.   
For instance, if I am down 4 units and 3 opps. come together I will bet 2 units on each, then recalculate after it has played out. I do not always try to recover/reach a new high on a single spin, whether there are 1, 2, or 3 opps.   So it is playing it on the hoof or what ever way you wish to describe it.
Good luck,


You start out with 1 1  2 2 etc. and you go up to n-n.

Just curious ...... What is your personal recommendation for
n-n at a live dealer wheel?
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.
