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Is proper bet selection really necessary?

Started by Nimo, Jul 24, 06:54 PM 2018

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Quote from: Turner on Jul 30, 08:38 AM 2018
This is where I have a problem i.e What is happening here

The recent goal of that seems to be to "enlighten everyone" that the "game" cant be beat but the "device" producing the random numbers can.

Beating the "device" isnt roulette and when I last looked, the site is called rouletteforum.cc 

Roulette is a game with a random number generator and a betting layout.

i think many are a bit hesitant to post now for fear of ridicule...and the "old pro" count has dwindled and the Newbie count has increased.

Its definitely lost its direction (roulette) over to some left-of-field direction (beat the device or you are a retard)

Just a mish-mosh mess to be honest

Just my opinion as a 3000+ poster of 7 years (who cares? No loyalty cards stamped here)

Greetings Turner, might be putting you on the spot here, do you understand GUT.
I know of 2; Azim and my self.

But do i care members/guests should come to their own decision.
Take Nimo i'm sure he understands, after putting across his thought's he can see he's wasting his time.
So a good member has left, why because it just goes round and round, like that spiral staircase Steve is stuck on
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Notto I'm not the stuck one. You'll see that eventually. Ive been where you are before.

I might add, you and your many mpr accounts are in clear loss. I know, you blame mpr. If you win real money, really thats good, keep doing it. But i don't expect your mpr results are any different to real casino results. If it makes you feel better, say I'm the one with the problem
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Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Nimo on Jul 30, 06:48 AM 2018
Anyway I'm going to give Steve what he wanted as he posted in another thread, that he wanted a quieter forum.  I won't be posting here any longer and I suggest that everyone else does the same.

Agree.. Moderator / forum owner posts are shit, with shitty language and  telling everybody that they (we) are all shit.
Please ban me.


Ok bye.

Truth isn't always popular.

But I'm not calling people shit. You're not understanding the situation.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Steve on Jul 30, 09:00 AM 2018No. If the device produces random spins, it means you are stuck with the same probabilities, and nothing can beat it. Except maybe approaches like precog, but we wouldnt know without more testing.

So it's not possible to beat a random wheel even using visual ballistics?

Something like precognition is a non-starter for me; the only evidence that it exists is anecdotal, which basically puts it in the same camp as systems. That being the case I don't see why precog has potential but systems are dismissed out of hand as being fallacious. There are even more compelling arguments as to why precognition can't work than there are that systems can't work. 

I agree with you Steve that if someone is making big claims about a holy grail or that they have never lost then this should raise a red flag and the claimant should expect some heat, but it's a fine line.

QuoteAnd I'm not against systems. I'm against old methods we already know fail.

But to be honest, it doesn't come across like that. It's too easy to criticize even innovative and ingenious systems because "they don't change the odds". If you start from the premise that only physics (AP) can give you an edge then all systems are going to look like nonsense.
Logic. It's always in the way.


People spend a lot of time analyzing the game and the statistics to see what the norms and averages are only to be criticized by Steve no matter what

That’s why people leave

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: Steve on Jul 30, 09:44 AM 2018
Notto I'm not the stuck one. You'll see that eventually. Ive been where you are before.

I might add, you and your many mpr accounts are in clear loss. I know, you blame mpr. If you win real money, really thats good, keep doing it. But i don't expect your mpr results are any different to real casino results. If it makes you feel better, say I'm the one with the problem

I wouldn’t call notto stuck

Posted years of sheets showing many more wins than losses

Seems to do ok to me
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: Steve on Jul 30, 09:44 AM 2018
Notto I'm not the stuck one. You'll see that eventually. Ive been where you are before.

I might add, you and your many mpr accounts are in clear loss. I know, you blame mpr. If you win real money, really thats good, keep doing it. But i don't expect your mpr results are any different to real casino results. If it makes you feel better, say I'm the one with the problem

Steve its sticks and stones with you, it's like being in the playground, what do they say he who tries to out shout someone, shows they are trying to control.  No problem with MPR, especially now you are using Random.org, which shows 15 non-hit in spins 11-40; so if members/guests can't work with that, that's not my problem, after all have they not researched the method, sounds like you need to try GUT, then you can do a Britney bitch, Scream & shout.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Even if what you are doing is working for you it just can’t work!
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jul 30, 09:57 AM 2018
People spend a lot of time analyzing the game and the statistics to see what the norms and averages are only to be criticized by Steve no matter what

That’s why people leave

Rich people should treat this place like a library, take from it what they learn, having someone keep repeating themselves, change the odds, you know the rest don't wash, sounds like they are stuck.
Rich i get what i want from here, if i want a good laugh i go and see the rantings on GF where general or who ever he is,because i can't keep up with all his AKA's; and you could be right about scissors, who said he was going but look he's back
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


I'll make this clear. If anyone else wants to make a dramatic dummy spit exit, do so.

I don't care about losing narrowminded members, incapable of hearing the truth,  unwilling to listen to reason or look at the bigger picture. They are of no benefit to the forum or its members. Basically i don't see the value an ostrich has to the forum and it's members.

I do care about reasonable, sound-minded members who may not agree with me, but genuinely want to beat roulette, and try to avoid the same guaranteed losing approaches that have been tried for thousands of years. These are smarter people in the learning process, and the type of people i spend time to help.

I also do care about system tinkerers who don't particularly care if they don't have the hg. Nobody cares what they do with their own time and money. Nobody is going to bust their balls because they arent hurting anyone, unlike the self professed gurus peddling nonsense.

Im not going to censor truth just because it's unpopular. Should I?

I'm not going to shut up when someone accuses me of trying to censor the hg, when really I'm just trying to help.

Members are allowed to be wrong, learn, make mistakes etc. I was no different once.  Again i only arc up when self professed gurus are misleading large amounts of people. Why? Because i value truth more than popularity.

When i explain verifiable and important truth, or respond to false claims I'm trying to censor the hg, i do so with the knowledge that some narrow-sighted will leave because they think i have the problem. Thats not a problem.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Steve on Jul 30, 09:00 AM 2018Besides if people dont want free professional advice, which costs other players a fortune, they can post blisfully umaware in the system players only forum. Neither me or caleb will go there.

So if Winkel or Turbo, or anyone else who says they have the holy grail posts there, they will be left alone?

I was looking at the description of that section. Lol, not exactly welcoming and unbiased is it?

QuoteHere you can discuss systems in peace without anyone explaining why your ideas wont work. You need special permissions to post here. Contact admin (Steve) if you want access. Moderators cannot give you access. Also be careful of information in this section as experienced players are not allowed to help, which means even basic mistakes wont be corrected. Why? Because right or wrong, some people don't want the advice.

Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Steve on Jul 30, 10:10 AM 2018I also do care about system tinkerers who don't particularly care if they don't have the hg.

Glad to hear it, because I put myself in that camp. Systems are fun to tinker around with and I do believe that players who like using and creating systems are on the whole, more successful than those who don't. That doesn't mean that the systems necessarily work, it could just mean that using systems is a symptom rather than a cause of success. The cause of success comes from being passionate and serious about the game, an attitude. And it's this attitude which motivates such people to work on systems. 
Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Joe on Jul 30, 09:55 AM 2018So it's not possible to beat a random wheel even using visual ballistics?

No, because the odds can't be changed. Random means 1 in 37 for single numbers.

Quote from: Joe on Jul 30, 09:55 AM 2018Something like precognition is a non-starter for me; the only evidence that it exists is anecdotal

I disagree. Start with the global consciousness project.  Also search trials where participants clearly had a subconscious physiological response to emotional images before they were seen. There's a lot more. I also have a report by a very reputable research organization who specifically developed an enhancement algorithm to amplify precog accuracy. I implemented it in an android app. See the outside the box thread.

Quote from: Joe on Jul 30, 09:55 AM 2018There are even more compelling arguments as to why precognition can't work than there are that systems can't work. 

Mathematical certainty doesn't get more certain. If accuracy isn't better than random, there's no chance.

Perhaps consider what i said above.

Quote from: Joe on Jul 30, 09:55 AM 2018I agree with you Steve that if someone is making big claims about a holy grail or that they have never lost then this should raise a red flag and the claimant should expect some heat, but it's a fine line.

Thats all I'm doing with winkel... making sure he isn't misleading and harming members. Some members mistake this for something different. I get it why they think that, but look deeper. Im trying to protect forum integrity, and it requires me to adhere to truth no matter how unpopular.

Quote from: Joe on Jul 30, 09:55 AM 2018It's too easy to criticize even innovative and ingenious systems because "they don't change the odds".

I do not criticize new ideas. I encourage them. When a member thinks they have something new when it isn't, usually i say nothing. I have other things to do anyway. Again i only arc up when its a self professed guru misleading people, or they're accusing me of trying to censor the hg.

Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jul 30, 09:57 AM 2018People spend a lot of time analyzing the game and the statistics to see what the norms and averages are only to be criticized by Steve no matter what

No, like i said above. People are allowed to make mistakes. Understand when and why i become involved.

Notto, i haven't completely made up my mind about gut. I'm still waiting for winkel to explain some things. And please don't talk to me about sticks and stones. For a long time youve been on my case, probably because you didn't like your mpr results. Real wheel spins vs rsndom.org. The stats you mention are no different long term.

Quote from: RouletteGhost on Jul 30, 10:01 AM 2018
Even if what you are doing is working for you it just can’t work!

You didn't read what i wrote. There's a difference between wins by a gambler who thinks he has an edge, and wins from a legitimate advantage.

Nobody cares if a system player risks their own money. I only care when people are being misled by slef professed gurus. Please lets move on from this point.

"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Joe on Jul 30, 10:12 AM 2018
So if Winkel or Turbo, or anyone else who says they have the holy grail posts there, they will be left alone?

Correct. Thats exactly what the area is for.

Quote from: Joe on Jul 30, 10:12 AM 2018
So if Winkel or Turbo, or anyone else who says they have the holy grail posts there, they will be left alone?

I was looking at the description of that section. Lol, not exactly welcoming and unbiased is it?

No, ill change it. You have to understand it was very painful for me to create that area. I believe truth stands on its own merit. If something is true, it should be self evident assuming people actually research properly and have an open mind. I believe everyone needs to have a backbone and not be so precious when someone provides an opposing view. But even outside that area, trolling is forbidden.

It's easy to see justified questions and comments to gurus, and mistake it with trolling or harassment.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose
