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Roulette system books

Started by Simon, Nov 05, 06:49 AM 2010

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Hi all

I am searching for some really good roulette system books.  I have just begun intersting myself in roulette.
I beleive this must be taken seriously if have a chance to succeed, so If having some great books of roulette
would be of great interest to start out this journey.

thanks alot

flukey luke

Hello Simon and welcome aboard.  :thumbsup:
A lot of information that you will find in roulette books can be found right here on this very forum.
I have being passionate about roulette for over 10 years and in the beginning, I could not get my hands on enough books hoping to learn all the dark secrets which would unlock the doors to untold riches.  ;D  Unfortunately, most of the books just contained a load of waffle about how to be polite in casinos and never drink and play at the same time. Trust me, when you got through your bankroll playing the authors system, you needed a stiff drink.  :D
If you are a complete beginner, then you need to learn the basics, you can get all this info over the net.
One thing I will say, there are a lot of experienced players on this forum who have being around the block a few times and know what's what. A lot of authors of roulette books have probably never stepped foot inside a real live casino and risked their hard earned money.
On here, you have guys who have played the game and know how to survive. As a beginner, I would say that it is just as important that you learn how not to lose or at the very least, minimize your losses. That will put you in good standing for the future. Anyway, good luck Simon.


Quote from: flukey luke on Nov 05, 08:06 AM 2010
I would say that it is just as important that you learn how not to lose or at the very least, minimize your losses

Yes Flukey, those are the steps!

First you learn to lose less (mostly by discipline, learning you don't have to bet every spin, becoming conscious that it is money and not "just chips"), then you break even (waiting for betting opportunities, learning to ride the "swings of the game" and taking off when you just recovered a bad session even), then -and only then- you learn how to win! Having the plan, by having the disciple and by getting up from the game when you are ahead.
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