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Random Dozens with LaBouchere

Started by huskerdu, Apr 12, 05:45 PM 2020

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i always love to play random against random.
The reason is that whatever system I have followed which contains "after  this ... bet ... that,    when you see this ... bet ...., that ),  also every kind of matrix, and whatever system contains some logic, it fails sooner or later.
So last days I play random against random
I started with writing down a random EC queue of 8 selections, e.g. BBRBRRBR and bet with hope that roulette will not create exactly the oposite  random queue.
Money management:
I tried Martingale 1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128 hoping that the roulette will not generate exactly the oposite queu for 8 spins, but unfortunately some day it did!!!!!
Then I tried LaBouchere, (whith which we can win if we have 33,4 % wins of the total bets) but unfortunately, I fal to some losing streaks that the amount of bets rise up too much that I counldn't continue with my bankroll
So I gave up EC
Then I decided to bet dozens.
What I did was just to write  a series of 123123123123123123123123123123123 etc
It means that when i have the series 123, i don't want the roulette to generate this series
So the first bet is at the 2nd and 3rd dozen, the second bet was at 1-3 dozens the third bet was at 1-2 dezens and continue the same.......
I tested 8 sessions of 500 spins each, total 4.000 spins
For every 500 spins i had:
320 - 340 wins
160-180 loses
It was logical because I bet 2/3 so the result shoyld be around 2/3 wins.
Money management:
I first tried with martingale with stop loss (In onme session I tried 1-3, at another session 1-3-9 at another 1-3-9-27 and at another session 1-3-9-27-81. 1-3-9-27, but there were some series of loses that the total wins coyldn't recover it
Then I tried LaBouchere for dozens
For those who don't know how to play LaBoucher with not beting EC but betting 2 dozens : we add two times the amount of lost betting, so instead of winning with 33,4 % wins of total bets, we win with 50.1% of total bets.  It is logical because when we bet 2 dozens the amount of wins is about 66,6% of total bets (ofcourse after many spins) , so an amount of 50% wins is acceptable.
What was the result:
I won every session without rising the betting amount like playing EC.
For every 500 spisn session, There were  many series  2, 3  loses in a row, and some series of 4,5,6 loses in a row.
In a session there was a series of 7 loses in a row and in another session was one series of 8 loses in a row.
But there were many series of wins in a row some of them was 10, 12, 15 20 wins in a row
So playing Labouchere I never end up any of the series with loses and the amount of betting was not risen too much.
So , my systme so far is:
bet selection: bet 2 dozens agains against 123 dozens
Money mamagement; Labouchere for 2 dozens
I'm waiting for feedback


with due respect,
Very excited, and glad you won, actually I also research this kind of bet.

Try variance avoidance.
1) need patience...
wait for 4,5,6,7,8 or more losses in row, or say 15 losses with a few hits in between. Then start betting.
stop at profit..
see what happen.
keep in touch.


Do u play like this?

The Labouchere system requires you to come up with a line of numbers.   This can be anything you want, like 1 2 3 4 5 6

The first bet is the sum of the two numbers at either end - in this case 7 (6 + 1) on two dozen

If this bet wins, cancel out the 1 and 6 so the series is now 2, 3, 4, 5
Bet then with 7 (2+5) on two dozen

If the first bet loses, add the 7 to the end of the sequence (you loses the two dozen, so you must add both of these loses) so the sequence is then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7
The next bet would then be 8 (1+7) on both dozen

The series continues until all the numbers in the sequence have been cancelled and the set profit has been made.


Hi Mohit,
It will be deadly, if the winning hit not coming.

try this,

if lose form start,
L  01
L  011
L 0111
L 01111,=LOSE -4UNIT
Hit 011111=+1,  =-3u
Hit 1111=+2,       =-1u


I don't start Laboucher with a streak of units. I just want to win 1 unit in every session, because it is the safest way of playing.
Here's how I play LaBouchere:
For EC betting:
I enter 1 unit and as it grows I bet the first and the last unit:
Start with 1
Lose: The streak becomes 11 so I bet 2
Lose: The streak becomes 112 so I bet 3
Lose: The streak becomes 1123 so I bet 4
Lose: The streak becomes 11234 so I bet 5
Win: The streak becomes 123 so I bet 4
Lose: The streak becomes 1234 so I bet 5
Win: The streak becomes 23 so I bet 5
Lose: The streak becomes 235 so I bet 7
Lose: The streak becomes 2357 so I bet 9
Win: The streak becomes 35 so I bet 8
Win: ThEnd of session
With 4 wins and 7 loses I win the session with max bet 9 units

For LaBoucher with betting 2 dozens the change is that after every lost spin we add two times the lost bet, so we need 50,1% wins in order to enter the session :
Start with 1
Lose: The streak becomes 111 so I bet 2
Lose: The streak becomes 11122 so I bet 3
Lose: The streak becomes 1112233 so I bet 4
Lose: The streak becomes 111223344 so I bet 5
Win: The streak becomes 1122334 so I bet 5
Lose: The streak becomes 112233455 so I bet 6
Win: The streak becomes 1223345 so I bet 6
Lose: The streak becomes 122334566 so I bet 7
Win: The streak becomes 2233456 so I bet 8
Win: The streak becomes 23345 so I bet 7
Win: The streak becomes 334 so I bet 7
Lose: The streak becomes 33477 so I bet 10
Win: The streak becomes 347 so I bet 10
Win: The streak becomes 4  so I bet 4
Lose: The streak becomes 444  so I bet 8
Win: The streak becomes 4  so I bet 4
Win: End of session
So, with 9 wins and 8 loses I win the session with max bet 10 units
If I used Martingale for 2 dozens from the first 4 loses the betting would become 1-3-9-27 without to be sure if a 5th lose would come.....


Quote from: SWEET on Apr 12, 11:18 PM 2020Try variance avoidance.
1) need patience...
wait for 4,5,6,7,8 or more losses in row, or say 15 losses with a few hits in between. Then start betting.
stop at profit..
see what happen.
keep in touch.

Thanks, I agree with you.
It is really the safest way in order not to come up with long streaks.
If we have patiance to wait, I think is a mini HG


Quote from: huskerdu on Apr 13, 06:11 AM 2020
Thanks, I agree with you.
It is really the safest way in order not to come up with long streaks.
If we have patiance to wait, I think is a mini HG

A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Thanks Huskerdu,

I think, your strategy, is nearing hg.

Maybe you can consider, a few cautious steps, as below
1)Wait for certain "extreme variance" occurrence
to passed, as trigger to start bet...this will save you from unnecessary risk and losses.
2)A "stop-bet", from entrapped in unexpected variance, and then trigger to start-resume bet.
3)You must have a cutloss, of acceptable losses, lest the losses snowballed to bust, your previous profit...too.
4)make a long test, several tens thousands spins, to see how the WIN/LOSE RATIOS!
This is very important, so you have CONFIDENCE,
to face worst scenario while in casino.

I think, you must going through very exciting phase now. :xd:
Keep in touch! :smile:
and dont listen to any negative people that didnt contribute, but noise maker!  :sad2:


The 123123.....idea is for long time here and was tested (see rouletteghost/ posts).
You would have some good chances with this only if wait looong time for triggers like 123123123(...123),
so it s not good plan to wait ages until trigger form with the classic dozens.
I will show you other way (still table based) how to create the trigger.

But ...it s no better way that  pre ordered triggers on the Wheel.
Let s  say you split the wheel in 3 groups of 12 numbers in row, or Nuke (Kimo stile )12 numbers groups.
Wait for 123123 ( or just 12312) then bet against . The problem is how to bet 24 numbers with the
limited time we have to bet . Maybe we can organize that 24 numbers on lines + quads + splits + few straights
( just example, could be ... one doz+streets+splits + few straight , or others).
Other trigger can be  112233 .

Now, the other table based trigger
Use splits or streets to create the *dozens*, example with streets:

Str  /   group

4           1
8           2
11         3
5           1
2           2
9           3
12         1
3           2

now bet against ....3123...(bet for max. 4 spins, and W or L4  retrack)
The *dozens * are not complete doz at that point , are growing groups/ doz.
Now next spins( one posible scenario):

7            3   L1
4            1   L2
9            3   W

I don t pretend this are longtime winners , but  here i ts about  order vs   random
and most of the times ( so with exceptions) real random will produce random
only sometimes produce same ordered groups (like our triggers).
Don t use killer progressions, rise bets when W streak,  down bets when L streaks.

Don t  stop improve your bet selections, maybe go with the trend ( dealer) its good way
but also can be go against the dealer ( in this case bet more numbers/ at least 24 ).


Quote from: Roulettebeater on Apr 13, 06:37 AM 2020NO IT'S NOT MINI HG

I have tested. The worst sequence was 8 loses in a row, once in 2.000 spins. But even with this streak I won the session because many big    streaks of wins followed. And this was without waiting for virtual loses.  So if we follow the safe road to wait for big losing streaks and then bet we can beat randomness.
Why don't you  test it and post us  a sequence that have come up from random.org or any other real random source that is ?


If we don't want to wait for a series of losing streaks of 123123123 we can do this:
Take the last series of 10 dozens that they have come up, consider this streak as a losing streak and start betting against this streak
For example, if the last streak of 10 spins is 2311213312 start betting against this streak with Labouchere.


Quote from: huskerdu on Apr 13, 07:19 AM 2020
If we don't want to wait for a series of losing streaks of 123123123 we can do this
Take the last series of 10 dozens that they have come up, consider this streak as a losing streak and start betting against this streak
For example, if the last streak of 10 spins is 2311213312 start betting against this streak with Labouchere.
Why, I never heard this before!   :love:
This few post of yours already deepen my knowledge.
Thank you so much!
Keep on the good job .
Hope you find more and better method


Thanks Kattila for your ideas.


Quote from: huskerdu on Apr 13, 07:01 AM 2020
I have tested. The worst sequence was 8 loses in a row, once in 2.000 spins. But even with this streak I won the session because many big    streaks of wins followed. And this was without waiting for virtual loses.  So if we follow the safe road to wait for big losing streaks and then bet we can beat randomness.
Why don't you  test it and post us  a sequence that have come up from random.org or any other real random source that is ?

you need to tell me how many spins have you tested so far.
one of my system didn't show up as a loser until i have tested 100k spins, in the first 50k spins, everything was fine.
A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Quote from: Roulettebeater on Apr 13, 10:55 AM 2020
you need to tell me how many spins have you tested so far.
one of my system didn't show up as a loser until i have tested 100k spins, in the first 50k spins, everything was fine.

So, you tested a system that worked fine for almost 100k spins. At that point it happend to lose and you consider it as a losing system?

Can I have that system! I am good if it works for 10k spins, I have no problem with that!  :twisted: :twisted:
