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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 08, 05:46 PM 2011

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Slowly and steadily people realise that it makes all sense to play PB or it's variant with baccarat due to the lower HE and smaller variance. :thumbsup:

If you play it with roulette you must have a logical reason. Is there ?  :question:

The final conclusion : is playing PB or it's best variant better played on roulette or baccarat ?  :question:

If the best variant is not playable on baccarat then it's roulette else it's baccarat.  :)


Quote from: Andre Chass on Feb 23, 11:42 AM 2018
Welcome Jerry

So you have been playing for about six months.
May I ask you what's your PBs version? What's your way to play?
And you're right, there's no sense waiting for the 8th pattern, imho

I'm playing what I call random vs random and looking for 3-5 units a clip ,this is the simplest most effective method I have ever seen and I have seen a lot over the past 25 years,get in get up get out ,rinse and repeat



Quote from: bikemotorman on Feb 23, 10:07 PM 2018
Hey, guys, I don't know what is wrong but I am seeing too many LLLs with PB for Baccarat I am playing against the final pattern and just seems to be too many times I have seen LLLs maybe I am just unlucky with Baccarat.
Yes, it is live dealer no RNG.

Now it is very good with Craps as I have been testing for weeks and just one instance of an LLL and that is with my craps table and me throwing.....I use a special dice grip and set, I believe we can influence the dice a bit maybe get an extra number before the SEVEN shows up.

I cant at this time take a chance with PB for Baccarat with real money, maybe its just me but I played a few games online and it seems RANDOM seems to find the opposite of the last pattern more often than with the final pattern.

BPP play PBB and I get BPP.

Maybe I should try playing the final pattern.............PPP now play PPP.

What do you guys think?????

Reality check - some people win,  some people lose playing JL PB - if it works for you play on if not stop.

I said earlier on - I'm not a luckyfella.


Quote from: cht on Feb 24, 05:17 AM 2018
Reality check - some people win,  some people lose playing JL PB - if it works for you play on if not stop.

I said earlier on - I'm not a luckyfella.

How to play craps ?
What casino do offer this game ?

I didn't find it !

A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Quote from: bikemotorman on Feb 23, 10:07 PM 2018
Hey, guys, I don't know what is wrong but I am seeing too many LLLs with PB for Baccarat I am playing against the final pattern and just seems to be too many times I have seen LLLs maybe I am just unlucky with Baccarat.
Yes, it is live dealer no RNG.

Now it is very good with Craps as I have been testing for weeks and just one instance of an LLL and that is with my craps table and me throwing.....I use a special dice grip and set, I believe we can influence the dice a bit maybe get an extra number before the SEVEN shows up.

I cant at this time take a chance with PB for Baccarat with real money, maybe its just me but I played a few games online and it seems RANDOM seems to find the opposite of the last pattern more often than with the final pattern.

BPP play PBB and I get BPP.

Maybe I should try playing the final pattern.............PPP now play PPP.

What do you guys think?????

Hi Stuart
That was me before I discovered PB
As I mentioned in one of my first posts I followed a similar method betting against a repeating pattern of 7 spins
I could swear my BM casino was rigging the wheel. I would win on small bets but as soon as I had this 100-200 bets down the pattern would repeat. I left that casino many times with my tail between my legs in despair that a supposed clever betting method was getting the better of me
But what I realise is the problem was me not the casino. Betting more than I should have and risking all of my bankroll in one session. I have since learnt to take is slow .
In terms of your luck or lack of it using this method you could try betting with the pattern or try some of these other options being discussed. Find what works for you. But I would recommend tracking some more tables before life betting and see if the trend continues
For me I have experienced the opposite
Also ensure the cards are hand shuffled to avoid any manipulation by machines


Quote from: Andre Chass on Feb 23, 10:48 PM 2018
Hi Ricky,

I'm really enjoying playing Baccarat using my version of Pattern Breaker. I even stopped playing roulette for a while... Lol In Baccarat the cards are already ready for the game inside the box. There is no cheating as happens in roulette. I also realized that the variance is not the same as the roulette. Baccarat is a simple game without zero to hurt, no dealer cheats and no devil wheel ... lol. I'm now 29-1 and I'm happy about it.
I'm also thinking of making my small fortune by the end of the year. Who knows?
What matters in this strategy is discipline and patience. If you have a loss accept it and do not try to recover at once.
I'm not playing the original PB system. I'm using my version as I mentioned earlier and I'm doing very well.
I'm really excited about it!
Let's keep in touch.

It great isn’t it andre. I am going to stick to my plan. If I achieve it I will have a source of capital for my other passion share trading and investing. It will be the ultimate passive income one feeding the other. Profit from gambling getting converted to recurrent dividends and fixed interest. And I get to retire 15 years before I would normally be forced to. This venture for me is a means to an end. Looking forward to spending more time travelling. 2020 is a milestone for me to start that journey
Who wants to join me? :D


Quote from: Ricky on Feb 24, 09:45 AM 2018
It great isn’t it andre. I am going to stick to my plan. If I achieve it I will have a source of capital for my other passion share trading and investing. It will be the ultimate passive income one feeding the other. Profit from gambling getting converted to recurrent dividends and fixed interest. And I get to retire 15 years before I would normally be forced to. This venture for me is a means to an end. Looking forward to spending more time travelling. 2020 is a milestone for me to start that journey
Who wants to join me? :D

A lot, the first one who comes to my mind right now is Luck7Red, he would loves to travel to vegas.
He is gonna sell all his stuff before travelling to vegas and there bet all his money on 7 Red.. he might become a MILLIONAIRE:)

He's kinda suicide guy

A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Quote from: Roulettebeater on Feb 24, 09:52 AM 2018
A lot, the first one who comes to my mind right now is Luck7Red, he would loves to travel to vegas.
He is gonna sell all his stuff before travelling to vegas and there bet all his money on 7 Red.. he might become a MILLIONAIRE:)

He's kinda suicide guy

Hasn’t that been done before :D


Ok, I found out why I was having some problems with losses on PB with Baccarat.

The site I was playing on had a board with PB on it but I looked more closely and found out the board was inaccurate regarding results.
Well I was being a bit lazy and it made me get some LLLs back to back, so now I will write down the results by hand and by my own eyes seeing the results.
I also remember some BM casinos would have results that were wrong on the tote board on purpose as not to give players too much info about the wheel trends.

Just my take guys.

And so the moral of the story never ever take shortcuts especially when you have real money on a real wager.

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The history board on etg machine is always correct. The history board for manual tables is often wrong for roulette tables, baccarat tables mostly correct except the details of pairs and natural 8/9 -
baccarat players tend to inform the dealer of errors.

Andre Chass

Quote from: cht on Feb 22, 11:21 AM 2018
...and I have not lost a daily session yet.  :thumbsup:


You're saying you're not a luckyfella?

So you're contradicting yourself... I'm not understanding your statement.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: Andre Chass on Feb 24, 11:22 AM 2018

You're saying you're not a luckyfella?

So you're contradicting yourself... I'm not understanding your statement.
No contradiction Andre, my partner and I decided to test play revised JL PB on roulette a few days back for signals that come within 21-30spins @ $50 unit based on sentinel's testimony and Tinsoldiers good results,  our result -
LLL (-$350)
W - (+$50)
W - (+$50)
LW - (+$50)
LLL - (-$350) stop play.

We decided to go back to play our pattern variant that we usually play with baccarat @ $250 unit won back the loss but net did not meet daily profit target. Slow tiring grind but win - we're looking for something
more efficient and less tiring. :)


Quote from: Ricky on Feb 23, 08:45 PM 2018

I am on a mission to change my fortune and can now see myself joining many of you in winning $1,000s without giving any large percentage of it back. And that's why I am sticking with PB because I believe with it I will meet my goal. What I have done is set myself a challenge. Get to 100K starting at $1000.  If you have been following my posts I initially was going to use fun money on a bot to play the system continuously and turn 1K to 100K to prove it works. But I came to realize you cannot expose yourself to random continuously and expect not to get struck more often that you would like. Playing sparingly max 10 times per day for higher value units is a quicker, "safer" way to get to the same goal with higher degree of success. So now I am using real money starting at $200 and set myself 10 challenges to get to $100K. I have met my first challenge turning $200 to $500. Now I have nine more challenges to go. I want to achieve this in the next 6-12 months. Even if I can complete 3-4 of these challenges I will be extremely happy. But would it be a story to claim that you can make $100K from $200 with disciplined play and patience using the best method I have ever come across in PATTERN BREAKER. This would seal my retirement for full time employment and prove anyone can achieve this rather than allowing the casinos to make billions of the impatience and lack of discipline from swarm  of gamblers. $20 here $100 there people don't see it but the casinos do in their bottom line profits.


Hey Ricky, awesome goals I hope you reach them!

Just interested in your MM turning your 200 to 500 were you playing 5 dollar bets and using 1-2-4 prog from the start?

Andre Chass

Quote from: cht on Feb 24, 12:48 PM 2018
No contradiction Andre, my partner and I decided to test play revised JL PB on roulette a few days back for signals that come within 21-30spins @ $50 unit based on sentinel's testimony and Tinsoldiers good results,  our result -
LLL (-$350)
W - (+$50)
W - (+$50)
LW - (+$50)
LLL - (-$350) stop play.

We decided to go back to play our pattern variant that we usually play with baccarat @ $250 unit won back the loss but net did not meet daily profit target. Slow tiring grind but win - we're looking for something
more efficient and less tiring. :)

Well, you're talking about using the original PB playing roulette.

I don't use the original PB and I dont play roulette.

I play baccarat using my version of pattern breaker
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

Andre Chass

Quote from: Ricky on Feb 24, 09:45 AM 2018
It great isn’t it andre. I am going to stick to my plan. If I achieve it I will have a source of capital for my other passion share trading and investing. It will be the ultimate passive income one feeding the other. Profit from gambling getting converted to recurrent dividends and fixed interest. And I get to retire 15 years before I would normally be forced to. This venture for me is a means to an end. Looking forward to spending more time travelling. 2020 is a milestone for me to start that journey
Who wants to join me? :D

Hi Ricky

I want to join you...lol

That's great! I'm now 50--1 playing only baccarat using my pattern breaker version.

21wins today with no loss

I'm using now a different progression
1, 1, 3 and doin great

And I'm not playing hit and run. I stop playing only when I'm tired or satisfied.

Man, I'm staring to believe that I can make my little fortune...lol
My start betting is $30 a unit

Nothing ventured, nothing gained...
