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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 08, 05:46 PM 2011

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Quote from: keepontryin on Mar 06, 03:14 PM 2018
the longer the wait to win..............the longer it takes to bust......but bust it will

Yep, just like your genius messiah's repeaters system.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Ok RG I found this video it looks like it does 5 rolls in three and one-half minutes.

I am with you on this one it also looks like the minimum wager is 5 dollars on the DP or PASS lines this may be just the ticket to make a profit with pattern breaker and my version SLEDGEHAMMER with the streaks system.


Here is another video with 21 minutes of play it rolls the dice pretty quick.


It may be worth a 4 hour drive if I could profit four to five hundred for the day.

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Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Mar 06, 05:56 PM 2018

Yep, just like your genius messiah's repeaters system.

Doc did you get my PM about the darkside stuff????

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Quote from: bikemotorman on Mar 06, 05:58 PM 2018
Doc did you get my PM about the darkside stuff????


Yes, I just saw it. Let me digest it and I will get back to you.   :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.

Andre Chass

I think Pattern Breaker is a percentage game. If you get 5 percent per day of your total bankroll that's is great
This strategy and its variations are better than the stock exchange.
Many stockbrokers work hard to get that percentage. A friend mine is happy when he gets 1 percent a day on stock exchange.

Does anyone agree?
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


are you saying banks should invest in roulette play...........now that sounds a bit silly.......dont you think


Quote from: footy73 on Mar 05, 11:21 PM 2018
@ Andre and others who play the same way.....

I just had


in very last shoe I played. So I had a loss on first 2 bets (1 & 2) and decided not to chase straight after and then when second pair formed I had a win on first bet. (2 units bet) . So - 1 unit which was recovered with a win in next few minutes.

What I love about this way of playing and PB is the fact that you can not lose your bankroll
Hi footy3,
I totally agree and am now playing this way. I have had 1 or two losses not going to the third step which would have produced a win but the way I see it we are risking 3 times our original stake for a 50/50 chance of winning 1 unit. Better to lose 3 units and recover in the next 3 or 4 games. if you get most wins in step 1 or 2 then it makes up for the loss without the stress to recover 7 units. And you definitely protect your bankroll. This style of play risk 3 units with 1-2 instead of 7 with 1-2-4 really suits low bankroll requirements. But as per Sentinel's post on staking levels you can really play with your base units to increase your bets in a winning streak and decrease on a losing streak. This betting style is recommended by most professional gamblers who do not adhere to the negative progression approach. So this is really a compromise between a positive progression and negative progression with a system that looks for triggers. So there is an element of trying to beat Mr Random and managing your bankroll. This IMO is the winning approach together with DISCIPLINE and PATIENCE


Andre Chass

Quote from: keepontryin on Mar 06, 10:37 PM 2018
are you saying banks should invest in roulette play...........now that sounds a bit silly.......dont you think


Hey man, you got it wrong. I mean it's more profitable to us play pattern breaker than to invest in the exchange market.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: footy73 on Mar 06, 04:43 AM 2018It just proves that your MM is lil beauty , for sure :) . I survived that little hiccup easily
And Stress Free. Playing 1-2-4 and then trying to recover with 2-4-8 on the next set of three would have put you in a 21 unit hole with two losses in a row. If each unit was $25 that  $525 OUCH
Instead you would have been down 1-2 + 2-4 if you tried to immediately recover which is only 9 units or $225 at $25 base units. So as long as you do not keep losing in next 9 games then you can make up for the loss rather than having to win the next 21 games.

Definitely less stressful playing 1-2. I am now playing  this way with good results. Only betting 4 euro base bets at the moment so my losses are more manageable



Quote from: bikemotorman on Mar 06, 08:41 AM 2018
Well had a guy try  to sell me a baccarat system yesterday for 1000 dollars, anybody heard of Jay Silva BACCARAT TKO he is based out of Columbia, but no I would never pay that kind of money for a system its against my Christian Faith,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,thou shalt not get ripped off LOL.

But he has a video on youtube that did give me a few ideas, follow the trend, one before last result play opposite etc.


Hi Stuart, I posted a link to his video in this thread. Yes, he is trying to profit from selling his Baccarat TKO system. I have watched his videos and he has good ideas. What I like from his approach is his FORMULA for betting. that's the video I posted here which I encourage everyone to watch. Look I know he is trying to make money from selling ideas but I say if there is a demand out there for teaching people good on him. I would not pay that amount of money. But I do not think he is ripping anyone off. He is just doing what we are all sharing here for free. Ideas on how to beat the game. I am amazed at how many people do not have a clue about gambling an yet go to the casino and freely give their hard earned cash to these mulitbillion dollar institutions because they have no idea how to play the game or use their brains to bet smart. So for someone to sell their ideas to help people I do not see a problem with that. What I do see a problem is when people try to sell a system they claim will never lose and is the holy grail. And all it is is some martingale system where your risking thousands playing this "infallable" system.

For those who are interested in learning about the FORMULA which is a negative progression system based on D'Alembert and a positive progression system called the "LADDER" check out my post link:s://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=4655.msg191693#msg191693

PS. As I mentioned previously and as others are posting, as well as having a good system in PB what we really need to have a grasp on is maximizing our wins with good MM approach and minimizing our losses with smart progressions. I think the 1-2 progression could be the answer to using PB for the negative progression component. The FORMULA idea could be the answer to the positive progression component where you up your bets when you get on a winning streak. As soon as you have one loss after climbing the ladder, you then get off and start at the base bet again. The way Jay does it is not exactly the formula we can use with PB but I think the idea is there which we can build on in this forum.



Quote from: bikemotorman on Mar 06, 05:56 PM 2018
Ok RG I found this video it looks like it does 5 rolls in three and one-half minutes.

I am with you on this one it also looks like the minimum wager is 5 dollars on the DP or PASS lines this may be just the ticket to make a profit with pattern breaker and my version SLEDGEHAMMER with the streaks system.


Here is another video with 21 minutes of play it rolls the dice pretty quick.


It may be worth a 4 hour drive if I could profit four to five hundred for the day.

Hi Stuart,
This machine is the same one used at my local BM casino for SicBo. Although, it has three dice. I too have played PB on this machine for SicBo and won. But be careful. Although this may look like a random dice roll, I notice the shakes and bumps to get the dice to roll seem a little orchestrated to me. Almost as if it can control the outcome. Take a look at the min/max bets and ask the question why are they so high compared to the table limits on the real tables. I don't think the casinos are going to let gamblers bet big and get away with using smart systems without some sort of protection. Otherwise everyone would abandon the real tables and just play big on these machines.
So only play when others are putting on bets to disguise your play. If your the only one at the table bet cautiously. But let us all know how you go. When I get back from my trip overseas I will resume playing PB on SicBo on this bubble machine and report my results too.



Quote from: Andre Chass on Mar 06, 09:50 PM 2018
I think Pattern Breaker is a percentage game. If you get 5 percent per day of your total bankroll that's is great
This strategy and its variations are better than the stock exchange.
Many stockbrokers work hard to get that percentage. A friend mine is happy when he gets 1 percent a day on stock exchange.

Does anyone agree?

thats my plan. I do not intend to spend my profit from PB system. It will feed my investments in the stockmarket. This is the only way to get ahead without actively working for a living. The ultimate passive income.



In continuing our discussion on the right progression and MM to play I have an idea that I would like feedback on to see if its viable. Without actually modelling it, my gut feeling is that it may work. I will try an code a model later. But the idea is:

We have a variable progression steps betting PATTERN BREAKER method between 1 and 3 steps. ie
We bet with one base bet until we have 3 units in profit or until some loss limit and start over.
For simplicity, lets say we are on a 1st step winning streak as follows
W +1
W +2
W +3
We we now have 3 units profit for risk of 1 unit (our original bet)
We then increase our progression to 1-2 risking our winnings (sort of a parlay but with profit not our original capital)
Best/Worst case we win the next 7 bets in 2 steps without a loss of both bets (best case)
LW  +4
LW  +5
LW  +6
LW  +7
LW  +8
LW  +9
LW +10
We do this until we have 10 units profit

We then go to 3 steps 1-2-4 (risking 7 units of profit) until we have a loss.

At this point we can start again or come up with a recovery or some other process to set our stakes. Let me know if this is a reasonable approach to start thinking about. What are the pitfalls you see apart from the obvious of having long losing streaks? Could this work with PB to capture the relatively long winning streaks on 1st and 2nd steps and minimize losses? If so how would we structure it?



I am loving what I see here....regardless of level of success of systems we work on, believers and naysayers....one thing I see and am happy about is that there is a team work and people with experiences and ideas , who are happy to share and are not selfish .   
Some people agree , some people disagree , but I personally am hungry for experience and knowledge and read with interest every post from people like Sentinel, Dr Sudoku, Andre, Ricky, CHT and few others . So well done guys, perhaps this is the point of us having a chance to use this forum (Thanks Steve) .

@Andre and Ricky ....I see you guys are having similar plan for next 12 months or so...it is like business plan. I started doing that 2 years ago and payed someone to make me excel sheet for 12 months (Each month separately) . There is an option to enter your bankroll balance on daily basis and on the top there is an option for you to put 3 different daily target  goals (2.5 %, 5 % and 10% ) and it also gives you the sum you have to reach that day and expected sum for the end of the month . It just speeds up calculations for you and it gives you nice overview of your results and goals. It was nice watching my balance going from 25 units on 1st of January , to 495 units on 31st.

So if any of you guys are interested in having it I am happy to  share with you . Just message me and let me know . I am not sure if I can attach it in message but do let me know if that is available option :)

@Ricky......as you know I am a fan of your work and am keen to see how you go with 1,2. Sentinel is starting to use it and Dr Sudoku is already successful with it, so there is something that is working :)

@Andre....I see you went level up with your base bet which is telling me you are still doing well. Bloody good job.  Yes 4 patterns in the row happen very rarely and I saw it only twice in last 3 months of playing. Strange thing is that both times that happened was very same pattern. Another thing you would like is...yesterday I got bit bored and after finishing baccarat sessions I decided to play PB on roulette and while waiting for that I've played your way and guess what.....7 wins , 3 bet opportunities on all 3 EC's at the same time as well :) .


Quote from: Andre Chass on Mar 06, 11:29 PM 2018

Hey man, you got it wrong. I mean it's more profitable to us play pattern breaker than to invest in the exchange market.

He not only got it wrong -- but he got it wrong INTENTIONALLY.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.
