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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 14, 03:48 PM 2011

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granted xxvv my posts are not that in depth but i'll post my results as a contribution live wheel paddypower 3-5 games a day.

I've never seen 3 losses in a row, i've witnessed double loss but not been caught by one as yet.

my results so far since recording
63 wins - 4 losses down to 15-1 ratio ( better than the swindon town odds to win a game) division 3 here we go

so if i hit a double loss i've lost 28pts +  12pts (cause i only made up half recover on the three losses) so 63 points won 40 points lost so +22

is that correct anyone ? thats using fender progression above


Quote from: Gordonline on May 22, 05:40 PM 2011
"Next year I'm going to cause a stir in Europe. After winning several thousand, I will purposely settle on one prominent casino and outplay my welcome. I will play until they are forced to ask me to leave and ill make such a noise when they do it will make the press. They wont know how I'm beating them only that I am. Then things will begin to snowball, and even the most sceptical and fickle minds will start to come around"

Hi John

I know I have only been a member of this great forum for a few months and have a lot to learn but in my eyes "the glass is always half full"

I'd love to join you in Europe and bear witness to the Casino having to eat humble pie  ;D

Keep us posted on your planned trip, and by the way P4 is awesome  :thumbsup:

It is, I will. Id like to invite up to three of you who can make it all expenses paid a year today. That way you not only will see me in action youll be part of it. And youll be able to come back on this forum and tell all Jl is for real. And more importantly the methods are for real. Im not talking mickey mouse money here. Im aiming to systemactically take 200,000 euros from the casino I settle on in a week. Theyll know within a few days ive got their number. Then theyll go about trying to get me out of there. But the sweet part is they cannot expel me for any kind of cheating. I will make a scene of it and it will go to press. Ive been building up to this a long time.


I am playing pattern 4 just on the high /  low , should i play all 3 even chances at the same time or not john...
You cant always loose , but when you do loose you will win it all back.


Quote from: Kingspin on May 23, 12:09 AM 2011
I am playing pattern 4 just on the high /  low , should I play all 3 even chances at the same time or not john...
Tell you what Kingspin I'm currently playing HIGH AND LOW and ODD AND EVEN. And the results are very similar. I don't have the same faith in red and black.

I currently have some impressive results accumulating. For HIGH AND LOW I have a winning streak of 18 games in a row overall and 31 in a row for the first game of the day.

For ODD AND EVEN I have a winning streak of 12 currently and 14 for the first game of the day. So I recommend those two even shots for the P4 method Kingspin. by the way I'm not playing them at the same time I will play one game for HIGH LOW then one for ODD EVEN for a total of 10 games a day.


"Tell you what Kingspin I'm currently playing HIGH AND LOW and ODD AND EVEN. And the results are very similar. I don't have the same faith in red and black."

Why on earth would Red/Black be any different? They're all EC!

And how does faith fit into the whole thing?

[If I don't ask someone else is bound to!  ;) ]


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 22, 01:57 PM 2011
warrior go ahead, youve got me curious too with your CODE.
While playing P4 the last 12 trips at BM,were very good while waiting for the 20 spins to take its coarse, I was paying attention to the gaps, what I mean by that is what happens at a 10 spin interval betting the pattern wont repeat,then 9 spins and so on ,very good results ,so I began to play in this fashion.the gaps were as follows
we always begin with P4 on a win we let one spin pass this will be our next number to track For the next10 spins and you do this for the next 54 spins  a total of 9 bets will be placed .
now for the code, you starT P4 we win, next let 1 spin go by we wait for 10 spins lets say its 5 12 36 3 25 13 12 35 23 10 ,we bet against the 5 12 36 ok.i will write down the numbers that I use,   
3 HERE WE STOP we bet we win, immediatly we look at 9 spins back and start to bet at P4 AGAIN. progression same as John LEVEL1- 1 2 4
                                                       LEVEL 2 - 3 6 12
a-7 will come when your betting like this because your betting 9 times in 54 spins verses every 20 spins that's normal, 2 in row is rare have not seen yet played real 11 games results were really nice this is still new have no clue as far as many spin trial as playing was done in real mode in BM.everyone s   thoughts are welcome WARRIOR.

one more thing,if you lose to a -7 let 1 spin go by a continue to the the next number and wait for your next betting oppurtunity ,if you incounter a any 0 is ingnored ,when your on the attack its considered a loss.



Quote from: esoito on May 23, 09:25 AM 2011
"Tell you what Kingspin I'm currently playing HIGH AND LOW and ODD AND EVEN. And the results are very similar. I don't have the same faith in red and black."

Why on earth would Red/Black be any different? They're all EC!

And how does faith fit into the whole thing?

[If I don't ask someone else is bound to!  ;) ]
Its not that simple Esoito, when most people think of an even chance. what's the first thing that comes to mind? RED AND BLACK of course. And still this game remains unbeatable in the maintstream concious.

Going by the results I have The Pattern breaker concept was born on HIGH and LOW and shall remain there.

Faith belief confidence all the same thing to me Esoito, not to be taken in a biblical context. Although I already know we have some HOLY GRAILS in our midst.

Its a given to me already that played HIT AND RUN PATTERN 4 will take any live wheel anywhere on the planet. Can one man start something that snowballs into a phenomenon and draws mainstream attention. Ill find out in 300 days. PATTERN 4, DIVIDE AND CONQUER AND MATRIX VERTICAL 5 are going to leave an impression on some of the most high profile casinos on the planet over the next 3 years.

What happens in Europe will be phase 1.


Damn Ive missed this Thread  :xd:

John talk to me about Phase 1 !!!
Its Set In Stone =)


Quote from: Twisteruk on May 23, 11:17 AM 2011
Darn I've missed this Thread  :xd:

John talk to me about Phase 1 !!!
Good to see you on here Paul, I will Pm you later just going to get some food.


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 23, 12:18 PM 2011
Good to see you on here Paul, I will Pm you later just going to get some food.

OK mate  ;D

Ive missed so much of this Thread lol

Have you dropped any other bombs !?!?
Its Set In Stone =)


These are my sessons BM.LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 2 PROGRESSION
P4 10  9  8  7  6  5   4  3
+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 that's 54 spins session1

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 session2

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 session3

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 -7 +1 session 4 did not progress here was happy with 1 unit

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 ended my session got hungry.session 5

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 day 6

+1 +2 +3 +4 -7 +0 +1 +2 +3 day7

+1 -7-3 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 day8

+1 +2 +3 +4 -7 +0 -7 -4 -7 day 9 not so good

+1 +2 +3 +4 -7 +0 +1 +2 -5 day10

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 day 11

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +1 lost on my last 3  bets still 1 unit profit.day 12

   +1 +2 +3 -4 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 day 10 there you have some of my session, when I do another 12 day trip i will post more of my session.W


Hi Warrior;

Thank You for the explanation.  It is really appreciated.

It is an interesting idea for sure.  Will have to try it out.

Thanks again. . . . . . . .



Hi everyone! Thank you so much for the excellent Johnlegend sistems and of course the creators of this forum.  Guys, I have access only to the 0 / 00 roulette, I wanted to ask is working pattern 4 with 00 roulette? Thanks.


You can but be very careful not to stay on the table too long.  I played the other night on a 0/00 wheel.   the zero's hit 6 times in 33 spins.   you have to keep starting over  or you lose when that happens  very frustrating. 


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