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Started by amk, Jun 08, 03:15 PM 2011

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No , It's one game every 37 spins , in total around 27.000 games were played


Please find after the numbers i took myself yesterday night on a real french roulette table in Enghien, near Paris France. I stood for 4 hours. I can guarantee they are 100 % exact. (even there was no zero !)
Why not using them to make all the demo you need ? Like this, every contributor will have the same basis to prove the quality of his research.
Anyway, congrats for all your hardwork.




Thanks for that hard work.  I assure you--when the system is posted---I will use your numbers.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


congratulation intrinseco for your hard work

hello from monte carlo (south of france )
And the show must goes on


I would like to thank him but I still need admin permission for posting...

the graph of intrinseco are great BUT as I see they are not applicable. who would play once in 37 spins!? I dnt know why he didnt make a graph for continuous play.


Hello  Bayes,

With all due respect we should give JohnLegend credit for his great playing and sharing of his results. I know you don't like hit and run philosophy but it clearly has been working for JL, I certainly wouldn't mind having 6400 units. If I would ever drop down to 3500 I would stop playing CODE 4 but that would be fine by my to :)


Quote from: Bayes on May 19, 10:58 AM 2012
Funny how intrinseco doesn't get any thanks for HIS hard work.  ;D

Not having a go at you Sam, it's just that no-one likes a "negative" message, especially when it happens to be true!

I expect JL will be along soon to dismiss intrinseco's coding efforts as somehow invalid.  ::)

I wish he would tell us what the missing ingredient is in his infallible systems, because to date no-one has been able to replicate his results...  :'(
Bayes I have been telling you until I am blue in the face. No ones listening that's the problem. So someone codes CODE 4 and it delivers negative results. We are going over old ground here. He played a game every 37 spins. He may as well have played continously. Because that is too rigid. The whole point about Hit and run is to enter the cycle RANDOMLY. So as to not allow randoms ebbs and flow to fully affect your outcomes.

I told you and others time and time again. If you want similar results to me YOU PLAY EXACTLY LIKE ME. There is no other way. Until that's digested and carried out to the letter don't come on here whinging Its all lies because JL achieves this and that. And no one else does. I have yet to hear of anyone sticking to the plan PROPERLY. Therein lies the problem.

Don't bastardize my play style then expect stellar results. Hit and Run works today, tomorrow for alltime. IF, you are true to it as I play it. We have long known that static testing fails all methods. But it doesn't mean the method isnt profitable when applied in a certain way. I am not the only one on here who has achieved success either keep that in mind. But I have attained great CONSISTENCY. Simply because I do not stray from the path.


Quote from: Bayes on May 19, 11:46 AM 2012
Isn't 1 million spins enough?  :-\

I like JL's enthusiasm too, but the truth is more important, in my opinion.
The truth is more important. So you think I make these figures up??? If I were making this all up wouldnt I make it sound a lot better? Knowing what the average Joe expects to be impressed with a method. Why don't I just say CODE 4 gives me a strikerate of 1,000/1 or Pattern breaker 30/1? Hell if I am this pied piper leading newbies to financial doom as you insist. Why not make all the methods I play sound so incredible and life changing that they cannot resist and pawn their grandmothers earrings to get the bankroll to play them.

I am telling it as it happens. I don't have to make anything up Bayes. If something doesn't pan out. doesn't hold up I will be the FIRST to tell you. I have played three methods consistently in recent times but tried many others. I only hold on to and endorse those that deliver. I am not precious, remember aside from Pattern Breaker none of these methods were originated by me. I have nothing to gain from pushing other peoples methods, has that ever crossed your mind???

The new twist on CODE 4 is not mine. But I knew as soon as I saw it. ITS GOING TO WORK. And boy is it working. I am finalizing the ground rules and will give full credit to Wolfat and Atlantis for their hard work and astute observations in getting me there. But I will repeat this as I surely have to. PLAY EXACTLY AS I PLAY. And then see if you don't turn a profit. Until then you have no business calling me on anything. Static testing never works. It only satisfies maths heads who need explantations for everything. But random doesn't care about maths. It swings and roundabouts regardless of all the simulations and coding. You will always fail a method with it. But the method if its any good will turn a profit played Hit and Run in a disciplined manner.

So now I'm in the process of laying down guidelines for a method that is looking to have a return somewhere in the region of 10 times the risk on the table. No doubt somebody will code it and it won't work then they will say Jls at it again.


Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 19, 04:55 PM 2012
I'll make you good ol' boys an offer.  And it won't cost..............

If Dr. John will post this method, I will test it a Dublin with fun money--which is all I can do, being Red, White and Blue!  I'll make movies and post them on YouTube.  I'll do a thousand spins--will keep me out of trouble--100 at a time.

I know-----I really do-----that 1,000 spins is like a mosquito fart in an F-5 tornado, but that will have to do. 

If 100 spins per trot does not fit the rules, I will follow the rules instead.
Ding Dong!!  Am I a nice guy or what??


(Ow!  Ow!  My arm!!)

The method comes to town Monday night. don't worry about 100 spins or 1 million. Just worry about playing it exactly as I tell you. And overtime you won't need proof of anything no one will. Your bankroll will tell you I am not bulshitting. Tonight someone PMed me and told me of their success playing the three methods I play. I told them  to come on here and tell you guys. because I've had a few people over the months PMing me but not letting you guys know anything. So then the likes of Bayes, Garnbabby, Superman and Robeenhuut. Think I am the only player who shows positive numbers with any of the methods I play. Which simply isnt the case.

I know of three players on here who have been successful and many more in my life. They simply are not spreading the word. So I appear to be the only person having success with OTHER PEOPLES METHODS. What a world we live in, what a world...


Quote from: StackBundles on May 19, 05:42 PM 2012
i don't understand why there has to be a big write up about this method its betting the same instead of opposite why would it take till monday to write it?
Stacks its not the same at all. And with how easily people on these boards get confused I have to write it and deliver it in a precise and easily digestable package. Please be patient. I assure you its worth the wait. Its turnover in relation to risk is very special.


Well, it should be clear to all who have been paying attention........


Hi everyone, I have been a silent observer on this forum for a while and wanted to add some comments based on my results  I pm'd Johnlegend to thank him for sharing his methods and ideas with us.  I am from the USA and have played Code 4, Pattern Breaker and Divde & Conquer and have increased my bankroll up to $2655 over the past couple of months.  I play exactly as Johnlegend plays and it has worked extremely well.  I can only play at B&M Casino and ofcourse have the 2 green goblins to contend with but the results are solid and oh, plus my min table bets are $5 so my progressions can increase quickly but I have never lost confidence in any of these systems as they are all rock solid.  For all of those out there who doubt the methods... I would encourage you to try and stick to his playing rules as tight as possible and I would say that discipline is #1, atleast for me.  For me, it is all about the disclpline and the rules of the game ... I never look at the games results anymore in days, but ralther weeks and months now.   I know this much, it is enjoyable to watch randomness chase itself aroud in any of these methods as oppose to me chasing it.  To simply ask randomness to duplicate what it did or did not do at that very pricise moment in time when you begin to play....most of the time it simply can't duplicate it .... and when it does, I am thrilled, because I say to Mr. Randomness .... nice round, now show me that you can do it again. Hit, Run and Rondomness its the perfect winner.  I want to openly thank Johnlegend, AMK, Twister and if I forgot anyone, I will circle back and thank them again in another post for sharing their thoughts and ideas with the rest of us.  I get that its not for everybody, especially the math guys, but for those of you that are open minded enough to explore the possibilities, these methods work.  I will post my results for you to see tomorrow sometime as I have tracked them from the beginning.   I can't wait to see what JL has to offer on Reverse Code 4 Attack.


Hi guys,
As i am 62 and played roulette almost everyday since 40 years, i would like to say that those who are not interested in JohnLegend work stay away and work on their own strategies.
I have an incredible collection of systems and methods from the 19th and 20 th century. For instant i haven't see such an interesting approach as the JL one's.
I like and share his optimism. I will quietly wait his new development...
Best of luck for those playing today (in real casinos !)


Quote from: thepilot on May 20, 03:42 AM 2012
Hi guys,
As i am 62 and played roulette almost everyday since 40 years, i would like to say that those who are not interested in JohnLegend work stay away and work on their own strategies.
I have an incredible collection of systems and methods from the 19th and 20 the century. For instant i haven't see such an interesting approach as the JL one's.
I like and share his optimism. I will quietly wait his new development...
Best of luck for those playing today (in real casinos !)
Thankyou for your kind words Pilot. I must be the baby here I am 47.


Quote from: vundarosa on May 20, 08:50 AM 2012


Robeen, I think what JL is proposing is betting the first step of the code4 only for 6 consecutive lines maximum and 28u risk (1,2,3,5,7,10). So the formation is  DCDC (dozen Column)


You'd be betting the each underlined D to match the previous underlined D of the same colour in 6 attempts. At each win you'd restart from 1u. You'd Hit for 2u profit and run to come back later and attempt another 2u profit

I've looked at some past C4 sections...i cannot share JLs enthusiasm. He must have some other trick up his sleeve.

No thats not it Vundarosa. You will get it tomorrow the thing is you wont always be hitting for 2 units steps 2 to 5 of the progression deliver 3,3,4,3 units return on a win. Therein lies the gift of this new twist. Recovery is so much faster than the normal CODE 4 which takes 80 wins to recover a bank. This will average 10 wins to recover a bank. That alone makes this version an attractive proposition to all but the negatives.
