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Started by Johnlegend, Aug 20, 10:45 AM 2011

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Quote from: donik7777 on Sep 02, 01:31 PM 2011
Hello guys!
You see all this randomness, it is impossible to beat them, but if you see the difference between every steps. It would be nice if Johnlegend could give us the results without Hit and Run.
Donik. I only play HIT AND RUN for one reason. IT WORKS!!!! If it didn't I would just sit there all day like a fool and get wiped out. I play 4 games for both the Dozens and Columns Simultaneously. The breakdown is usualy 3/1 to either Dozens or columns. Very seldom is it 2/2 or 4/0. But I enter the cycle at random. Today I played my 5 sessions inside an 8 hour time frame. And the result was 20 winning games. One pushing me to step 4 of the progression. I am in free fall now. If I even lose 4 times it will still leave me with 240 units profit. Once you have turned your progression over 6 times you really should have gone clear.

Anyone reporting 3 losses inside 100 spins. Is playing something that is simply not right. Its not going to happen. I am telling you straight. Its hard enough for random to produce that pattern at all. But three times in 100 spins forget it. I have thousands upon thousands of recorded spins. And I cannot find a single stealth. There are slides all over the place but REVERSE SLIDES NOPE.


 I only played HIT AND RUN for one reason. IT WORKS!!!!

I could never believe that a person of your level of roulette knowledje could ever make a statement like that !

Anyone reporting 3 losses inside 100 spins. Is playing something that is simply not right. Its not going to happen. I am telling you straight. Its hard enough for random to produce that pattern at all. But three times in 100 spins forget it. I have thousands upon thousands of recorded spins. And I cannot find a single stealth. There are slides all over the place but REVERSE SLIDES NOPE.

And this is a BIG contradiction according to your above statement:

What we need is new thinking...


QuoteHIT AND RUN for one reason. IT WORKS!!!!

Again, I beg to differ. Since all the last session of disagreements, I have done a lot of hit n run, on playtech, BV AND slowely on dublinbet table 1 and 2

They ALL form the saqme pattern of WLWWWLLWLWWLLW for example.

And today I was sent a mthod that requires the game to be opened, hit 1 win, close window, re open window, track again until 1 win, rinse and repeat, that person will probably read this, I have tested this sort of attack extensivly since when ChrisB asked me to open close etc, it forms the same sort of LW you would expect to see.

You are just plain lucky, although, I don't really see too many posting how good they are doing, except yourself of course, there's more posts reporting a loss, pure luck.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


You are just plain lucky, although, I don't really see too many posting how good they are doing, except yourself of course, there's more posts reporting a loss, pure luck.

Exactly. Superman you couldn t say it better.

Only a roulette newbie that has NEVER seen a Roulette long long balance graph and doesn't know basic maths can think that the hit and run can make a deference than playing continiously.....
What we need is new thinking...


Quote from: RouletteExplorer on Sep 02, 02:55 PM 2011
You are just plain lucky, although, I don't really see too many posting how good they are doing, except yourself of course, there's more posts reporting a loss, pure luck.

Exactly. Superman you couldn t say it better.

Only a roulette newbie that has NEVER seen a Roulette long long balance graph and doesn't know basic maths can think that the hit and run can make a deference than playing continiously.....

It makes a difference or I wouldnt use it, plain and simple. I firmly believe that Americans playing on dodgy offshore sites and of course BV no zero. Which could be translated to BV no chance. Because anyone with any real intelligence should know. That no one is going to remove the house edge if they don't already know THEY WILL STILL WIN. To use American terminology GO FIGURE? That should be the first question you asked yourself upon finding an RNG with NO ZERO.

And its a shame you cannot play a reliable source such as I and others in the UK can/do. You would see a difference I am certain. As I said earlier. I stand by my belief that seeing three reverse slides inside 100 spins ON A TRUSTWORTHY WHEEL. Is simply not going to happen. Number 1 because you barely get six slides in a 100 spins to begin with. And THEN for them to ALL be reverses. Forget it. I haven't a single reverse recorded. Let alone three in a short span.

When I see one I will be reporting it. This is why I know somethings not right here. This is not like PATTERN BREAKER. Where you could get two or three losses close together. this thing has paper odds of 80/1. And then when you play it HIT AND RUN. You put the odds vastly in your favour. The only way you will be finding that many losses that don't even come close to the paper odds is if you are playing suspect casinos and RNGS. BV no zero and the rest.


Quote from: pratikpop on Sep 02, 04:30 PM 2011
you are absolutely correct john....i used to play a lot on BV and won too..but after i made my first withdrawl i am losing 9/10 times..play whatever method..code4,reverse slide or pb....first they let u win and then they destroy u...so am planning to shigt to paddy power..what are your views?
Its a good move pratikop. It never ceases to amaze me that people like Superman don't know any better when it comes to RNGS. I don't just assume what I write on these threads, I know first hand. Theyre rigged to make three times what they payout. So if you are in the cycle when its call collect time. You will see things occur to beat you that won't happen ON A TRUSTWORTHY LIVE WHEEL in a billion years. I am telling you.

You are basically playing a slot machine formulated into roulette software. THE DRAW?? The human beings inherent LACK OF PATIENCE. Hey look this RNG SURE SPINS FAST. Yup all the quicker to take you to brokeback mountain. And then these same people will try and tell me three reverse slides in 100 spins is par the course. The mind boggles  :'(


had a bust out slide went for 11 was on airball was on the columns  and believe me all machines are trustworthy here even the video roulette not that i played it on that

So that is two busts in bout 400 spins net loss bout 120 units


Quote from: stormyace on Sep 02, 04:46 PM 2011
had a bust out slide went for 11 was on airball was on the columns  and believe me all machines are trustworthy here even the video roulette not that i played it on that

So that is two busts in bout 400 spins net loss bout 120 units
Why are you playing 400 spins? My sessions rarely make it to 80. All machines ARE NOT TRUSTWORTHY believe that. BV NO ZERO is definately NOT TRUSTWORTHY. And if you think it is, you are going to be losing all the time. I'm not too keen on Airball either. Theyre better than RNGS. But still too mechanical. I will only play them VERY SHORT TERM. You need to reset your play method.


Quote from: pratikpop on Sep 02, 05:00 PM 2011
thanks for making me more secure john i was planning to shift on paddypower airball..now i will play live...
The airball is temptation itself pratikpop. They allow you to play 10p bets but what's the catch? The feed is dodgy, your bets often get cancelled at crucial times IF THEY KNOW YOUVE GOT THEM BEAT. Take it from me I know. The live feed is £1 minunum but, its far more reliable and my 16 years of experience in land casinos tells me theres no difference. And my results show this to be so as well. I will get almost identicle results for a fast paced methd like Scoobies Divide and conquer in a land casino and on PADDY POWER/BETFREDS. On BV no ZERO you won't even get 4/1 RETURN on an 8/1 EXPECTANCY. If anyone doesn't have the common sense to realize that's plain rigged. They had better have very deep pockets. Because losing is more than certain.

And Again when I think of gambling stateside I think of the odds severely in the houses favour. Double zero roulette indeed. No betting online freedom. They simply don't want anyone making a living gambling overthere and dodging the taxman. Unless you can become a card counter or great bluffer round the poker table forget it.


Quote from: pratikpop on Sep 02, 05:00 PM 2011
thanks for making me more secure john i was planning to shift on paddypower airball..now i will play live...3 reverse slide in 100 spins...i have seen 2 but it was on darn rng...
<they don't track your system they track your bets>mark my words...
Oh I know, and imagine the poor fool who bets 100s of pounds on an RNG. They end up on this forum with their doom and gloom stories. Because somewhere in their warped mind they forgot to remember they were never going to win in the first place. And as I write this post millions of mugs around the globe at this very minute are throwing their money down the drain because they chose speed and greed over intelligent common sense.


Quote from: pratikpop on Sep 02, 05:19 PM 2011
yupz and You have made thousand times clear..that all yors method should be played live...no rngs...still i don't know y people blame u when the lose on rngs.., i am one of them fool
that's the bottom line. Random is hard enough to beat wthout having to deal with manmade scams on top of it. If your method is good, your money management solid and your self discipline focused. You will be a winner. If any of those essential elements are missing, forget it and take up ping pong.


Hi Johnlegend

Very rare I post under someone topic. But when I see something great I do which is very rare to see the truth on forums.

You posted this
Oh I know, and imagine the poor fool who bets 100s of pounds on an RNG. They end up on this forum with their doom and gloom stories. Because somewhere in their warped mind they forgot to remember they were never going to win in the first place. And as I write this post millions of mugs around the globe at this very minute are throwing their money down the drain because they chose speed and greed over intelligent common sense.

You are right Greed Kills Also people are always taking money under the table to get things fixed for the house to win. Everyone here at least 99% would take money under the table.

Nice post John. I never read anything about you but that post is so true.

The Hotspot winwithmath

The Hotspot


Quote from: pratikpop on Sep 02, 05:35 PM 2011
paddys airball is good for 10p bets...a guy having 100 euros like me can play it easily..with 1 euro min u atleast need 1000 br..in my method
A good method shouldnt take 1000 units. For that risk I will never lose pratikop, I could turn several methods into Grails for 1000 units. But that wasn't the objective coming to this forum. I have been beating this game for many years and will do so till my dying day. My objective is to put winning in the grasp of those new to the game with small bankrolls. To do this you need inexpensive methods with solid results.

I finance methods like CODE 4 and the REVERSE SLIDE to the max because I can afford to do so. The average Joe hasn't got 80 units to risk on a game. Or 160 as I play. But they can still play the last three steps for a 26 unit risk. And if played properly with still profit. What the biggest battle is with most people, is THEIR OWN MINDS. Old habits die hard. And good ones are even harder to cement.

The age old mistake made by players is thinking this is easy money its gambling afterall. I have never approached the game like that since I learnt I had to change my thinking to succeed. I have treated this game as if it were my job, my livelyhood. And that's exactly what it became. Every step forward took me away from what I hated most in life. Anwsering to someone else for my living. I put in more time with this game than most do in their day jobs. But its a labour of love. And I can get out of bed when I please. And stop and start my job when I please. If I tell you it works, it works. But it doesn't work playing it the wrong way on the wrong application.

Everything I play and stick with has proven itself to me. I see methods on this forum all the time that I wouldnt even waste my time passing comment to. I already know THEY WILL LOSE. When I see something I know is a standout looks very promising. I will embrace it fully. I wish I authored the REVERSE SLIDE. My starting point the MATRIX SLIDE was the inferior version. Atlantis perfected it. CODE 4 was sublime vision from AMK taking my inferior PATTERN 4 to its ultimate conclusion. ITS A GREAT ONE. I am approaching the dream ticket with it as I write this. I am almost an incredible 1000/1. I never dreamt I would see the day an 80 unit risk could deliver that profit margin. That is AMKS gift to the forum.

My greatest method remains PATTERN BREAKER. It cannot touch the aforementioned two. But it has a very special consistency. For losing only singular games. That makes it priceless. For a buy in of 7 units. It is still a betting miracle. The one unrealized phenom still sitting on this forum is Kattilas PYRAMID concept. I am still proofing it. But its looking as good as the great ones. The only thing I've noticed is it requires more patience to get the triggers. But its way too much for random to break. So I will continue until I have a decent sample of 300 games minumum to report. And it will take its place hopefully alongside my top 4 roulette killers,


Quote from: Hotspot on Sep 02, 05:51 PM 2011
Hi Johnlegend

Very rare I post under someone topic. But when I see something great I do which is very rare to see the truth on forums.

You posted this
Oh I know, and imagine the poor fool who bets 100s of pounds on an RNG. They end up on this forum with their doom and gloom stories. Because somewhere in their warped mind they forgot to remember they were never going to win in the first place. And as I write this post millions of mugs around the globe at this very minute are throwing their money down the drain because they chose speed and greed over intelligent common sense.

You are right Greed Kills Also people are always taking money under the table to get things fixed for the house to win. Everyone here at least 99% would take money under the table.

Nice post John. I never read anything about you but that post is so true.

The Hotspot winwithmath

The Hotspot
Thankyou Hotspot, I an honoured you took the time to pass comment. I can only try to pass on some of my experience and plain common sense. It will fall on deaf ears and blind eyes for the most part as the human mind, slots back into old bad habits.


Quote from: pratikpop on Sep 02, 06:08 PM 2011
man You are just full of experience...great post john...even i think as my lively hood..its 3 at night and i am still testing various methods..i am wholly dedicated towards roulette..but still with 1000 units..can't overcome my poverty
suggest me a good method...and i don't mind even losing those 1000 units only if the method is suggested by u

i trust u blindly mate :)
I am about to sleep my friend. PATTERN BREAKER and DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Are two great low buy in methods. I will PM you tomorrow with how you could play either one and never lose for 60% of your 1000 unit risk. Seriously. I will give you two REAL grails. If you are serious and want to make this game your major bread winner. Without risk. Tomorrow.
