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@ turbo

Started by Steve, Dec 29, 07:00 AM 2016

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Is that real money? Go ahead


Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Jan 10, 08:26 AM 2018However, Turbo's version is NOT one of the better ones.

I love it when a comment like this appears - Nowhere did I post a step by step on what I'm doing. If what "your" doing isn't working, I can assure you that it's not what I'm doing.

Quote from: denzie on Jan 10, 02:09 PM 2018Pls enlighten how TG plays....just to clarify your doing it correct.

Exactly. Which is why he's not getting the results expected.

Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Jan 10, 04:41 PM 2018Compared to Turbo's approach of starting betting from the very first spin , I have found that specifically targeting 2-peaters to become 3-peaters usually gives better results.

This would mean recording, tracking spins - a big no-no. For the record - sitting and waiting, recording and tracking spins is a waste of time for any method of play.

Quote from: Steve on Jan 10, 04:52 PM 2018Anyway let's not go in circles again.

I agree - I didn't bump the thread and said that I was done commenting on it.
I do however feel the need to reply when someone says "I play Turbo's method and it doesn't work" etc - because if it were played properly, it can't and doesn't lose.


Quote from: ozon on Jan 10, 05:24 PM 2018
I can describe how I made 12k units using the TURBO assumptions
I do not know if it was a good way, but unfortunately it stopped at a certain point, later a neutral trend followed and no longer generated a profit.
I started with the first spin

Turbo's method is based on betting from the very first spin of a cycle -- that is its Achilles' heel.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Your first mistake is betting for repeats, back 2 basics since elementary probability is beyond your grasp.

Roughly 66% of all times a number will show up at least once, the numbers with 1 hit have 50-50 chance (minus 0) to stay on 1 hit or repeat for second time.

Why would someone exchange the 66 with the 50% is beyond my understanding, therefore when your basis is weakened by your decision you must NOT expect any such strategy to be long term winner.

At the end, betting for 1 hit to go for 2 is no better than betting Black VS Red, same probability but with increased volatility.
No progression, whether negative or positive, could replace what you don't know, yes, eventually a number hits twice, thrice...etc BUT by that time you could have lost much more, thus rendering progressions obsolete.

Take it back from the beginning because you've missed the 1st step which is fundamental, just remember why LOT means Law Of Thirds!


Only cents. This was test.

After the first spin and play 1 number after 2 nd spin and play 2 numbers after 3 Spin Play 3 numbers. That was max numbers I play.
I play 3 first numbers, so long until the first repeater appears, then i stop betting on  past  numbers, and  start on the repeated  first number, I checked the for next repeater, I did so to the max 3 numbers that were repeaters.
And I did it every time when the hotter level appeared, I stopped playing previous numbers and played this hottest.

The progression I used was positive 1-5-25
I always stopped the sessions when I had a profit
The first level I played to hit, if it was minus after hit and ply secound level ,after hit, was minus play third step, after 3rd hit stop, whether it was a minus or a plus



For sure there is a better way to use hot numbers. There are many variants.
And probably better used progression. That's why it stopped at some point.
I have little time for tests, because lately I focus on forex.
But all the time I'm trying to expand my knowledge about roulette.


Ozon thats kind of blind betting. U wait for those one of the 3 to appear. My suggestion focus on which 3 repeat and which finish with 3 hit in 37. Not look on stage betting but that is bonus


Thanks Madi.
I'll try to think about it.


Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Jan 10, 04:41 PM 2018
Turbo's idea essentially entails betting from spin no. 1 of a cycle and keep betting every number that appears subsequently. He advocates using a positive progression whereby you bet more on numbers that repeat (more on multiple repeaters).

The biggest problem that I have experienced with the above approach is that sometimes (in fact, quite frequently) the first repeater appears well after spin no. 10 or beyond -- and that's when you start getting into a hole (and using a negative progression makes you sink deeper into the hole).  276 in the hole

Compared to Turbo's approach of starting betting from the very first spin , I have found that specifically targeting 2-peaters to become 3-peaters usually gives better results.

I mentioned this to you several months ago on another thread. At that time, you asked me why I stopped at 3-peaters and not go for 4-peaters and beyond.

I have tested 3-peaters going to 4-peaters and 4-peaters going to 5-peaters. My testing has consistently shown that targeting 2-peaters to become 3-peaters seems to be the most fruitful way of exploiting repeaters (or numbers hitting above average).

At least as of today, that has been my experience.

More tinkering with alternate ways of targeting repeaters might lead to a more better approach. That is why researching different ways of betting on repeaters is something that I will keep doing for the foreseeable future.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


I can see a lot of green colour thing. Can u plz explain ur strategy plz


Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 10, 07:15 PM 2018

Your table illustrates the most fundamental problem that I have run into with Turbo's method -- namely, that in many cycles, the first repeater appears well after spin no. 10.

In Turbo's method, you start betting with spin no. 1 -- and then you keep betting EVERY SINGLE number that appears in subsequent spins (along with EVERY ONE of its  PREDECESSORS).

If the repeaters don't come early, you find yourself in a deep hole quite rapidly.

And once the repeaters come, even increasing your amounts on these repeaters (as in a positive progression) does NOT get you out of the hole on a consistent basis (sometimes it does, however, more often than not, it does not).
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: TurboGenius on Jan 10, 05:34 PM 2018
I love it when a comment like this appears - Nowhere did I post a step by step on what I'm doing. If what "your" doing isn't working, I can assure you that it's not what I'm doing.

Exactly. Which is why he's not getting the results expected.

This would mean recording, tracking spins - a big no-no. For the record - sitting and waiting, recording and tracking spins is a waste of time for any method of play.

I agree - I didn't bump the thread and said that I was done commenting on it.
I do however feel the need to reply when someone says "I play Turbo's method and it doesn't work" etc - because if it were played properly, it can't and doesn't lose.
I bump the thread to correct the wrong and re-state what's correct.

I notice that comments posted tend to imply that TG is wrong or lying with his claims. There is more interest in TG the person than the stuff TG wrote that might be useful to improve our own betting especially for most of you system players.

Here is what I do and don't do -

1. Read and understand clearly and exactly what TG wrote.

2. There are plenty of such statements made repeatedly and consistently in his posts made over many years.

3. Don't add to what he wrote.

4. Don't take away any part of what he wrote.

5. Don't brush aside statements that he wrote that seem unimportant, they are not.

6. Don't assume with a bias mind about his writing.

7. Don't prejudge his writing, read with exactness and an open mind.

I gained better understanding in playing hotties after reading winkel, TG, Colbster and Vaddis.

Each one of them has their own strategy which are different. In all cases it happens the same that people tend disprove their strategy than try to learn whatever they can from them. What's worse is to misinterprete them which distorted what they shared to something else that's not connected to what they originally posted.

If you are interested only to improve your own betting knowledge and skill, read the above 4 posters and extract the most fundamental and core approach to their individual strategies. There are weaknesses as well as strengths in each one of them, tabulate strengths and weaknesses in a T table. Discard the weak and adopt the strong.

Here are some examples -

1. Winkel - I use binomial distribution, kolgomorov 'process' and markov 'chain'.

2. TG - bet the hotties (in a nutshell).

3. Vaddis - 8-set numbers.

4. Colbster - bet when the count is favourable.

Each one of them are sharing their individual experience playing the game. They are highlighting the strengths they observed/experienced from years of playing the game. Exploit that for your benefit.

There are plenty such statements made some so obscure and insignificant that they are often glossed over. You just missed important points that will take you years to uncover or discover with your own effort.

I won't go into further details. You put in the work. Ask the right question you might get a response from the OP of whatever strategy depending on how much he intends to share.

The bolded part in TG's comments above summarises all of this.


Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Jan 10, 07:44 PM 2018
In Turbo's method, you start betting with spin no. 1 -- and then you keep betting EVERY SINGLE number that appears in subsequent spins (along with EVERY ONE of its  PREDECESSORS).
TG replied my question directly related to this in notto's thread.


was this Turbo's last attempt on MPR, if its so good on Parx then why not try again?
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision
