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Which online casino is the best + Invincible system to reveal

Started by steven1212, Jan 31, 01:39 PM 2014

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Quote from: RouletteGhost on Sep 24, 11:24 AM 2017
I was talking about original system

A 5 step on 24 numbers wins very often but that one loss will take 240 wins to recover

1. Are you in a rush ?
2. Depends at what point you lose the progression. If you lose it after 239 wins it won’t take long.


Quote from: steven1212 on Sep 24, 11:27 AM 2017
1. Are you in a rush ?
2. Depends at what point you lose the progression. If you lose it after 239 wins it won’t take long.

Always in a rush

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: atlantis on Sep 24, 11:17 AM 2017
Hi Steven,

My thoughts are simply that if you won more days at +80 than you lost at -80 over a month then you would be showing a profit! And not all losses would be the full +80 depending on any profit obtained before the unwelcome loss arrived... :)

However, In your scenario it *could* lose every day all the same. Not necessarily on the first try but sometime during those 80 attempts per day...

Granted not every loss would be the full 80u unless as you said it happened on the very first attempt every day.
But losses are losses and they have to be recouped.

It's difficult to know exactly how many spins you are going to play or bet on either... because a win can come on any of the 4 spins in order to profit by +1. Let's say an avg of 2 spin attempts to gain a win?  = around 160+ betting spins..
I suppose you might get a couple of blow-outs during that!? I never tried it though. :)

Sorry if this is not the sort of answer you wanted.

Tbh, that's the core of the problem that is we never know. I prefer to see hard evidence in the model of real spins at the casino we play at to gain some idea how bad those losses may come at us if it ever do.

That's why I always pursue flatbet MM and if there's progression used there must be solid justification. Then again I weigh each model with a few others to compare their risk adjusted reward. To me the practicality aspect is the most important criteria as in how much the win can be in x hrs of play at x% of risk.


If Steven decides to share what he believes to be invincible with some of you through private message the only word of advice I can give is do not play a progression like that at online casino

In their terms and conditions they ban system players

Also on a long progression it’s a guarantee they will cut the feed

So do airball or something.
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Thanks for the PM about your system, Steven1212.  :thumbsup:

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"

Andre Chass

Quote from: steven1212 on Sep 24, 05:30 AM 2017

I’m going to select a few people in this thread (that I like) and I will give them the opportunity to contact me o Skype or WhatsApp call between today and

The first two people of my choice to reveal my system are Atlantis, and Andre Chass. I’ll add another two or three between now and Tuesday so you have enough testimonies.

If Atlantis and Andre are interested to be part of this trial, pm me and I’ll tell we figure out a time to speak.

Hi Steven! Thank you for choosing me to share the secret! I'm waiting!

Nothing ventured, nothing gained...



Quote from: steven1212 on Sep 24, 12:04 PM 2017
If so, you are meant for failure.

No. I don’t have time in life to spend hours at the roulette wheel

So whether or not you share with me means nothing to me

I already predicted earlier on that this was a big joke and you wouldn’t publicly share

This is a game to you
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Sep 24, 12:05 PM 2017
No. I don’t have time in life to spend hours at the roulette wheel

So whether or not you share with me means nothing to me

I already predicted earlier on that this was a big joke and you wouldn’t publicly share

This is a game to you

Tik tok, in less than 48 hours I will embarrass you in front of everyone here.

Ps. You don’t have time in life to spend hours at The roulette but you have time to spend hours annoying me on a forum. Let me tell you mate, patience is the only required quality to succeed at roulette. It’s more important than intelligence itself. If you don’t acdept it you will never win. Fact.


You expected many of the responses you are getting

Like you wanted it

We are here to talk roulette, not to be lectured to apologize, have patience, and wait. Maybe there’s a forum about patience somewhere
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Chapeau Steven!
Keep the good work up and be gentle to share it with me.


Quote from: steven1212 on Sep 24, 12:08 PM 2017
less than 48 hours I will embarrass you in front of everyone here.

Tuesdays are no good for me....
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins




Welcome to "THE INVINCIBLE ROULETTE SYSTEM" A text adventure.

You stand inside the entrance door to a grand Casino.
Straight ahead to the north is the reception kiosk. To the east is a busy gaming room where you can hear the rattles and clinks of the slots, the cries and murmurs of customers, and easy listening lounge muzak.
Exits lead: north, east and out (back outside)

What now?

A burly security guard appears from the shadows and blocks your movement: "Please show your card at reception, SIr."


You own:
a membership card
a notepad

Enter your command.
>examine card

Card: It's your casino member's card with your personal pin number and signature.

What next?
>go north

You are in front of the reception desk.
A cute receptionist sits behind it.
Exits lead: south to the entrance hall and southeast to the gaming room.

Your move, buddy.
>give card to recptionist

Sorry I don't understand "recptionist".

>oops receptionist

The cute receptionist scans your card, logs you in and hand its back to you.
"Have a good evening, Mr. A."

Please type in your command.

You are in the busy gaming area. A vast pleasantly decorated room with all manner of table games and banks of illuminated slots.
There are some roulette tables to the south. To the northwest is the reception area.
You can see a waitress, a pitboss and a hooker.

The hooker spots you, looks you up and down and begins to approach you...

What do you want me to do next?
>look at notebook

It is a small personal notebook. It contains the text of your "invincible" roulette system.

The hooker says: "Buy me a drink?"

Now what?

Time goes by. Nothing happens...
The pitboss watches you.
The hooker says: "Buy me a drink?"

At your command.
>slap hooker with notepad

Really! Some people.This is a non-violent game.
I'm sorry the game is over. You lost.

Do you want to try again (Y/N)?


Bye then!
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



View Profile  Personal Message (Offline)
« on: Dec 08, 12:41 PM 2015 »
From my last 2 tests and through inspiration from 2 topics (Basics, Random thoughts) I've utilized the left side of my brain to it's full potential in trying to understand how to beat this game of Roulette; using 100% of my brain power I present to to you my new system called The Millionaire's System - it could literally make you one overnight! I'm already several grands in profit just from 1 game!  :love:

Stay tuned whilst I go through another thought experiment on how to proceed with this disclosure! If you are my friend then please make it known now - I already know who most of my enemies are.

Falkor's friends list

Falkor's enemies

Last time someone made a list of people to share with, he ended up having nothing

So this is why you are getting criticized

Understand this is what happens

We have been down this road before

So now only two things will happen

1- you will prove us wrong


2- we are right

Until then you are just full of words and it’s  getting pathetic.
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

