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Are you going to get a coronavirus vaccine? Why?

Started by pepper, Jul 18, 01:25 PM 2020

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Are you going to get a coronavirus vaccine? Why?



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Quote from: Steve on Jul 30, 07:34 AM 2020transhumanism
How do we know there aren't just bots walking among us? Trump could be a bot? I don't think he is, but it is very possible.


There's nothing to reasonably substantiate that.

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Quote from: Steve on Jul 30, 09:23 AM 2020There's nothing to reasonably substantiate that.
There's nothing to reasonably substantiate many of the things that go undetected in our world. Like many of my posts, claiming people and/or spirits and/or aliens are hijacking all my electrical devices and conjuring spirits against me.


Quote from: Steve on Jul 30, 09:23 AM 2020
There's nothing to reasonably substantiate that.

There are levels to this.  Pepper believes w/out a doubt he's being harassed by demons/aliens/psychic vampires.  It's not schizophrenia to him.

Icke believes in reptilians among us.  Dames remote viewed an extinction level Solar Flare that never happened.  The point is each has their own convictions that may not line up with others or eventually blew up in their face but will take their beliefs to the grave. 

As a determinist, fatalist, shit will or will not happen.  It's been like that since before time.  We're just along for the ride.  We always had been if you catch my drift.  The only thing for sure is that entropy wins out in the end. 

Entropy always wins (in case parallel universes exist).

I could be wrong as well but I'm sticking to my guns. 


Quote from: pepper on Jul 30, 10:45 AM 2020There's nothing to reasonably substantiate many of the things that go undetected in our world.

I referring to Donald Trump being a "bot". I'm saying that's mere speculation. I don't know of any information to support that.

You need to be careful with speculation, or you'll discredit verifiable fact - especially for people who are too lazy or unintelligent to know the difference.

As for your claims of evil spirits and the CIA etc, until I have corroborating information, I personally find that hard to believe. I'm not closed to the possibility, but mere possibility is not enough for me. Anyway that's not relevant here.
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Quote from: Moxy on Jul 30, 01:44 PM 2020Entropy always wins (in case parallel universes exist).

If that were true, then why is the universe expanding an an increasing rate?

If energy is neither created nor destroyed, then it's just in a constant state of change. Even when two polar opposites combine, they don't merely cancel each other out. The net effect may read as "0", but remember the energy is still there. It hasn't been destroyed. It's just in a state of balance.

Instead of saying entropy wins, you should say balance wins. In other words, unity wins. Everything at some point comes together.

The question is, what then?  A reset? A big bang?

Too many unanswered questions. But I'm coming to understand the answers arent external, in some distant galaxy. It's actually within, which is how creation works (implosion). But there are explosive forces too, like positive and negative, duality etc.

Either way, maybe leave that for much later. We have more pertinent issues.
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Quote from: Steve on Jul 30, 08:17 PM 2020

Either way, maybe leave that for much later. We have more pertinent issues.

On that note, ex candidate Herman Cain (R) passed.  He was diagnosed back on june 30th after attending a Trump rally few days prior.

It was a mask-free zone free-for-all where he even tweeted about defiantly not wearing a mask.  I think he beat cancer years prior so he didn't have any pre-existing condition presently.  I'm waiting patiently for Trump's spin.

Not to mention he's asking for a moratorium on election night due to safety concerns yet is aggressively pushing for school to be on schedule in the fall, a complete contradiction. 
It confounds me that folks thinks he has more profound endeavors to not lose other than he's facing prosecution post election and he's delaying the inevitable.

Fox has shut down their comment section on YouTube as per usual.  Not looking good on all fronts for the right.


Moxy, vote Biden. He's a star. He'll look out for everyone. I mean his handlers will.
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Quote from: Steve on Jul 30, 08:17 PM 2020
If that were true, then why is the universe expanding an an increasing rate?

Could be us growing smaller, like condensing matter.

Balance and stability is the end game, chaos is the process to get there.

Winners dont use drugs but some drugs are for weeners.
Life is hard, and then you die.
Mes pensées sont le dernier retranchement de ma liberté.


Quote from: Steve on Jul 30, 09:34 PM 2020
Moxy, vote Biden. He's a star. He'll look out for everyone. I mean his handlers will.

I told you I wasn't voting.  I stand by it. 


Quote from: Moxy on Jul 30, 10:05 PM 2020told you I wasn't voting.  I stand by it. 
Not even for Kanye West?


Quote from: Moxy on Jul 30, 08:51 PM 2020Not to mention he's asking for a moratorium on election night due to safety concerns yet is aggressively pushing for school to be on schedule in the fall, a complete contradiction.
There's no contradiction. Children = poor spreaders and extremely low risk. Adults=greater risk.

Even medical experts agree that schools should open. Schools in other countries have stayed open throughout the whole "pandemic" or pandemic without any negative repercussions.


Quote from: pepper on Jul 31, 11:50 AM 2020
There's no contradiction. Children = poor spreaders and extremely low risk. Adults=greater risk.

Even medical experts agree that schools should open. Schools in other countries have stayed open throughout the whole "pandemic" or pandemic without any negative repercussions.

No arguments from me.  Trump wants something even a potus has no say over (to delay polling day) for obvious reasons.  That's how kooky and desperate he is.  If he actually cared he would've mandated masks at his rally as an act of solidarity for all Americans.   Yet he keeps digging deeper desperately trying to appease his low brow voting base.  I respect his dying by the sword, I guess.

USA can get back to some normalcy if nincompoop mandated masks from the get go but instead politicized it by going against left leaning sentiment of erring on the side of caution and caused a public figure's death. 

He still addressed it the "chinese" virus which killed Herman Cain which doesn't help his cause any more in this age of "woke" culture in the court of p.o.


Moxy, where do you think the USA would be if potus listened to fauci and the democrats who attacked him for forbidding travel from china? The democrats called him racist, and some even encouraged pepple to hug Chinese people to show support because trump was "racist"

You watch too much CNN.
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