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@ turbo

Started by Steve, Dec 29, 07:00 AM 2016

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Quote from: fossell on Feb 28, 01:02 PM 2018
So to condense things if I may, for your readers:

You're playing 1/5/25 units on 'all' 2/3/4's respectively, within 37/38 spins.
You always reset on a new high balance.

Your removal process isn't quite clear. What do you do with 2s and 3s and 4s if they start to drop out of your 'last' 37 spins without having hit and provided a new high balance?

Betting 'every' 2/3/4 will eventually land you with a 'lot' of bets on the table.

Every 37 spin count has approx 10 x 2s â€" 1-3 x 3s â€" 0-2 x 4s.
If you're covering them all and still not at a new high balance you will be 'relying' on 4's (25units) to bring you back to profit.

If you're also betting 'multiple' top level (25 units) for essentially 4's to become 5's from spin 37-74, thats also going to get costly. You are essentially relying on clusters of hi-level stakes to hit and bring you back to profit.
And as often as that does happen, when it doesn't your BR will have quite a dent.

The basic are there though. And a removal process makes sense.
I know what you Mean, and Yes you can Have many numbers at play, but not that many 25s because of the removal System. Because once a numbers hits, and it didn't repeats itself in the last 37 spins it will be remove. And once a 25s does hit it wil also be remove or brought Back to Life with 1 unit if it did repeaters it self in the last 25 spins. I had 9 25s once on board and had No trouble to come out possitive.


Just ask yourself this : which hotties make money ? The ones that hit fast. Not the ones with a 20 spin gap.

By selecting those you dont play that many #.

How Long to keep going on those # ? If they aint hitting fast enough ditch them coz they could go cold any time.

By doing this you only play the hotties that actually profit enough to push the br up.

As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: denzie on Feb 28, 01:30 PM 2018
Just ask yourself this : which hotties make money ? The ones that hit fast. Not the ones with a 20 spin gap.

By selecting those you dont play that many #.

How Long to keep going on those # ? If they aint hitting fast enough ditch them coz they could go cold any time.

By doing this you only play the hotties that actually profit enough to push the br up.
Thanks for the feedback, it makes indeed sense. Now only calculatie how we do that, once a repeater hits, how Long should we Keep it to Hope that it will hit again in a few spins. Well at least i'm on the Right track.


Maybe play only the repeaters that repeater themself in the last 18 spins, and Dutch them after No show in 18 spins, or something like that. And when they hit again in 18 spins, we raise the hitted one with the progression 1/5/25. Or i'm i wrong den?


Have you looked at e-mail, bet every spin not lost yet, the part you got to get is which progression.

Bigmoney you've been given prog's of 1,5,25  think 1,2,4,8  and then theres the slow and easy 1,2,3,4,5 - if you get taken to 3 cycles which prog is likely to still be in the game.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


A little while back i started going for hotties, told of wifey mucking up my game and blew 10000, got back up to 25000, and blew the lot using 1,5,25, 50, 100, 100 on just 4 hot #'s.
Now on MPR can not get any where with 1,5,25 even Turbo said he wont play there and said Steve knows why, but slow 1,2,3, ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ? betting every spin can win, but its slow.
With to many crashes today i'm dumping MPR and going to R-Simulator which just dont crash. The crashes just cost as to try and relay the #'s being played was impossible.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


So i need to drop the 1/5/25 progression?


Jek, Denzie et al

I'm sure Turbo stated somewhere that his method works flat-bet.
Yes he says an 'aggressive progression' wins more, but it is probably more volatile.
So if we test our ideas in flat-bet mode, if we are on the right track it should show profit.
And it would keep things simple for testing.
Could someone, (ideally Turbo) verify this?


Quote from: daveylibra on Feb 28, 02:51 PM 2018
Jek, Denzie et al

I'm sure Turbo stated somewhere that his method works flat-bet.
Yes he says an 'aggressive progression' wins more, but it is probably more volatile.
So if we test our ideas in flat-bet mode, if we are on the right track it should show profit.
And it would keep things simple for testing.
Could someone, (ideally Turbo) verify this?
Yes i know and i do play flat bet, only progression i use is when a number hits when in play. Every new repeater Comes in i play flat bet with 1u All the Time. But Yeah, 1/5/25 maybe isn't the way. Maybe a 1/2/4 or a 1/3/9 is saver.


QuoteTurbo said he wont play there and said Steve knows why,

i would love to know why...if Steve knows....Steve would you be so kind to let us stupid players know...tooo...or Turbo

Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


I think that TURBO has for some time been playing a more mild progression
5or6 step 1-2-4-8-16-32
For me, the unknown is practically only how many spins to play our number.
We know that we choose those with small gaps.


Quote from: ozon on Feb 28, 03:54 PM 2018
I think that TURBO has for some time been playing a more mild progression
5or6 step 1-2-4-8-16-32
For me, the unknown is practically only how many spins to play our number.
We know that we choose those with small gaps.
I think this Will Always remain a mystery, because i think l that that's the key to this Holly grail method.
1. Wich progression to use.
2. How to use the progression.
3. Max Gap between repeating numbers. When to drop what to drop.

I think we need to figure that out ourselfs, because we are not getting that kind of informatie from Turbo or Steve. But that's Fine, i Have some 50+ years if i'm Lucky  :smile:


Quote from: maestro on Feb 28, 03:49 PM 2018Turbo said he wont play there and said Steve knows why,

Yeah he said I would know, but actually I don't. I'm just assuming he's concerned I would steal his system because the software logs bets and wins... just like any casino does. I added the log to test for bugs and catch cheats. Reverse engineering a system from raw logs would be difficult. So anyway, now Turbo opts for proving his system on a website where his exact sessions are recorded and can be replayed as a video. That's better for keeping system system secret  ::)

It has been said before. Turbo had a serious account and test account. He explained this to me when he created two accounts. Both accounts ended up with win/loss ratios as expected.

Quote from: nottophammer on Feb 28, 02:37 PM 2018With to many crashes today i'm dumping MPR and going to R-Simulator which just dont crash. The crashes just cost as to try and relay the #'s being played was impossible.

No surprise considering your low win rate. You've been told your connection lag is not a crash. You ignore it. You need an excuse for the win rate. But nevermind, like i said, everyone seems to do well on roulette-simulator, just like real casinos.
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This thread is running as hell without an end.
You still waiting for the HG and turbo keeping it under his pillow.

I suggest to ban him unless he shares!


A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Quote from: Steve on Feb 28, 04:53 PM 2018
Yeah he said I would know, but actually I don't. I'm just assuming he's concerned I would steal his system because the software logs bets and wins... just like any casino does. I added the log to test for bugs and catch cheats. Reverse engineering a system from raw logs would be difficult. So anyway, now Turbo opts for proving his system on a website where his exact sessions are recorded and can be replayed as a video. That's better for keeping system system secret  ::)

It has been said before. Turbo had a serious account and test account. He explained this to me when he created two accounts. Both accounts ended up with win/loss ratios as expected.

No surprise considering your low win rate. You've been told your connection lag is not a crash. You ignore it. You need an excuse for the win rate. But nevermind, like i said, everyone seems to do well on roulette-simulator, just like real casinos.

Still keeping the ol' dog and pony show running till who knows...
