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KTF's cousin named WTF (if everyone agrees)

Started by NextYear, Mar 19, 02:42 AM 2016

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Quote from: Celticknits on Mar 19, 09:02 PM 2016

Very interesting second game.

Note after that third hit on the 8 at spin #14 I reset to the spin following the first occurance of the 8 which is spin #8.
I made this decision because I did not like the fact that 21.4% of the first 14 spins were repeats and also the same number repeat.
As Azim and Winkel and Notto have said this is personal thinking and can not be taught but rather learned over time.
After the next 10 spins we now have 9/10
Another 10 spins and we have a count of 7+2

Here is the payout sheet for Game #2 19Mar16 as I would have played it.


Really interesting to read about the reset. Is this also called jump? Or is that something else?


Quote from: Celticknits on Mar 19, 10:29 PM 2016

Last but not least Game #3 analysis

Interesting that I had to do a reset just like the last game because of a triple hit on one number so early in the sequence.
I take it this is all RNG.
If my B&M wheel acted like this I would look for another casino.

Anyways, here is the payout sheet for game #3 as I would have played it.


Yes that is correct this is all RNG. It behaves really much different than a wheel. Much more harder to play  :ooh:

Yes really interesting and impressive with this reset. I mean 9+4 that is really good count!!

Thanks that you went through my number. I learn a lot when you does this..

Will be interesting to see your plays in the future...


Quote from: nextyear on Mar 19, 05:26 PM 2016
Thanks Tuddi, you elaborate it nicely!
Thanks for your kind words, I almost missed your post...
Thanks for creating this thread will be really educational!


Quote from: tuddilue on Mar 20, 01:10 AM 2016
Really interesting to read about the reset. Is this also called jump? Or is that something else?

I believe so.
I did see the jump mentioned in Winkels posts but never described.
Probably in one of the deleted ones.
Maybe Notto van clarify this.

'Sometimes it is best to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt'


Quote from: tuddilue on Mar 20, 01:14 AM 2016

Yes really interesting and impressive with this reset. I mean 9+4 that is really good count!!

That is why I went for 5 wins instead of the normal 3 or 4 I would usually go for.

'Sometimes it is best to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt'


Quote from: tuddilue on Mar 20, 01:08 AM 2016
Maybe it doesn't show so well but I use 1 unit. My intension where never to publish them so they are not so beautifully sorry for that..

Thanks really interesting to read! I understand why you start earlier. For me I'm learning...

Ok that is something I have to add to my game, that not betting on a number that has hit 3 times...

I think I understand now.
You seem to be showing your total wins and not the betting stake on the sheets.
We all have our own ways of logging.
All good.

'Sometimes it is best to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt'


Quote from: Celticknits on Mar 20, 02:04 AM 2016
I believe so.
I did see the jump mentioned in Winkels posts but never described.
Probably in one of the deleted ones.
Maybe Notto van clarify this.

Yes and I saw in the extension thread. I did not know that you can do it after 3 repeats on the same number. Really interesting approach..


Quote from: Celticknits on Mar 20, 02:19 AM 2016
I think I understand now.
You seem to be showing your total wins and not the betting stake on the sheets.
We all have our own ways of logging.
All good.

Yes that is correct I did not think of explaining that sorry. Yes we all have  :wink:


Hello everyone. I have been following KTF for a while now,  and I'm finding it absolutely amazing.  I was looking for a long time for a method using the law of the Third,  and this looks like it's the one!!    

Although I find it simply amazing, KTF is not for me because of a few things that doesn't go with the way I play roulette, like the big drawdowns and the lack of control on when you start betting.

I have tried to understand the trot, but even after reading and re-reading GUT and KTF threads, I still don't get it. I don't get those 7+2, 5-1, 15+3, etc…. Are they simply a fancy way of saying something like: first column got 5 unhit and 5 repeats, or something like that?

So here is the way I do it.

I wait for the first 20 spins. If I have equal or less than 4 repeats in the first 20 spins, I start betting on the 21st spins all the numbers that have come up on the first 20 spins, with a +1 -1 progression. I end the session on the first hit or if I am at a higher high and restart another session.

Here is the way I see it: The law of the third state that in 37 spins, around 12 numbers should be repeats. After 20 spins, there are 17 spins to go. If there were 4 repeats in the first 20 spins, that means that there are 8 numbers left to repeat. Since there is 17 spins to go, then half of them should be repeats.

So far, no lost sessions on RNG.

Let me know if I am right, if I missed something or if there is a more efficient way I could do this.

To everybody that think that it is impossible: Please get out of the the way of those who are trying.


Hello SimonZed1,

Does it mean you bet on all the first 20 numbers, single hit plus repeat numbers?

If the 21st spin is a loss, do you add this number to the first 20 above?

Thanks and best regards.


(correction to the above post)

Hello SimonZed1,

Does it mean you bet on all the numbers in the first 20 spins, single hit plus repeat numbers?

If the 21st spin is a loss, do you add this number to the numbers you are already betting?

Thanks and best regards.


Quote from: SimonZed1 on Mar 20, 07:35 AM 2016
Hello everyone. I have been following KTF for a while now,  and I'm finding it absolutely amazing.  I was looking for a long time for a method using the law of the Third,  and this looks like it's the one!!    

Although I find it simply amazing, KTF is not for me because of a few things that doesn't go with the way I play roulette, like the big drawdowns and the lack of control on when you start betting.

I have tried to understand the trot, but even after reading and re-reading GUT and KTF threads, I still don't get it. I don't get those 7+2, 5-1, 15+3, etc…. Are they simply a fancy way of saying something like: first column got 5 unhit and 5 repeats, or something like that?
Hi SimonZed1!
I will try to explain the trot that you had question about.
If you read my post about One hit wonder you will see the average. So this is to describe the average of all the unhits that has hit.
So I will try to explain your numbers:
7+2, average is 5+0 on 10 numbers. So for example spin 11-20 and you have 7+2. That means that you have 2 more than average that is 5 unhits.
5-1, I think it should be 4-1, that is 1 under average 5.
15+3 is another way to say that you have 15 unhits hit and 3 repeats. So in this case you know that 2 repeats will come because the average for repeats is also 5. Hope this explains more?
This is really good explained in the KTF and these numbers come from notto and celtic. So yes this describes the trot.

Hope it helps. If not just ask more questions!

Thanks for how you are playing, really intersting aproach!


Quote from: tuddilue on Mar 20, 11:09 AM 2016
7+2, average is 5+0 on 10 numbers. So for example spin 11-20 and you have 7+2. That means that you have 2 more than average that is 5 unhits.
5-1, I think it should be 4-1, that is 1 under average 5.
15+3 is another way to say that you have 15 unhits hit and 3 repeats. So in this case you know that 2 repeats

Tuddi, you are right with 5-1, it should read 4-1.
Also 15+3 is 18+3 after 30 spins.


Quote from: nextyear on Mar 20, 11:58 AM 2016
Tuddi, you are right with 5-1, it should read 4-1.
Also 15+3 is 18+3 after 30 spins.
Thanks @nextyear!
Yes I think easiest way to learn this is to read the KTF thread and analysis the sheets. Nottophammer and Celticknits has done an excellent job explaining this..


Quote from: Celticknits on Mar 20, 02:04 AM 2016
I believe so.
I did see the jump mentioned in Winkels posts but never described.
Probably in one of the deleted ones.
Maybe Notto van clarify this.


Here is what Winkel said about jumping.

Re: The Holy Gral or G.U.T the Great Universal Theory
« Reply #124 on: August 23, 2008, 02:09:53 PM »
Quote from: Boo_Ray on August 23, 2008, 01:51:50 PM
I know, I believe you, I just want to have idea how much win/loss per season is it good

I have another question,... Is it better to use 0x 1x 2x 3x 4x thatn just 0x 1x <1

In roulette you can't win a fortune. The "Grail" has to be defined as "Not loosing and keeping your starting-bankroll alive"
I play this for 2 years on lasseters with starting bankroll of 50 Euros. this bankroll has been saved and never ever been touched again. From the winnings I formed a second bankroll with which I play. I don't balance every game. Sometimes I serve the gambler in me and bet senseless like hell till my bankroll is down to minimum 50Euros.

Your Question:
If you prefer short games which don#t get to complicated with crossings just bet 50-60 Spins.
As you see the earliest Start is after the 19th spin. (Because you need min. 18 spins to get the first crossing of 19-18. which is not recommended to play.
So if you decide that the numbers you are playing show no good crossings just start it over using the last 19 spins.

Do you play like that you only need to watch these crossings

0 vs 1
1 vs >1
0 vs >1
1 vs 2

or in another Treminology
R vs N
N vs F(all)
R vs F(all)
N vs F2

With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.
